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Posts posted by burdy

  1. 12 hours ago, Rydygier said:

    RydHQ_RDChance = 100 – chance (in percent) of choosing by each resting/withdrawn group as its destination area position marked by RydHQ_RestDecoy empty trigger;


    That would be the closest solution possible without editing scripts. By placing an empty, ellipsoidal trigger named RydHQ(letter)_RestDecoy you may decide, where such groups will be sent to rest. Not exactly treating as normal group, but I see nothing better. 


    manual again:


    Additionally user has to his disposal three (per each Leader) special empty trigger objects, so called “decoys” for idle (except support), land support and resting missions (see 5.6.8, 5.6.10 and 5.6.11). Depending on their settings idle, support (when idle) or resting groups will choose marked by this triggers areas as mission destination areas for sure or with some probability. Simply on the map may be placed in chosen spot a trigger and named RydHQ_IdleDecoy, RydHQ_SupportDecoyorRydHQ_RestDecoy. Chance of choosing marked such way areas by each relevant group can be customized via init variables (RydHQ_IDChance, RydHQ_SDChanceandRydHQ_RDChancesee chapter“Config Variables”), that by default are equal to 100 (percent). Bigger of the trigger’s axis (recommended are same values for both axis, must greater than 0) will determine max placement distance in meters from the trigger’s position (square area). Shape (ellipse/rectangle) of the trigger will determine, if known nearby enemy presence should affect (forbid) choosing of marked area by relevant groups. Rectangle means “should affect”, ellipse – on the contrary.

    Oh wow, thanks Rydygier!

    I was aware of the command but totally misused it in practice. 

  2. Hey, 

    Is there anyway to disable the AI from issuing combat ineffective commands? I am trying to make a push map with respawning AI. The problem I run into though, is that the AI only re spawn when the whole group is dead - HETMAN will often times send groups with one member back behind the lines. Is there anyway I can make HETMAN send these 1 man units into combat as normal teams/disable such rest commands?

  3. Last thing,

    So trying to add a "scanner" which detects enemies within a radius, preventing you from placing the Rally - this is not working. Suggestions?


    _play = _this select 0;
    _name = _this select 1;
    _markname = _this select 2;
    _Toclose = 0;
    Close =  _play getVariable ["Close",objNull];
    ObjVar = _play getVariable ["ObjVar",objNull];
    _rallyExists = !isNull ObjVar;
    _distanceExists = !isNull Close;
    _distance = {if ((side _x == west) && (_x distance _play <= 700)) then { _play getVariable ["Close",_Toclose];} else { _play getVariable ["Close",objNull];}} foreach allunits;
    if (_distanceExists) then {
    hint "Enemy too close! Must not be within 700 meters of an enemy soldier"; } else {
    if (_rallyExists) then {
    hint "Rally already placed!";
    } else 
    disableUserInput true;
    sleep 5;
    _name = "LIB_AmmoCrates_NoInteractive_Large" createVehicle position _play;
    disableUserInput false;
    _play setVariable ["ObjVar", _name];
    _markname = createMarker ["_markname", position _name];
    _markname setMarkerShape "ICON";
    _markname setMarkerType "hd_dot";
    _markname setMarkerText format ["%1 Rally", _play];
    [_name, ["Destroy Rally Point", "Destroy.sqf", [_play, _name, _markname]]] remoteExec ["addAction", 0, true];
    publicvariable "_name";


  4. 56 minutes ago, jshock said:

    Check my edit on my first post and see if that makes more sense to you, it avoids needing the actual name of the rally. Make sure west_rally_mark is the in the form of a string with my version.

    So cool, that works! I edited it a bit so I dont need to deal with making the marker names strings 

    _play = _this select 0;
    _name = _this select 1;
    _markname = _this select 2;
    ObjVar = _play getVariable ["ObjVar",objNull];
    _rallyExists = !isNull ObjVar;
    if (_rallyExists) then {
    hint "Rally already placed!";
    } else 
    disableUserInput true;
    sleep 5;
    _name = "LIB_AmmoCrates_NoInteractive_Large" createVehicle position _play;
    disableUserInput false;
    _play setVariable ["ObjVar", _name];
    _markname = createMarker ["_markname", position _name];
    _markname setMarkerShape "ICON";
    _markname setMarkerType "hd_dot";
    _markname setMarkerText format ["%1 Rally", _play];
    [_name, ["Destroy Rally Point", "Destroy.sqf", [_play, _name, _markname]]] remoteExec ["addAction", 0, true];
    publicvariable "_name";

    However, on to the Destroy script - for some reason everything in the script works (or I should say, the marker delete works) but destroying the object - it instead sets the players damage to 1.


    _play = _this select 0;
    _name = _this select 1;
    _markname = _this select 2;
    _name setdamage 1;
    _play setVariable ["ObjVar", objNull];
    deletemarker "_markname";


  5. [squad1, ["Build Rally Point", "RallyPoint.sqf", [squad1, rally1, west_rally_mark]]] remoteExec ["addAction", 0, true];

    _name builds the physical rally, _markname puts a marker on the rally which will be used as a teleport, and _play gives the name of the player which lets the script know where to place the rally. So far, everything works up until the script not allowing me to build multiple (have not got to test the destroy addaction though).   

  6. Hey, 

    So working on a rally script. Problem is, the script fails to detect the object being created, and thus wont recognize that the rally is down, allowing  the player to continuously make rally's.

