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Everything posted by Cyborg11

  1. Thanks rstratton! You pointed me into the right direction.
  2. Cyborg11

    ArmA 2 Retail, OA Steam

    Look at this thread.
  3. Cyborg11


    Can I play the campaign in Coop with my friend or is it only a singleplayer campaign?
  4. Cyborg11

    Would you like ToH features in ARMA2+OA

    Yes I want this of course!
  5. Wrote a new script :D With this script you can change the uniform :) Script: /* ====================================================================================== by Cyborg11 Version: 1.02 @ 08.01.2010 Parameters: unit addAction ["Change Uniform", "uniformchange.sqf", [newunit,side]]; _unit = unit which gets the action to change the uniform _newunit = classname of the new unit _side = side of the new unit Example: this addAction ["Change uniform", "uniformchange.sqf", ["GUE_Soldier_1",guerr]]; Example 2: player addAction ["Change uniform", "uniformchange.sqf", ["FR_GL",west,true]]; The new unit has the same weapons, magazines and the same name as the old unit ======================================================================================= */ // Variables _unit = _this select 1; // old unit _action = _this select 2; // action id _sideold = side _unit; // side of old unit _type = typeOf _unit; // classname of old unit _posunit = getPos _unit; // position of the old unit _VarName = (vehicleVarName _unit); // Editorname of the old unit _array = _this select 3; // the new soldier array => ["FR_GL",west] _newunit = _array select 0; // classname of the new unit _side = _array select 1; // side of the new unit _exit = _array select 2; // if set to true the script will exit _weapons = ((weapons _unit) - (items _unit)); // weapons of the old unit _primweap = primaryWeapon _unit; // primaryWeapon of the old unit _magazines = magazines _unit; // magazines of the old unit _unit setPos [0,0,0]; // teleport the old unit to [0,0,0] titleText ["Changing uniform ...", "BLACK FADED"]; // Black Screen _unit removeAction _action; // Create the new unit _uniform = group _unit createUnit [_newunit, _posunit, [], 0, "NONE"]; setPlayable _uniform; sleep 0.5; If (!isnil ("_uniform")) then {selectPlayer _uniform}; // New Unit gets the sames weapons as the old unit removeAllWeapons _uniform; {_uniform addMagazine _x} forEach _magazines; {_uniform addWeapon _x} forEach _weapons; // Select the primaryWeapon _uniform selectWeapon _primweap; // Fix for weapons with grenade launcher _muzzles = getArray(configFile>>"cfgWeapons" >> _primweap >> "muzzles"); _uniform selectWeapon (_muzzles select 0); sleep 0.2; deleteVehicle _unit; // delete old unit sleep 1; titleText [" ", "BLACK IN"]; // delete Black Screen _uniform SetVehicleVarName _VarName; _uniform call Compile Format ["%1=_This ; PublicVariable ""%1""",_VarName]; If (!isNil ("_exit") && _exit) exitWith{}; _uniform addAction ["Change uniform", "uniformchange.sqf", [_type,_side,true], 0, false, false, ""]; //hint format ["Unit: %1\nType: %2\nPosUnit: %3\nArray: %4\nNewUnit: %5\nSide: %6\nVarNameOld: %7\nVarNameNew: %8",_unit,_type,_posunit,_array,_newunit,_side,_VarName,(vehicleVarName _uniform)];
  6. Yes, you have to configure your new virtual joystick :P Run the script, go ingame, go to your aircraft analogue throttle and press Q/Z till you see your PPJoy virtual axis. After that remove your Q/Z button. :D
  7. You have to enable the test mode and then you can install PPJoy. You can't disable the test mode otherwise PPJoy won't work anymore. In my GlovePIE: Zoom with your Mousewheel is a tutorial :)
  8. Here is the GlovePIE script: if (!var.init) PPJoy1.Analog0 = 0 var.init = true endif if (Key.Q) PPJoy1.Analog0 = PPJoy1.Analog0 + 0.1 Wait 200ms endif if (Key.Z) if (PPJoy1.Analog0 > 0) PPJoy1.Analog0 = PPJoy1.Analog0 - 0.1 endif Wait 200ms endif debug = PPJoy1.Analog0 If you want I can add shortcuts for the throttle: - Shift + 1 : 10% - Shift + 2 : 20% - ... - Shift + 0 : 100% Or some other key combinations :)
  9. I don't know if you can do that with mapping your Q / Z button to an axis :) I can write you a GlovePIE script that does exactly what you want. :cool:
  10. If you don't have a script till tomorrow I'll write one for you. :cool:
  11. Virtual Joystick (PPJoy) axis which increases by 0.1 or decreases by 0.1 if you press Q / Y :) Not very hard to do this.
  12. Description: by Cyborg11 & kju Now you can see other players reloading! This is a client-side only addon. All clients need to have this addon. Otherwise the clients that are missing the addon can't see other players reloading and the other players can't see that they are reloading. Known Issues: • When a player reloads the magazine is still visible in the weapon • If you reload with the reload action in the action menu other players can't see you reloading. You have to press the reload button. Changelog: version 1.1Fixed: You hear the reloading sound from another player Fixed: Addon works after Respawn and on Dedicated Server now [*]version 1.0 first public release Signed: Yes - with CYBP.bikey Download: CYBP_BroadcastReloadingAnimationFixMP.7z Required Addons: CBA Online Readme: ReloadingAnimationFix.pdf
  13. Cyborg11

