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f2k sel

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Everything posted by f2k sel

  1. f2k sel

    Board That Vehicle

    If it's just for testing this may help, If I remember right it makes you the leader of any group you switch to so. null=[] spawn { sleep 0.5;onTeamSwitch "selectPlayer (leader _from); {_x doFollow leader _from} foreach units _from; selectPlayer _to;"}
  2. I took a look to see if it would work in SP as it looks like it should if it works in MP but it gives the same result only first unit has support. I also tried using onteamswitch to run the code again but it still doesn't work.
  3. f2k sel

    AI Driving - Feedback topic

    Yes sport spinning when braking heavily usually at last WP but can happen when travelling at high speeds. Normal Hatchback seems OK Both have issues with bridges and ignoring the WP speed setting when using forcefollowroad. I wish there was a WP that didn't force the vehicle to an almost stop when you just want to change some thing like behaviour or add a script. Now all you can do is have endless triggers if you want smooth control over a vehicle.
  4. f2k sel

    AI Driving - Feedback topic

    Tested using hatchback. car forceFollowRoad true; is still broken and makes things worse. Vehicle won't go over a bridge when using it and selecting the slower speeds in the waypoint has no effect it still runs at full speed. I'm also seeing a lot of spins now when AI are trying to brake, they're braking too late and too hard.
  5. Never a good idea to spawn at [0,0,0], if that happens to be the location of water objects can be damaged even if they are there for a fraction of a second. It effects objects and vehicles with various results, always better to give them some height.
  6. Sorry posted in the wrong place.
  7. As it works fine in SP using nopop =true and not on the Dedicated Server you might need to run it on each machine or locally. I don't do any MP coding so not sure the best way to do that. The other option is use Human Target Simple as that has no auto animation. To knock it down you would need to add an eventhadler to each target that will tell it to go down when hit. The rest of your code would still work as before. this addEventHandler ["Hit", {(_this select 0) animate["terc", 1]}] in each targets init.
  8. No I don't think it's possible, too late to test but what about spawning a simple object? Maybe pre-spawn it at mission start and just move it when you need it later in the mission or try and mask it with some ambient noises. I couldn't sleep and did manage to do it, I had to think outside the box for this one and it only works if you have water on the map. Spawn the plane as before flying empty now setpos it a few meters under water. You may need a small sleep command to allow the engine to become flooded sleep 0.1; was enough. Then move it to your actual position.
  9. I think in the past I spawned an empty one in the air with no fuel and then set it on the ground using setpos.
  10. Alternative to creating an array would be to use setvariable/getvariable to tag the Unit. Cond {!(_x getvariable ["trig",false])} count thislist >0 On Act {_x setVariable ["trig",true]} foreach thislist Probably not the best method but it did work for me.
  11. Although it works for me as is have you tried addvehicle command https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/addVehicle and also add the reveal command to give it every chance https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/reveal May also be worth verifying the game in steam, I do remember an instance where AI would target me at one point a while back.
  12. Seems to work ok for me, I have an enemy boat a few hundred meters from an empty civ boat then move the player in as driver or cargo and the enemy opens fire. Only tested in SP though.
  13. Sorry but I'm confused using modeltoworld [0,1,0] will transfer mg to 1 meter in front of the player and at the same height that's the whole point as it's relative to the player.
  14. Sounds to me like it's just falling to the ground. Unless there's a way to disable physics without using enablesimulation which won't work if your going to get in the MG you may have to use the attachto command. You just place an object such as flag pole on the map anywhere, name it pole then after you've moved the gun to the new position attach it to the pole. gun attachto [pole];
  15. In theory it should work but it looks like the game engine has an issue with 2 separate groups getting in at certain times. I also never had much joy with "GETIN NEAREST" it's always been hit and miss. hint "Spawned"; _spawnpos = selectRandom ["m1","m2","m3","m4"]; _mygroup = [getmarkerpos _spawnpos, WEST, ["B_officer_F"],[],[],[],[],[],180] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup; waitUntil {player in car}; _wp = _mygroup AddWaypoint [car,0]; _wp waypointAttachVehicle car; _wp setWaypointType "GETIN"; _wp setWaypointStatements ["true", "{_x assignAsCargo car} foreach units _mygroup;"]; Attaching the waypoint to the vehicle and using the getin wp seems to overcome most issues and it's {} brackets in waituntil.
  16. SetFormDir only seems to work when not in Careless or Safe mode or Dismissed as I guess they're just too relaxed. AZCoder idea should work with SetFormDir even in Careless and Safe when using single units You could use the dismissed waypoint but you will need to send them back to the original location if they stray to far.
  17. I would agree especially where choppers are concerned, the hardest part is trying to create the users problem in the first place. I tried it as you described and had no issues, you should post your mission.
  18. f2k sel

    [Solved] Fire KeyDown Once

    Maybe you could check a variable temp = true; waitUntil {!(isNull (findDisplay 46))}; (findDisplay 46) displayAddEventHandler ["KeyDown", { switch (_this select 1) do { case 41 : { if (temp) then {temp = false;hintSilent str time; }}; // Tilt Key }; false }]; waitUntil {!(isNull (findDisplay 46))}; (findDisplay 46) displayAddEventHandler ["KeyUp", { switch (_this select 1) do { case 41: {hintSilent "Key Up"; player sidechat "Key down"}; // Tilt Key }; temp = true; false }]; I use time as you can see it easily if it changes The variable only gets reset when keyup has run.
  19. Had the same today but it only hapend when I used the "forceFollowRoad" command it just hapend on a straight road with no junctions just started to spin.
  20. Sorry not sure why it triple posted.
  21. Only thing I ever find to work in A2 was to use the Get Out Eventhandler to slam them back in their seats as soon as they try to exit.
  22. Along with substituting the auto cannon references Try changing this line if (_i > _hold && (_x select 3) > 0) then { to this line. if (_i == _hold && (_x select 3) > 0) then { I checked the script and I had to do that to get it to work with the BTR Kamysh, it may be something to do with the number of rounds.
  23. Just place it where you want (it wiil be the last one in the chain) and then adjust the Order number in the menu.
  24. I suspect the Flakvierling 38 doesn't have "autocannon_35mm" which the script depends on. I did try the script on a vehicle with a different cannon and after making a few changes it worked but as I don't know what if any cannon the Flakvierling 38 has I can't try it.