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Everything posted by Raznor09

  1. Raznor09

    Is multiplayer locked at 30 fps?

    mainly becuz the ai is not present in PVP so alot of the juice isnt taken up by em. i think ive played with you recently? does making a few cobra runs at night sound familiar.
  2. Raznor09

    Is multiplayer locked at 30 fps?

    if you play coop then yeh 30 is the usual, if you play pvp you will get 60fps, or atleast i do.
  3. Raznor09

    Your favourite vehicle in ARMA 2

    the blackhawk, love flying those ever since desert combat mod for bf42 except in bf2 they kinda sucked.
  4. Raznor09

    I want my Swedish weapons!

    Swedish weapons??? unless the swedes some how get involved in the events of this game i doubt we would see them.
  5. Raznor09

    Best servers to find mature/teamwork?

    the 1st infantry division or 1ID server is great when there clan members are on, we all do humvee convoys, so much better then flying helos. another good one is the 506th PIR
  6. Raznor09

    Helicopter emergency landing

    on most of these servers the natural instinct to do when the engine goes dead is to bailout and hope the chute works.......:j:
  7. Raznor09

    Chernarus facts??

    imagine playing on the entire map, and the AF was at one end and obj at other lol. jumps in helo....wake me up when we get there...zzzzzzz
  8. i can answer a few of them. when you first join a server and it asks what role you would like to play, choose the sniper role and chances are you will get the one with the ghillie suit( dont worry is really doesnt make that much of a differences, players stand out from the environment no matter what) same thing for the medic, pick the medic class and there you go. as for mods just goto there dl page and it gives installation instructions.
  9. Raznor09

    Do AI ever use rifle grenades?

    yeah i got tagged by one recently, was doing street fighting and saw a AI laying down near a building i poked out to take a shot and next thing i know boom explosion right on me.
  10. maybe not best game in history, but 1 of the best for me atleast. ive been waiting for a game like this for a long time. i thought games like bf2, would offer great teamplay and fun, but it didnt. they always show what people want in a game in trailers or previews, but when it actually comes out, its never like that. so i believe i have found the game that ive been looking for. my only complain is that there is alot of time spent getting to places or waiting for stuff or other palyers in the game. i noticed that is a close quarters combat mode, ive tried it once and it was fun, both teams were in one central town or city and duked it out, taking out the long waits and travels like on the regular map.
  11. Raznor09

    How do you refuel a helicopter?

    or go to the helo service pad, i did it before and i got refueled, repaired, rearmed.
  12. Raznor09

    How to use M270 MLRS???

    i heard the mlrs is pretty much useless, without modding it or something.
  13. Raznor09

    Best servers to find mature/teamwork?

    i usually play at =SEALZ= server. its got a good group of players, mostly all regulars and clan members. its usually locked so you have to be on TS to get in. a good method to keeping all the jerkys out.
  14. sounds like u activated FADE, whichs means you have a cracked or pirated copy. FADE is a system to discourage and make cracked games unplayable. and if u have a legit copy then u might of modified its directory or something liek that, which will also activate it.
  15. Raznor09

    What is a good FPS rate?

    its barely noticable at 30fps but 50 is always nice. oh yeah and dl fraps to get fps, pics, and video taking
  16. Raznor09

    close quaters combat

    im sure it will be improved, BIS already released 2 patches with improvements, just a matter of time.
  17. Raznor09

    cant see off topic but...

    yeah i guess i can see a comparison with the soldier on the server loading screen
  18. Raznor09

    What is a good FPS rate?

    ive got almost everything maxed, except for shadows, distance and fillrate. i get 30fps alot of times in the beginning of rounds ill get around 40 or 50 but that drops a few mins later.
  19. Raznor09

    Some questions about tanks

    lights do work but why use em if u got NV, trust me on some of those nights missions it is pitch black kidna as if something was wrong with the game and all u see is a black screen. thank the lord for NVG's as for the turning in thing, im not sure never tried it myself. i barely play SP, this game rocks on MP
  20. Raznor09

    strange glow ??

    yeah thats difficulty settings, when i play on some servers there is no glow, other servers have it.
  21. Raznor09

    Following friends

    ill have to check later but im pretty sure i remember seeing a friends tab around the multiplayer menus. but couldnt click it or do anything to it, ill check
  22. Raznor09

    parachute ?

    chute opens automatically, im not sure if you have to be a certain height though, like it wont open if you jump off a roof for a quick getaway like in bf2
  23. id say the greatest experience:confused: ive had so far would be from a few nights ago. i was playing on kellys heroes (great server) with about 35 or so other players. everyone worked together and properly. it was nighttime and i was a SL. everyone stayed in comm with one another. the entire team broke up into 3 groups positioned around krasno then we waited and decided when to raid it , it worked perfectly. we lit them up, but then tanks rolled in and we got smoked. no worries we eventually took em out and the helos came in to extract us to the next target. i would say nighttime fighting is so much better then daytime, makes it seem is more realistic.
  24. Raznor09

    Patch 1.02 Stability Survey

    for me the patch seems to have fixed or smoothing out things, even though i never really notice em, to busy having fun. but i still get random CTD with the arma 2 has stopped working message. i use vista 64bit.
  25. Raznor09

    Custom face textures in ArmA 2?

    id be careful with custom face textures, last night a guy was kicked automatically and the reason said custom face textures