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Posts posted by Steinfisch

  1. "Flying fire brigade" is a mission with mixed infantry and armored operations

    Mode: Singleplayer (Coop).

    Download link: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/75554754/Flying_Fire_Brigade.zip

    Author: Steinfisch, iron front forum profile "MeeneAtze".

    Language: English and german.



    Installation: Copy .ifa file to %Gamefolder%\missions.

    Side: Germany, 2./ Pz.Rgt. 5.

    Story: Russian Guards Tank Regiment managed to break into the front near Dobrov. The Pz.Rgt. 5 attempts to straighten the front again, but is stopped by a Pak. bars. Lieutenant von Helmholtz, a survivor of reamed Kampfgruppe Berger is asked to help ...

  2. Have a q9400 with a Asus rampage extreme and a 280GTX. Not a very poor configuration.

    But I had trouble with the game from the first second until now. Low FPS, all kind of crashes you can imagine, graphical errors, script errors.....

    Today it's not done with posing in front of huge weapons. Professional teams like Infinity Ward, Valve.. will become bigger and bigger and those like 3DRealms and BI will disappear.

  3. After a lot of crashes I reinstalled ArmA2 an loaded the current patch, hopefull to terminate the mission in a normal way now. But.... when I tried to catch that woman(??) who is in church until 11.30.... I found her dead in front of the church. The traces suggested a traffic accident. How can I end the mission now ?

    ... I hate this damned game...

  4. This is getting rather ridiculous.

    Your game is randomly...

    I agree with you wazandy. My system is not as fast as yours Q9300 280 GTX but I have a lot of problems too - even after last patch.

    The Armaholic-tips are not bad, but why we need to advise the program with command line options like -maxmem=xyz. Its on the responsibility of the programmer to call "::GlobalMemoryStatusEx(...)" or other API's to know how much mem we have.

  5. I had all bugs in any order: the "cannot commit" bug, the bug "no more blocks", "not enough virtual memory" (or so) and silent crashes to desktop.

    Neither can I see a pattern, nor do I know, how to influence this by special settings. There is no hint that hasn't been tested by me.:mad:

  6. I have the same issue in Arma1 (don't have Arma2 yet). It is just as it has been described in this thread: it takes a fraction of a second for the cursor to start moving after I have moved my mouse, and the same when stopping. I tried to reduce the flip queue size in the ATI tray tools, but that didn't solve anything. I know it might be a feature trying to simulate the weight of the gun, the problem is that if I was holding a real gun I would be able to sense its weight and therefore adapt my movements to it. With the mouse I don't have that sense of weight, and therefore it feels very weird, to the point of being annoying (at least for me).

    I have heard the advice of reducing the floating area to zero, the problem is that I like playing with that floating area.

    I'll try to do some more deep testing at home so I can provide further info for the devs (maybe try to record a video, although I don't have a high quality video recorder...).

    You are right. They tried to simulate weapon weight, but they did it excessively. We should switch or reduce it via the difficulty edit dialog.

  7. @argh9R

    I've been angry about this mouse behaviour too (already in ArmA 1). But I'm afraid this is the purpose. They want to say to you: "this is not a normal Arcade Shooter and you need skill to use these weapons". But for me they carry this to exces.

    If you are healthy, not drunken and older than 16 you can hold a weapon and aim without those oscillations. The most of us did it already in real life.

    You will not get a satisfactory feedback concerning this.

    P.S. The same problem is the extreme oversteer of the cars. Sometimes you feel like on ice. Especially the keyboard strokes have an extreme hysteresis.

  8. I think it was not the best idea to let the user choose the size of the render target (back buffer) independently of the screen size (the fillreate). If the render surface is smaller than the screen, rendering process is less resource consuming but the surface has to be stretchet to the screen size and so a secondary filtering (loss of sharpness) occurs. in the other case you cannot benefit from the large render target because it have to be shrinked to the screen size too. This is similar to watching a HD film on a PAL/NTSC TV.

  9. When I had to escort Mrs. L??? I switched to another comrade sitting in the HMMWV to "help" him getting through the wood. meanwhile a small fight began. As I switched back to the leader cooper, he wasn't more the leader of the squad. After loading a savegame the same situation: After switching back - 1 man has been independend, not more belonging to the group.

    After successful end of this submission, all support options disappeared. I han no artillery for the following attack of the camp.


  10. They not only have to draw the scene every frame. The physics, the scripts and KI calculations also depend on the units which are inside the view frustum, if they are friendly or not. If you change the view direction your sight of enemies change too and this leads to a range of actions. I don't know if they update these things every frame, but it has influence.

    Make a little test: build a mission (editor) with only you as actor and no scripts. Add this textured object above and test the framerate. This would give a more realistic impression on what the graphic engine performs and what are other influences.

  11. The framerate does not only depend on the texture. The engine cannot always render all objects of a scene. This would result in a framerate under 1. So it must calculate which objects are completely outside the view frustum (the 3d space the player can see) which partially outside and which inside. This calculation leads to different results depending of your direction of sight. The more objects you can see, the slower the rendering.

  12. I think you cannot increase the performance to be comparable with Crysis, CoD under the current hardware conditions. There are too many jobs to do in just a few milliseconds: Render thousands of objects, including grass..., calculate lightning conditions, the shadows, the physics including such things as the movement of the exhaust pipes hatch at trucks, the visibility of actors among each other, the large amount of active scripts....

    look at the very simple samples of the DirectX SDK and you will see how difficult it is.

    I would be glad, if they just would eliminate the real bugs like crashes and script errors.
