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Everything posted by galzohar

  1. galzohar

    Talk to me about ArmA 3 Multiplayer

    You've been watching the wrong videos. Join the Arma 3 PvP Community Steam group: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/arma3pvpcommunity Some videos: COOP does tend to make prettier videos, though, since there are no enemy players to interrupt your film director from getting the kinds of shots he wants (formations, tacticool style talk, etc).
  2. For sights that don't have backup sights, there is no reason not to allow a "look over the sight" option. You won't really know what you're hitting and you might as well keep your weapon shouldered and un-sighted, but at least you will have the option (which I never use even for weapons that have proper backup sights, because you can just shoot without sights at those ranges anyway).
  3. galzohar

    Firing from vehicles using launchers?

    Allowing you to do something that has absolutely no purpose other than to punish you for trying to do it is stupid. Firing a launcher from a vehicle, though, as stupid as it may seem, it does still fire a rocket that can hit an enemy, so it's not "pure noob trap" like allowing you to try lift a tank and break your helicopter would have been. Plus, in some vehicles there might not even be anything behind you. They would better be wearing earplugs, though...
  4. galzohar

    How well does ArmA 3 scale CPU wise.

    While I would theoretically agree that it seems like a good thing to parallelize, it's hard to really say something definite like that without looking at the actual code and algorithms that Arma runs for AI.
  5. galzohar

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Compared to the hunter specifically, haven't compared to other vehicles, but I don't remember ever noticing an Arma vehicles having such weak breaks.
  6. galzohar

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Are the humvees intentionally very poor at breaking compared to vanilla A3 vehicles? Haven't compared them to RL numbers, but was wondering if it was actually intentional or accidental.
  7. galzohar

    How well does ArmA 3 scale CPU wise.

    The more you load your CPU with a specific task, the more other tasks will have to wait. After all, the game handles everything in frames, so until all calculations of a frame aren't finished, it cannot process the next frame. This is why having lots of AI makes the AI calculation take a very long time, lowering your FPS, but all other calculations don't really take any longer - They just happen less often and thus the CPU idles more. If your CPU is faster (not more cores, just faster cores), you will improve performance in these cases. Having more cores when the game engine (similar to most other game engines when given CPU-intensive tasks) can't really split the tasks between them is quite pointless. Anything more than 4 cores is almost a complete waste for Arma and basically anything else that isn't a pure computational task that can be split between cores, like encoding / decoding / compression / decompression / parallel compilation, or just running any X unrelated CPU-heavy tasks in parallel. Games just aren't there and probably won't be there for a while. What most games do is make sure there isn't so much of a single task that the CPU must do, but this can't really be done in Arma where the user is the one who chooses what the game engine must process. BIS can only optimize the tasks to execute more efficiently, but in the end if you load the mission up with 2000 AI, there is nothing BIS can do.
  8. averageFPS = 50; if (isServer) then { _fpsArraySize = 10; _minimumFPS = 20; _fpsArray = []; for "_i" from 0 to (_fpsArraySize - 1) do { _fpsArray set [_i, 50]; }; _fpsArrayCurrentIndex = 0; while {true} do { sleep 1; _fpsSum = 0; _fpsCount = 0; { _fpsSum = _fpsSum + _x; _fpsCount = _fpsCount + 1; } forEach _fpsArray; averageFPS = _fpsSum / _fpsCount; if (averageFPS < _minimumFPS) then { publicVariable "averageFPS"; sleep 30; }; _fpsArray set [_fpsArrayCurrentIndex, diag_fps]; _fpsArrayCurrentIndex = _fpsArrayCurrentIndex + 1; if (_fpsArrayCurrentIndex >= _fpsArraySize) then { _fpsArrayCurrentIndex = 0; }; }; } else { averageFPSWarningGiven = false; averageFPSPVHandler = { private ["_str"]; _str = format [localize "STR_WarningPoorServerPerformance", round averageFPS]; systemChat _str; hint _str; if (!averageFPSWarningGiven) then { averageFPSWarningGiven = true; [_str] spawn { waitUntil {!(isNull player)}; sleep 1; hintC (_this select 0); }; }; }; "averageFPS" addPublicVariableEventHandler { [] call averageFPSPVHandler; }; }; Something like that will do the job, but needs to be implemented in the mission. It will get the client to display a message if the server FPS is too low. Currently it is made to only display once to avoid spam in case of constantly poor server FPS (which is usually the case with poorly-performing servers), but can easily be changed to display the message if it hadn't been displayed for the last X seconds. I use that in my DTAS mission so that people can know if something is not working right due to server FPS being too low (for example, game timer acting funny which can happen if server FPS is very low since the timer is synchronized from server). If you want the full implementation feel free to take a look at the mission PBO, but the main logic can be found in the code above.
  9. galzohar

    ArmA III Ballistics Overhaul

    Is there an easy way to check if a mod is using the data? Which files/classes/whatever should I be looking for?
  10. galzohar

