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Posts posted by dvolk

  1. In the M1A2 if I put four crew in, one's always sticking out and I can't get him to turn in. Is that accurate or a bug? The AI always goes for the exposed gunner, which is pretty annoying in SP because nobody's allowed to die.

    I think in OFP and ArmA you could issue a stealth order and they'd turn off the lights. How do I make them turn it off in ArmA 2? Do lights even work or are they just for my amusement?

  2. I've restarted Dogs of War after patching to 1.02 and experienced about a 1/3 drop in fps (from 30 to 20).

    Then I rolled into Chernogorsk and got around 10 or so.

    Now I've been given around 8 squads of reinforcements (mostly useless because the commands are so vague), and I'm starting to get fps in the single digits.

    There is serious lag in the high command interface as well. When I click on a squad icon on the map or bring up the buy units menu, there's a delay of several seconds.

    In ArmA 1 I could just turn off shadows when things started slowing down (and did they) but this seems to happen on every graphic setting.

    I am running this on:

    Q6600 at 3ghz

    4gb ram

    4850 1gb

    Windows XP with latest 9.6 drivers
