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Everything posted by mugaben

  1. mugaben

    Sattelite pictures

    @Exikutioner Looks nice! @rhaggan Yup, exactly.
  2. Sounds freaking awesome. Is it ALICE compatible? :)
  3. Awesome! Thanks alot, this is a huge help for anyone who is starting up in 3D work including me. Good job, looking forward to the remaining video('s) ..and why do I suddently get the feeling that the 3d moddeling is the easy part when making addons for arma! :-)
  4. Man that looks great! Cant wait to get this for my map. Keep up the good work, youre making a really slow progress in map making so much faster and easier with the old tool, and now this :)
  5. mugaben

    Format c:

    I did it the bushlurker way and that did the trick. My parameters where fine, they get saved with the mapfile (.pew)
  6. Hi guys. After having a break at map making and af few harddisk wipes of my main drive, Ive decided to continue on my map. My ArmaWork folder is on another drive of course. But after importing sat/mask, and then starting up buldozer the box where it usually compresses the masks (or whatever it does) this box just quickly scrolls through with alot of "----------------------------" lines like that. After it finishes, buldozer can offcourse not find textures and shows a grey sat. Before I do anything that messes up my armawork completely I wanna hear you guys what the problem could be. (Its been a while since ive started the thing up, and im in doubt that I will ever get it working if I have to find out how to start it all up again)
  7. mugaben

    Format c:

    Damn. I was hoping for some quick solution like "Its this file!". I guess Ill have to try it the hard way some time, thanks bush.
  8. Just wanted to let you guys know im still working on the map. Had a minor arma-block where I couldnt stand the game, but my interest in making the map is coming back :)
  9. Yeah I agree. I wasnt sure on this, but thats also what I've seen and read most places.
  10. And you know this how? As Ive read on several mil-forums from and about russias army, they are still being used and have been for a long time. Russia has a big army. They dont just say "Today, we throw every working ak74 away and replace them with ak74m / 107's". It takes a long time to replace a weapon, longer when you have so many variants in operation. As far as the "impression-ratio" for this mod: (VDV airborne still prefers to use ak74M with folding stock as far as I know, and I think this is one of the few units where you would find the most consistency in weapons due to the parajump demands). Other than that, take a look at the newest photos from Dagestan etc you can find.. I rarely see the same weapon twice on the same photo. Best thing you could do in my opinion is not to be afraid of making a little variation in the weapons on the soldiers. When thats said, It doesnt make a huge difference - thats what ammo crates are for! As The Guy says, BIS AK107 is probably fine if you wanna make it 'standalone'. However, I still think most russian guys or fanatics or whatever you will call them/us prefers older weapons like ak74 / ak74m :-D Most optimal thing you could do is to make a config for ACE users, and Standalone users. :) Note: Ive only seen parade photos where a whole unit is using the same AK and uniforms. I have never seen this in combat photos. Never, and ive seen alot!
  11. mugaben

    Patrol Operations 2

    Sounds really interesting! Is it possible to change so that the playing side are opfor, and the enemy is (GUE)rilla? If so, how? Ive tried a bit of different things but I never managed to get it working completely.
  12. Should I read this as if TvT works on the newest official MSO? Im part of a Russian Side team and we are dying to get MSO working as Opfor side, working together with US against the bad GUE. (Wait whaaat..) No, seriously. :rolleyes:
  13. mugaben

    MCC Sandbox - The Mod

    MCC Has some respawn functions and what not, if I remember it correctly. Will this interfere with whatever settings the mission allready is using? (MSO, ACE revives etc)
  14. mugaben

    Setting the angle

    This. Only solution I know of so far. Works fine for me
  15. Weee raven. Congrats on the permissions
  16. -Used the WICT MP folder. -Followed the tutorial (1-2-3 steps) on the WICT website -Made a russian MVD guy as player and called him p_1 Bugs: Clouds moves really really fast over the skies and time goes crazy fast. This magically dissapeared. I have no Idea of what i did to change it. "Reinforcements are coming!" and a few C130's drops HMMWV's and US trucks down on my pos, and I get a few AI dudes under my command. I found this under loader.sqf and deleted it. No matter what, it keeps saying that neither side has no bases, and Ive followed the tutorials.. I give up on this tool, and I guess the owner did too :)
  17. Thanks Stagler. We are actually using your fine Chechen Rebels as targets on the map when testing. Great combination! :-)
  18. Thanks CameronMcDonald :) Glad you noticed! Most shadows, lightpoles as you said and anything else that shouldnt be there, gives me a more realistic view of what should be there when placing objects. When the objects part is done it will go through photoshop to remove any shadows that arma isnt making on its own. But its a slow progress, it has to wait until im done with most stuff :( Now to the map progress. So far, its been 100% one sattelite area. Ive been fooling around and have tried to merge another sattelite from the area, onto the existing one. I succeded okay I think, wow its hard to get roads to fit another road on to different sattelites ;) The reason is that on the original everything remains fairly flat. A fellow teammate asked me if I couldnt make a mountain chain. And I must admit I got bored of doing the same things all through the map and besides, alot of movies from chechnya shows me alot of mountains. He wanted it bigger than ive made it allready but I think that will be to violent and not fit into the rest of the region. Mountain (early. Really early picture) And some new ingame photos In game small lake Cruising around in BMD Making a mess out of an old T34
  19. Nice to hear McNools! Andy Mcnab You are welcome to create many more walkable buildings than arma is offering (and that fits the region) Edit: Note that this isnt the city of Grozny. Its the country site outsite of grozny. Where theres buildings on the satmap, theres buildings on this map!
  20. Thank you. So, I tried with foliferous trees from A2AO instead through the remapping. It looks so good, but turned out to be to laggy. The AO trees must have a higher poly count or whatever makes it more detailed I cant remember. I think Ill stick with the pine trees for now, they seem to have a better performance. And allthough they arent realistic to this region I still think they can be used. I might do a 50/50 split another day and see how it turns out.