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10 Good

About Stalker_23b

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  1. Played Arma2 a bit. There is my little observations. 1. Arma2 isn't Arma1+mods. Arma2 is a way better. 2. Because it has "feeling" and "atmosphere". None of mods had given this to arma1! 3. GFX and Sound FX are brilliant. 4. AI DO use cover and DO lean from corners, but sometimes they aim too long before shoot or dont see enemy at all. 5. Arma2 isn't total bug disaster. Actually, i found only little buggies (still many of them) and no show-stopping ones. I tried editor, SP missions and MP. 6. Chernarus is just great location. 7. Radio chatter is very clearly consists of parts with different tone glued together. Not even close to equalization :) 8. BOO! No improvements on vehicle damage system. Only "improve" i seen - now you can flatten a tire step-by-step and finally tire disappears. Still, damage system is LOLish point of this game. Even RTS "Faces of war" have much better damage system. 9. Still "finish anim and die" system. And BIS not yet invented ragdoll... 10. Lipsync is even worse. 11. Faces still very robotic, act not like real humans. Conclusion: Patch it, Mod it, for the WIN.
  2. Stalker_23b

    ArmA 2 German Release Thread

    Hope i will play today and write mini review.
  3. Can't buy on metaboli (payment not accepted), so i Bought from petergames. Get all links and key instantly, DLing at high speed.