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Everything posted by Cogar69

  1. Thanks ethne!!:ok: Works fine on Vista 64 and it's even fixed my CTD's! :dancehead:
  2. Yes I did try them but the same thing was happening(used Driver Cleaner Pro as well). I've since upgraded to the new Nvidia 191.00 and all seems to be okay so far!
  3. That is happening to me also Bushlurker & Majik on Vista 64. The GPU temp sits between 72 And 75
  4. Cogar69

    ArmA2 crashing my computer

    I have a 9800 as well and updating to the new drivers is causing the nvlddmkm.sys error again. It comes and goes with each new driver and Nvidia always seem to blame something else other than their programming. For the life of me, I wish I had written down which drivers were stable but I didn't so I'm getting the CTD quite often now. Funnily enough, it happened right before this post and I wasn't even playing a game as it was on screen saver mode. Ps. Have you checked your "Event Viewer"?
  5. Yup...those trees are game killers!:mad:
  6. Most likely it's your graphics driver. Try the beta driver from Guru3d or revert to an older driver.
  7. Cogar69

    Arma 2 - Female Characters?

    Sorry..but I had to laugh...all you need is to add boobs :p ...but in reality..all you need is a female civilians body morphed into the coding of a males body animations. "new animations for each posture, movement and weapon types."...:confused:...why?
  8. Cogar69

    Arma 2 - Female Characters?

    :pet5: I just wish my girlfriend was more like you Vampire1994...I would love to have her by my side fighting against the enemy! Let's hope Arma2 gets patched for the females as I can't see why they can't have a customised body like we have customised faces!
  9. Cogar69

    Crashing when saving.

    I'll be putting this in a couple of posts.... I too have had problems in the Manhattan mission after trying different methods/ways of accomplishing the objectives but to no avail. I was sick of the constant CTD's when saving and finally gave up after I had originally completed all objectives. The only thing that saved me from losing my hair... The old OFP trick...Hold down left Shift and press Numpad - (minus)....then type in endmission. Also have you tried....Ctrl+Alt+Delete to bring up the Task Manager?
  10. Cogar69

    Crashing in SP campaign

    I'll be putting this in a couple of posts.... I too have had problems in the Manhattan mission after trying different methods/ways of accomplishing the objectives but to no avail. I was sick of the constant CTD's when saving and finally gave up after I had originally completed all objectives. The only thing that saved me from losing my hair... The old OFP trick...Hold down left Shift and press Numpad - (minus)....then type in endmission.
  11. Cogar69

    Corrupt Savegame

    I'll be putting this in a couple of posts.... I too have had problems in the Manhattan mission after trying different methods/ways of accomplishing the objectives but to no avail. I was sick of the constant CTD's when saving and finally gave up after I had originally completed all objectives. The only thing that saved me from losing my hair... The old OFP trick...Hold down left Shift and press Numpad - (minus)....then type in endmission.