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Everything posted by Akilez

  1. Akilez

    295 Vram setting??

    A GTX295 is a SLI setup as well just in a single slot. Use the amount of VRAM on one of the cards only. Convert to bytes then add to the ArmA.CFG file. The converter shows 768 MB as 805306368 Bytes so this is the number for a 768 MB x 2 SLI setup AFAIK. Yes falsely detecting more VRAM than you actually have, or entering the incorrect value, will cause problems. Set ArmA.CFG to 'read only' when complete. Good Luck . . .
  2. Bless your heart Bob I just replied to your other thread but not quick enough. I hope you get everything going your way and can get down to enjoying the game. For a laugh read the other thread. Hint: Don't remove the WinXP installation quite yet.. . .
  3. Hi Bob from a fellow 'old dude'.. Don't sweat the 8 GB of RAM. I'm not sure I understand the recommendation to go to a x64 system as every report I've seen shows ArmA 2 running the fastest on XP. More RAM will most definitely not help ArmA 2 run better and folks with more RAM are generally forced to limit it to 2 GB or so with the -maxmem switch. You're fine where you are my friend. ArmA 2 is a 32 bit application and can't use anything that Vista 64 or Win 7 64 bring to the table. Installing a new OS prior to the initial (and inevitable) Service Pack is something I could not recommend. The Release Candidate (may have gone RTM when I wasn't looking) status of Win 7 assures you that it's not something you want to mess with unless you just love chasing gremlins through your computer and is totally unsupported in this status. Stay with XP 32 and enjoy this amazing game. Maybe uninstalling, cleaning (Driver Sweeper in Safe Mode) and then re-installing the driver set may help if you've changed drivers recently. By just running the driver auto-installer each time you almost always leave remnants behind and is generally not recommended. Get Driver Sweeper for free at Guru3D-->http://downloads.guru3d.com/Guru3D---Driver-Sweeper-(Setup)_d1655.html. Also the 190.56 beta drivers are around somewhere I hear. Definitely run 1900x1200 if that is the native resolution of your monitor...always looks best, and runs most efficently this way. Best of luck good sir and I hope you thoroughly enjoy the experience this 'game' brings to the table.. . . Edit: Almost forgot to tell you that the game is prone to detect your video cards memory improperly. Most folks are setting this manually by editing the ArmA.CFG file with a text editor (eg Notepad). Make sure you convert your megabytes to bytes (eg 1GB=1048576000 Bytes) before entering (use an on-line calculator). The nonlocalvram should be the size of your Page File (look in Task Manager) and is also in bytes. Once finished set this ArmA.CFG file to 'read only' (right click - Properties) so the game doesn't overwrite your now correct settings. . .
  4. I think the game was developed on Vista x64 as well. Whop avec fermage you can get any i7 to 4 Ghz if you can get the heat away from it. That V8 should do it...with that said I throttled mine back to 3.6 Ghz for a 24/7 daily driver and A2 runs fine on very high (295)...good luck.
  5. Akilez

    Question from a new Arma player...

    Wait a sec.... Don't buy a 9xxx or 2xx video card without knowing for sure your mobo has a PCI-e 2.0 compliant slot for it (780i chipset or newer). If you do the card will run but at 50%. This is okay for a while if you're working your way through a total upgrade but knowing what your dealing with will minimize the stress surprises. PSU will almost certainly need upgrading before a GPU upgrade will work (and then only with a mobo that can handle it). So far you're looking at a PSU, GPU and MoBo which only leaves the CPU/RAM, drives and the case so you're talking about a significant investment. Try overclocking that CPU as that wil be inexpensive (assuming you don't blow it up...lol) and you may learn some things along the way that will point you in the direction of the major upgrade that you really want and may need. Good luck and OC with extreme caution.. . . .
  6. Are you sure the ArmA.cfg file is showing the proper VRAM amount for that GTX285? I know it didn't detect properly for my 295 and initially I didn't see the high or very high settings. Take a look at the nVidia stickie to see if there aren't others with your card that may have worked this out. AFAIK the VRAM = the actual amount of GPU memory in bytes and the NONLOCALVRAM = your page file size but check through that thread to confirm. Generally running at native resolutions is the most efficient way to go. Best of luck
  7. Akilez