    Wind blow

    With setWind :)
  14. Cyborg11

    ArmA II Stargate Mod

    Try this link :cool:
  15. Did I miss something or haven't you finished the teaser? :p
  16. It seems that many missed it. No one wrote something since the release of v1.1 :o
  17. Did you unpack and repack the tracked2.pbo? Changed you something? Simpliest solution to this problem is to reinstall the game. :)
  18. Cyborg11

    A fix for Full Axis throttle mapping

    I don't think I can do it better :( if (!var.init) var.sensitivity = 1 var.test = 0 var.init = true endif var.deltaX = Joystick.X - var.lastX var.lastX = Joystick.x var.deltaY = Joystick.Y - var.lastY var.lastY = Joystick.y var.keyTrim = Keyboard.b if (var.keyTrim) PPJoy1.y = 0 PPJoy1.x = 0 else // if (var.deltaX == 0) // PPJoy1.x = Joystick.x // endif if (var.deltaX > 0) if (Joystick.x > 0) PPjoy1.x = Joystick.x * var.sensitivity endif if (Joystick.x < 0) PPJoy1.x = -Joystick.x * var.sensitivity endif endif if (var.deltaX < 0) if (Joystick.x > 0) PPjoy1.x = -Joystick.x * var.sensitivity endif if (Joystick.x < 0) PPJoy1.x = Joystick.x * var.sensitivity endif endif // if (var.deltaY == 0) // PPJoy1.y = 0 // endif if (var.deltaY > 0) if (Joystick.y > 0) PPjoy1.y = Joystick.y * var.sensitivity endif if (Joystick.y < 0) PPJoy1.y = -Joystick.y * var.sensitivity endif endif if (var.deltaY < 0) if (Joystick.y > 0) PPjoy1.y = -Joystick.y * var.sensitivity endif if (Joystick.y < 0) PPJoy1.y = Joystick.y * var.sensitivity endif endif endif debug = "KeyTrim: " + var.keyTrim + " JoystickX: " + Joystick.X + " lastX: " + var.lastX + " PPJoyX: " + PPJoy1.X + " DeltaX: " + var.deltaX + " JoystickY: " + Joystick.Y + " lastY: " + var.lastY + " PPJoyY: " + PPJoy1.y + " DeltaY: " + var.deltaY
  19. Cyborg11

    Changing language type

    The german language is locked in ArmA 2. Either you buy OA to change the language of Combined Operations to English or you use the language mod only on a few servers ;)
  20. It is required for ArmA 2 and for OA until BIS fixes the gestures in MP ;)
  21. Cyborg11

    Airport Template

    Downloading the required addons now :) Do you recommend a big island for your airport? :)
  22. => http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/createVehicle_array
  23. Cyborg11

    Faulty AV-8B controls

    Without any changes you can't take off vertically in ArmA 2 :p