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Everything posted by spirit6

  1. Change log missed few lines (my error). This is also part of the release (video that i will make will explain): - Added: CIV side added to GAIA control - Added: Delayed spawning. The spawns can now be delayed until within caching distance. - Added: Occupy script (wip) Delayed spawning means that stuff will not be spawned until a player comes in caching range. Quite usefull if you are not always sure where the player goes. Shorter said: the spawning is delayed until a player comes within given range (caching range that can be set in settings -> top right button). Current wip: Automatic load balancer between server, clients and hc (all automated)
  2. I forgot my obstacle course Mud Masters was this weekend :) Anyway, on they keys tonight to forget about my muscle sourness :) !
  3. No MCC does not handle multiple users at the same time. The whole idea is sort of client-server based with one "super user" and that concept cannot be changed. Yes, anyone CAN access MCC if no module is setup. That said, ones somebody is in, nobody else can login (except for the server admin who cal always login and boot the person out who is logged into mcc). ---------- Post added at 04:28 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:27 PM ---------- :coop: :936::936::at647:
  4. Little low on response guys from our side, we expect to release this weekend so wont be to much on the forums till then. Cya on the flip side!
  5. Tested and cannot reproduce. Infantry group set in editor. Created a truck that is made part of the group (not as leader). Set the variable and off they go with motorized behavior. Can you try test this without any other addons running? Are you sure you created a vehicle that holds enough transportation places for the infantry group they join?
  6. How and when is the truck given? As part of the group? Or seperate group? have you waited for few minutes? Orders are cancelled and given again if the group changes class. GAIA checks for group classes every few minutes. In this case they would change class from infantry to motorized.
  7. Yep, will be there. I think we are only days from release. ---------- Post added at 10:13 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:12 AM ---------- Aha! I knew it!
  8. That's not a bug, that's just mean! But i gues we go try to fix it ;) I go check it out
  9. MCC is a mod so it will hold no special requirements then for all to have it (like most mods). It goes without saying that some functionality will and some will not work if you dont let the players run the mod. This also means you are self exploring here as the option is not supported. GAIA intelligence does not need all to have the mod for example, that i know for sure.
  10. Should be fixed in next release. Thanks for suggestion.
  11. Next version the error "[bIS_fnc_groupVehicles] Parameter Group must not be null, (OBJECT or GROUP) required" is fixed.
  12. Found the bugger. In fn_cache_original_group the found group is called. with parameters: _group = _this select 0; _units = units _group; _vehicles = [_group] call BIS_fnc_groupVehicles; Seems like the group is already deleted/gone before it reaches this function. That itself is kind of strange but i go investigate it a bit more. Thanks for info!
  13. Yeah, that is code that is part of the template. This is what causes issues? If so, can you send me the mission file that you use that causes the issue? Then i go check it out and update the template where needed. Thanks for investigating.
  14. Run ARMA without any addons, then use the template. When I do that, then i dont see any errors relating to that. If that is the same for you, start adding mods until you see an issue.
  15. What ever serves you best mate, but the link is not MCC. It is just the ai intelligence stand alone, so I think can serve your goal.
  16. Precise, Tight, Wide are the options for variation. If you think they are to close go select wide for a change. ---------- Post added at 04:28 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:26 PM ---------- Good to hear! Now try to use automated CAS, mortars, artillery etc. Just click and it works :) Start watching this if you just started out.
  17. Have blast: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?183056-Mission-Template-Stand-Alone-GAIA-Make-missions-FAST-by-using-MCC-GAIA-engine Took me a bit but there are your patrols ;)
  18. What artillery are you using? GAIA controlled artillery? Artillery used from the MCC GUI? If from the GUI did you use tight? Or wide? Or any setting for spreading? ---------- Post added at 08:24 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:22 AM ---------- Noticed, i filed a bug report. Stay tuned. ---------- Post added at 08:26 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:24 AM ---------- I dont see this as true MCC functionality, but who knows. If we hold the time :) ---------- Post added at 08:27 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:26 AM ---------- @Shay: Login and MCC messages questions are all yours :) @People asking : Shay is kinda busy on university. I filed the questions for now. Stay tuned for inbound release :)
  19. spirit6

    Smarter tanks script

    Nice, gonna give this a try! The tank behavior is not "the smartest" by default :)
  20. A concept is not even the word here. Goofing around last night with automatic placement of units, you can easily use alive for placement also. But I thought for people that use the mission generator it would be nice that area´s surrounding the environment would be enemy occupied. So now instead of manualy adding stuff it is automated. In the video you see only cities being done but all locations, including miliatiry, airports etc could be occupied. HOlding each their own sort of preferende like helicopters on the helipads, some air stuff on the airfield etc etc. You can also manualy do this ofcourse. But liek said, this goes rather quick and layz. Click and you have a mission then occupy an area around it to simulate enemy territory or even friendly territory. Overlappign area´s will go into war automated. The caching system is already functioning. The current cachign system caches units that are on the map when a unit is beyond the caching range. The thing you see in the video is that it is already cached BEFORE a group ever reaches the map. So it is only spawned when a player is close. I think from user perspective it does hold no difference, but technicaly it does. There is no computation done internally like in Alive and there are no plans in that direction either, we hold no interest in stuff that is already there. The caching holds 2 layers, on closest range it will remove all but the leader. On futher range it completely removes the group from the map and spawns it back in when a player gets close. Including all his current status like waypoints, damage, fuel status and combat settings. (like it was always there). Coolio kids stuff it is huh :) I leave that specific questions for shay. Anyway, the video is meant to see if you guys hold interest in occupy stuff like presented. So far i spend one evening buidling it, but if it holds interest we go beyond this stage. :)
  21. This (low quality) video shows some work in progress on an occupy system integrated in MCC. It shows how the full caching (and delayed spawning) is done. Nothing written in stone, it is just showing the idea and I hope it will get you guys into the forum and type your wildest idea's so I can work on it. It based upon the mission wizard functionality. Giving players the chance to fillup parts of that are not directly involved in the mission area but are nice to hold some (randomization) or what ever mission makers hold interest to.
  22. As I understood people have been using the MCC Mission generator (and for that with GAIA) successfully in an Alive mission. But as it you say, the Alive profile system breaks up GAIA(not other way around), so I think you need to knock on Alive's door if you want it fixed. NOt a lot I can do about that.
  23. Nope. But flares are not used mathematical. It also requires it to be dark. Had a mission myself yesterday and had some flares going by ai.
  24. Use of flares is automated and to use them quite some requirements need to be met. A few of them are combat and relatively close by spotted enemy.