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Posts posted by dvolk

  1. I blew up a satchel near some moving infantry, killing some of them. They couldn't see me, so they dispersed in all directions. Soon as I moved an inch though, BOOM HEADSHOT.

    This was on skill/precision 1.0. They probably have a harder time on lower levels.

  2. Exactly.

    In fact, players can do the exact same thing, because the grass disappears at a certain distance. Someone lying in thick grass at 500 meters is at a huge disadvantage, because he'll think he's in concealment, but he would in fact be in the wide open to the other. While it doesn't look as pretty, I set the terrain detail to very low in my missions for a reason.

    I was kind of disappointed by this. Didn't they say that in ArmA 1 terrain was supposed to be 'raised' where the grass ends so someone proned far away would literally be under the earth (of course they'd see grass).

    I thought that's what they'd do in ArmA 2. What we have now is pretty lame.

  3. Playing on the higher difficulties in SP is very frustrating because both your allies spot enemies through hills and your enemies spot you.

    I was playing with the ambient combat module and spent half the time trying to find all the enemies my squad was reporting on :confused: I can understand hearing a BMP and working out the general direction it's in, but how can they find infantry over a hill half a mile away??

  4. The AI refuses to fire on civilians, even when civilians fire at them. This was a source of some entertainment for me with the editor :)

    Some... experiments indicate that in the campaign you can kill civilians all you like. The game only considers murder if you kill a fellow soldier outside of battle.

  5. Why should my sympathy differ just because one of them have a penis and the other don't?

    This thinking that men and women are basically the same save for the bodily mechanics misses the differences shaped by millions of years of primate evolution.

    In terms of evolutionary biology, there is a fundamental asymmetry between males and females arising from their necessary investment in offspring. The male only has to deposit a small amount of essentially infinitely-available sperm in the female, while the female, who can only give birth a few times in her life, must bear nine months of pregnancy and then raise the child.

    This asymmetry gives rise to females carefully choosing their mates, while the male aims to deposit his sperm as widely as possible. Since there is vastly more sperm available than women require, the males must compete for resources. One form of this competition is war.

    So you see, war is fundamentally a male thing. Today it's abstracted a bit (with nation-states and whatnot), but you can't get rid of millions of years of evolutionary baggage just like that ;)

  6. That mission isn't very good IMO.

    The NAPA guy says that the area is full of SAM launchers, so I did the logical thing: I said goodbye to NAPA and used the humvee to drive through forests avoiding any enemies. I could've easily made it if didn't magically blow up when I tried to cross a certain line.

    I had no idea what was going on. I tried all sorts of things, but it just kept blowing up. Eventually I decided to go on foot, but then I got sniped by some ghost sniper that only shot at the character I was playing. I could order my team to throw a party in the open, but as soon as I peeked out I was shot in the face.

    As I was trying to get around this I was joined by about three squads of NAPA who wouldn't talk but just patroled around me. :confused:

    Then it occured to me that the game probably doesn't want me to reach the extraction point, so I set the game to 4x speed and went for a cup of coffee. I came back, it was an hour over the extraction deadline, but it didn't trigger anything. :confused:

    I restarted the mission and took the helicopter, then the game continued as intended.
