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Everything posted by Cyborg11

  1. He used the command setMarkerColor :)
  2. Works too :D > 100kb (610 kb) http://www.armaholic.com/forums.php?m=posts&q=6880
  3. Try this for your Trigger: Cond: !(alive player) Deact: setmarkercolor green; vybordown = 1; publicVariable vybordown; hint "Vybor Done";
  4. Does anyone know that? Can I do this with the module?
  5. Solution: Write this in the init from all your playable units: this addEventHandler ["killed", {_this execVM "respawn_player.sqf";}]; respawn_player.sqf: sleep playerRespawnTime; player exec "briefing.sqs"; But if you want that this works, you must create your Briefing in a seperate file :) And I don't know if a task is marked as succeeded when it's done but the player spawns again.
  6. Cyborg11

    Ambient Combat Module

    You can get a lot of control over ACM :) Copy this in your init.sqf and change the values if you want :) waitUntil {!isNil {BIS_ACM getVariable "initDone"}}; waitUntil {BIS_ACM getVariable "initDone"}; //Sets frequency and number of patrols (0-1). BIS_ACM is module name [1, BIS_ACM] call BIS_ACM_setIntensityFunc; //min max spawn distance [bIS_ACM, 300, 600] call BIS_ACM_setSpawnDistanceFunc; //factions to be spawned [["RU","USMC"], BIS_ACM] call BIS_ACM_setFactionsFunc; //Skill range for spawned units [0, 0.6, BIS_ACM] call BIS_ACM_setSkillFunc; //Amount of ammo spawned units possess [0.2, 0.5, BIS_ACM] call BIS_ACM_setAmmoFunc; //Type of patrol. With 0 meaning no chance of appearing, and 1 meaning 100% chance. -1 removes patrol type completely. ["ground_patrol", 1, BIS_ACM] call BIS_ACM_setTypeChanceFunc; ["air_patrol", 1, BIS_ACM] call BIS_ACM_setTypeChanceFunc;
  7. Cyborg11

    Ambient Combat Module

    He created a new folder called "scripts" :D
  8. ACM is working. Tested it with other players on my own local server. I did not created any enemys, only the ACM Logic. And ingame the OPFOR attacked us with two hinds and two BRDMs.
  9. Addon works nice :) Thanks for the script armatech :> First test to make it driveable :)