    295 Vram setting??

    Well since you asked nice.... Try this: A 295 card with 896 MB of VRAM x 2 should be set like this: Videomemory=939524096 nonlocalvideomemory=PageFileSize Set ArmA.CFG to 'read only' (right click properties) or ArmA 2 will overwrite your settings. . . .
  8. Win 7 is only in Release Candidate status and according to MS won't be retail gold until October 22, 2009. I've seen many, many missions in ArmA 1 that caused dips in FPS to the point of stuttering so I'm not sure this is anything new. I do know that counting frames is a major distaction for me and has a significant impact on performance so I never do it outside of test and tune mode. For gaming it's never, ever running and I judge performance entirely by my experience and am a happier guy for it.
  9. Akilez

    Ban A Player

    lol.. Enjoy your game GrayDragon I'm sure you'll be fine as long as you use your head a bit. Your post just made my whole day. :)
  10. Akilez

    Below spec machine

    What kinda RAM can ya put in backwards? No need to get a 98xx or 2xx on a mobo that doesn't meet PCI-E 2.0 (ie 780i+).....will run but at 50%. Of course I would recommend getting a 9xxx or 2xx if you're buying a new mobo within 3-6 months but if not wait for DX11 cards coming for Win7 release. Bless you for running a x64 OS! Good luck as I'm sure you are well intended. . . Oops just saw your question about +2GB RAM. Answer is a big 'probably' but will depend on how much your OS services are using (Vista's not all that streamlined) . Best idea might be to put in a spot of RAM (say 4GB if that caps your mobo...DDR2 is cheap now) turn all settings to low....do NOT count FPS with anything....and go see how the game runs. . . There's a 'No Bloom/Blur Mod' somewhere at Armaholic that will kill that glow for ya. . . .
  11. Akilez

    Arma 2 - For real?

    Oh we're not losing another one that thinks a forward thinking s/w developer should drop by and personally teach someone how their computer works are we. Sniff, Sniff.....Tear
  12. Akilez

    Multiplayer Fps still capped

    Pardon my boldness but the best idea is to quit counting those dadblasted frames every single cotton pickin' second like your life depended on it. If you hear nothing else please hear this--->"The very act of measuring frames slows them down. Turn OFF your frame counters and go enjoy the game." Unless you are seeing a slide show type slicker quit looking for something that will only make you crazy and lower the quality of your experience. Out . . . . .
  13. I've run my mouse on settings considerably lower than my desktop since ArmA (missed OFP). If you have an 'on the fly' DPI selector for your mouse maybe try a lower setting. If I don't nobody will ride with me and I can't hit anything..lol Good luck
  14. :eek: That's reeeeaaaaaalllllllllyyyyyyyyy getting old...:rolleyes: :619:
  15. Akilez

    co_09 Op_Wildfire

    Had to pull from dedi as something's amiss. Completely out of sync, can't get into ammo crates (flashes content for a split second), etc. Probably great missions if you can sort this out. Good luck
  16. Shouldn't this be an 'Open letter to nVidia'? In any case my experience with nVDa products is very good to excellent. My experience with their drivers suggests that moving into a 'unified' driver that was made specifically for a card newer than the one I'm running is generally a really bad idea. The 9800GX2 also took a few driver cycles to hit fully on all cylinders with the then current titles and when it did baby jump back!! The GTX295 will be the same story oh impatient ones....give the noise to nVidia not BIS and see if they can speed up their driver dates but until then run what ya can and go play the darn game for a while. BTW I'm running the 190 drivers with the CFG jammed to the proper VRAM setting on high settings and an OC'd i7. Lovin' every minute of it. Rock on!!
  17. I am growing a bit weary of frame rate counters basing their experience on those numbers! OMG only 30-45 FPS in some areas whatever will we do?? I know folks that MAX out in the 20s on a good day and play ArmA 2 most every day and are having a bang up time doing it. BTW the frame rate counters traditionally have an impact on game performance so what say we quit moaning about the most brilliant game on the planet not being 'optimized' whatever that's supposed to mean. Give it a rest.... Rig.... Plenty FPS Enough
  18. Akilez

    Why am I so bad?

    I think it's brilliant how challenging ArmA2 can be at times. Sure you can readily turn features off but just the fact that they are there and can be further developed gives this game a life measured in many years. Thanks BIS for yet another brilliant product!!
  19. I agree completely that by having low level scripting control over modules and other aspects one has far more flexibilty in mission creation. However, these aspects must be fully documented or you relegate complex mission creation to a very small population. Engineering Mantra: "The job isn't finished until the paperwork is complete." Akilez
  20. Luv ACE Mod! What impact will there be on updates and server file checking if ACE goes modular for A2? Cheers, Akilez