    ArmA III Ballistics Overhaul

    It's still a bit unclear which of the rounds is the "standard issue" ones that you'd actually get in the US Army / USMC / etc, and which are fancier ones you'd only see in SF or in the hands of people who can otherwise choose their ammunition type.
  11. galzohar

    Arma3 - AGGRESSORS

    Would probably be best to separate the stand-alone parts and dependent parts, so people can load whichever mod they like. If they want just the stuff that this mod adds without the extra stuff from other mods, they can use that, and if they want they can download a config mod that will add the extra stuff from other mods and be dependent on (use) those mods as well as the standalone version.
  12. galzohar

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    I usually just go to the arsenal to get weapon names. That way you can already get a look of what weapon you'll be getting, and even a good idea whether the loadout would fit in the vest or not.
  13. galzohar

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Video from the RHS DTAS event:
  14. galzohar

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Hi, The DTAS RHS event went great, and we'll have another one next week, same time same place. However, many players couldn't join because they didn't have the hotfix for the signatures. Make sure you update always keep your mods up to date through Play withSIX to avoid such issues in the future! Events can be found in this Steam group: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/arma3pvpcommunity/events
  15. galzohar

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    RHS DTAS on Arma-IL IDF PvP Server, starting at 18:00 GMT. Come early and have the mod properly set up! Event details: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/arma3pvpcommunity#events/121925393244549539
  16. Dwarden, I know BIS is profiling servers for improving server performance, but is there any profiling being done for clients to improve client FPS? After all, those are not necessarily caused by the same issues. Besides, even if the issues can't be fixed, they should at least be announced so that mission makers can avoid them to the best of their abilities. Without profiling, one can only guess which portion/aspect of his mission is causing the FPS to drop, or if he's lucky find out through trial and error. For now the only reliable performance I could get is in missions that delete and reset absolutely everything in a relatively high frequency (DTAS for PvP with round-based and deleting all left-over objects every 10-minute round, or MCC COOP with restarting the mission once the previous mission is complete and only spawning the minimum necessary AI for the mission).
  17. Yeah, I don't see the problem with having a specific feature require a mod. Though it might not be possible to have a module that is only visible in the editor if you have the required addon - As far as I'm aware, only scripts can really do things based on which addons you are running. Factions work because they're just text you type in a box and read by a script - I suppose that's the reason why addon factions are not in the drop-down menus.
  18. galzohar

    J.S.R.S. 1.5

    I think what they meant is JSRS replacing the sounds of the RHS weapons with JSRS sounds. If you made a sound for a certain weapon already, then it would be nice to have that sound take over for all variants of that weapon for all well-known mods, even if it requires a separate config addon. Sorry, just noticed this is in the Arma 2 forums, and not Arma 3. I was referring to Arma 3 of course.
  19. galzohar

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Hi guys, we are having a DTAS event using the RHS mod. Event will happen next Saturday 13 December, on the Arma-IL IDF PvP Server. Everyone are welcome! Event details: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/arma3pvpcommunity#events/ Mission and videos: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?153398-Dynamic-Take-And-Secure-Randomized-Round-Based-No-Respawn-A-amp-D Hope to see a lot of you there!
  20. galzohar

    Arma 3 PVP Community

    Next Saturday 14 December at 18:00 GMT we will have a DTAS event using the RHS mod on the Arma-IL IDF PvP Server. If you are looking for a chance to play PvP with the mod, make sure you have it installed and join in! Event details can be found in the PvP Community Steam group.
  21. Version 1.10: - Support RHS Escalation mod. Can use both factions, only USF or only AFRF. - Adjusted some loadouts to be more useful, especially the attacker AT (now uses RPG HE) and defender RPG assistant (now carries HE rockets). - Attackers can only carry 1 first aid kit, and defenders cannot carry any. This restriction does not apply to medics. - By default, mission will automatically select the first mod available on the server for each side (attack and defense). That mod will become required. Mission parameters can be used to manually choose any of the supported factions for each team. If the selected faction uses a mod that is not available on the server, the mission will again pick the first mod that is available and require it instead. - Limit jeep insertion to only be placed on land, boats and submarines to only be placed on water, and helicopters to only be placed on land until bug #0021806 is fixed - Please vote on it. - Admin can force round start, pause/un-pause round start and change the location of the objective. Mission parameters can enable automatic admin pause for every round or just the first round. Default is no automatic admin pause. First post updated. Next Saturday 13 December 2014 at 18:00 GMT (20:00 Israel time) we will use the RHS mod (both factions) on our DTAS even on the Arma-IL IDF PvP server. Check first post for details of events and www.arma-il.info for how to join the server.
  22. Side buttons I think are never good to use in the heat of battle. They'd almost always throw off your aim a bit, so shouldn't be bound to anything you would use during a direct firefight.
  23. Tilting scroll wheel seems pretty rare... I just use the left-handed Razer Deathadder. I did re-define all Arma key binds for something much better, though, as the default is quite bad in general and extremely horrible for left-handed players.
  24. You can also add to your mission a little script to bypass the issue, and run it through a radio trigger.
  25. Does Teamspeak still have problems with surround setups? Note that the application doesn't care if your 7.1 is virtual or physical.