    _play = _this select 0;
    _name = _this select 1;
    _markname = _this select 2;
    if ({alive _x } count [_name] > 1) then {
    hint "Rally already placed!";
    } else 
    disableUserInput true;
    sleep 5;
    _name = "LIB_AmmoCrates_NoInteractive_Large" createVehicle position _play;
    disableUserInput false;
    _markname = createMarker ["_markname", position _name];
    _markname setMarkerShape "ICON";
    _markname setMarkerType "hd_dot";
    _markname setMarkerText format ["%1 Rally", _play];
    _name = _name addAction ["Destroy Rally", "Destroy.sqf", _name];
    publicvariable "_name";


  7. 19 hours ago, gangman18 said:


    this also happens with mcc where they show up as independent and also the 101st and 82nd dont even show up for the mcc so i dont know if its a mission problem or a IFA3 problem.also im using DCO and DRO by mbrdmn.T46e9Gh.jpg 

    Yeah the factions are not properly defined - had to manually set them up as a whole new modded faction for ALIVE.

    Also, not sure if you guys are aware, but the light's on the C47's appear to be local, and do not work when fired by a script (as it is local to the server), nor when fired by another player that isn't yourself in MP. The only time a player will see lights is if he manually turns them on.


  8. Hey,

    So currently I am trying to make a script which counts the amount of non-player units in a vehicle, and ejects them.


    if (isserver) then {
    	_veh = _this select 0;
    	_unit = {!isplayer _x} forEach crew _veh;
    	sleep (random 3);
    	{_x addBackpack "B_parachute";} forEach (units _unit);
    			{unassignVehicle _x} forEach crew _veh;
    			(_x) action ["EJECT", vehicle _veh];
    			sleep 1;
                    	(_x) action ["openParachute", vehicle _veh];
    			} forEach (units _unit);

    This is what I got now - the issue is I can get the script to work without the _unit part (meaning, all units in the vehicle will disembark), however, as soon as I add that _unit part and try to keep it only AI who eject, I get a whole host of issues. 

  9. 2 hours ago, pierremgi said:

    If you want to reach the player who activate the action:


    _this execVM "HUEY.sqf"; // to pass the addAction parameters (unit,target,id)


    then in the sqf:

    _unit = _this select 0;

    if (triggeractivated NE_1) then { "Last I heard, that slick went down in the North-east corridor of the zone" remoteExec ["hint",_unit]}; // no JIP, only _unit concerned.


    Check also your trigger activation. Try without condition.

    _this execVM "HUEY.sqf"; <-- Where exactly would I put this? Put it in the direction (NW_1, NE_1, etc) triggers to no avail (as in, the script worked in the editor but nothing on the dedi), and couldn't place it in the addaction from what I've tried. 

  10. Hey,

    So I got an issue - this little script works fine in SP but not MP (dedicated). I'm aware there are some locality conflicts, but every attempt to clean it up ends in failure. I was under the assumption that the hint should still fire for the client who activates the addaction, as it would be local to his computer? Essentially, the script is a simple conversation action which should alert the player of the condition which is set in the script. 

    So on a few AI I have this :

    this addAction ["Ask about the downed slick","HUEY.sqf"];

    and in the HUEY.sqf I have this :


    if (triggeractivated NE_1) then { "Last I heard, that slick went down in the North-east corridor of the zone" remoteExec ["hint",[0,-2] select isDedicated,true]}; 
    if (triggeractivated NW_1) then { "Last I heard, that slick went down in the North-west corridor of the zone" remoteExec ["hint",[0,-2] select isDedicated,true]};
    if (triggeractivated SW_1) then { "Last I heard, that slick went down in the South-west corridor of the zone" remoteExec ["hint",[0,-2] select isDedicated,true]};
    if (triggeractivated SE_1) then { "Last I heard, that slick went down in the South-east corridor of the zone" remoteExec ["hint",[0,-2] select isDedicated,true]};    
    if (triggeractivated Dead_1) then { "Last I heard, that slick's already been taken care off" remoteExec ["hint",[0,-2] select isDedicated,true]};    


    and despite using the remoteExec, the hint's still wont fire for the client on a dedicated. Any help would be appreciated.

  11. Question for the dev's - is there anyway to get the ALIVE AI Commander to be more reckless on the attack? 

    Currently making a little Normandy breakout mission on IFA3, and due to the size of the map I must keep AI counts low. Ideally - I would like there to be around 250 Allies V 200 Axis. The problem is, the Allies refuse to attack unless they outnumber the Axis 2:1 - and even then they still leave over half of their forces idle on the beaches. In order to remedy this, I must bump allied numbers up to over double the axis numbers, leading to a collapse in frames. Anyway around this?

    As a side question - anyway to make the occupation commander stay within the bounds of his zone? Also having the issues of Axis forces finding there way onto the beaches despite spawning well inland. 

  12. Hey, wondering where I can find the CRCTI missions? More specifically, the ones that started you off on one side of the island (e.g Everon South - where West and East would both start off on the south end and only fight for a few towns as opposed to the whole island. Remember these being a ton of fun).

  13. http://s8.postimg.org/44qcvf0ud/download.jpg (229 kB)

    So its been maybe 3-4 years too late... But I made a mission awhile back that I thought was a blast and have finally gotten around to sharing it.

    So the mission is essentially the Tarawa invasion mission from the original content pack for the mod, but now on Peleliu. I tried to make it accessible to players with fewer numbers by adding the ability to recruit AI (at the flagpole on the starting ship). I also have added a nice day/night system , a AI counter attack system, and zone control system.

    The mission has been optimized for solid performance on all PC's and has been tested at 39 players (awhile back - 39 players is the max player count).


    - ACRE

    (Yes I know its outdated. If anyone wants to open this mission up and replace it, be my guest).


    P.S : I would love to get a group of guys together and place this. Let's set something up

    EDIT : 9.7.15 - fixed link
