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About anessen

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    Lance Corporal
  1. anessen

    ACE for OA 1.13

    So, with the GBU selected, red dots on the RADAR are valid laser targets that it will automatically aim for? And I don't understand the Maverick, isn't it a TV guided missile? There's no way to set a target in game though.
  2. anessen

    ACE for OA 1.13

    Hi, I checked the ACE 2 documentation site, but I can't find any information on how the fixed wing aircraft weapons operate, like the LGBs and the Mavericks on the A10. I can't tab to select targets and none of the keys seem to bring up anything to do with targetting. Can anyone help?
  3. Hi In the trigger activation code, is it possible to get a reference to the trigger itself? I tried "this", doesn't seem to work: [this] execVM "dosomething.sqf"; //Just gives me "ANY" The idea is that I want to modify the trigger activation and statements in the script that it calls.
  4. Quick question (ish :D) I have an array like this: myArray = [["item one", "item two"], [], [], ["blah", "blah"]]; I would like to be able to check to see if (myArray select _x) is an empty array, like (myArray select 1) would be. (myArray select 1) == [] //Doesn't work :(
  5. Hi, I have a mission where I'm trying to have the Police be considered to be on the "East" side. I can get him to fire on me by having him be created in an East group, but there are some problems. > My AI seem very reluctant to fire on him > Triggers still think he is on the CIV side Are there any ways to fix this?
  6. Hi, I'm building a multipalyer mission where I want to be able to spawn units into a town when a player goes within a certain radius of the town. Then, if the players should leave the are, I want the AI unit's status to be stored until later, when a player comes back within range. The idea is to save server load by having a load of units sat around doing nothing when nobody is around to do anything to them. I've had a few stabs at doing this myself, but it strikes me that someone, somewhere must have done this before. Is there: - A premade script that does this? - A mission that does this (that I can depbo)? - An easy way to achieve this?
  7. Seems like it just doesn't work on fixed wing aircraft.
  8. Hello Im having a problem using these commands on an AI flown C-130, the AI seem to be fighting the commands and making the plane judder around. I dont get the problem when I am sat in the plane not touching the controls. Tried it with 20fps, 30fps and 60fps recording. I tried using some commands in the init field of the aircraft: this disableAI "MOVE" and (driver this) disableAI "MOVE" dont work Any ideas?
  9. Tried this just now' date=' made no difference. It seems that the height does affect it, flying at 1,500m means that the plane circles around random points, where at 1,000m and 500m it goes off course over these same points, like it is giving itself little waypoints. For some reason at higher altitudes it can't meet them and just circles around for a bit. I understand the need to simple not have a unit go in a straight line in normal situations, but this is a high altitude flight that doesn't have to avoid anything. Oh well I suppose it will need to be 1,000m drop then instead.
  10. That makes no difference. Those two screenshots were taken with a single waypoint, but I have tried adjusting the completed radius upwards to 500m and it does the same. I have also tried using a series of smaller waypoints with a 500m, 1000m and 2200m completed radius. None of these paths worked and if anything it made it worse.
  11. That is what I was looking at, unless the addon itself just doesnt support this ability? But that section for addons is talking about the aircraft not the soldiers...
  12. Hey I'm trying to get a C-130 to fly in a straight line from one point to another at high altitude with the players viewdistance set up and some funky cameras, all cinematic like. I am doing this by having "this flyinheight 2000" in the init field and giving it move waypoints. All it has to do is go on for a bit and fly over a trigger to start a paradrop. The AI appears to be incapable of flying in a straight line. The plane banks and turns wildly, sometimes randomly circling over a point on the ground for a few minutes before heading off in a different direction. Other times it just goes off in a random direction in a perfectly straight line, and misses its waypoint by a few miles. I have tried giving it one single waypoint really far away, or a number of shorter hops. Neither of these work. Is there any way to make the AI just go in a straight line at high altitude? EDIT Should also mention, the waypoints do set behaviour to Careless and set Full speed. These two screenshots were taken to show the very odd path that the AI takes. This first one has some friendly (independent) AI at the main airfield: http://img692.imageshack.us/img692/6421/arma2oa2010123117293165.png This one has no other AI on the map at all: http://img545.imageshack.us/img545/945/arma2oa2010123117400611.png It seems to be totally random, is not related to detecting enemy AI, and happens with the careless/full speed waypoint. Someone was passing the theory around that the flyInHeight command screws up the AI by constantly trying to change the altitude of the aircraft because it reads above terrain, not above sea level. There was a script that altered the flyInHeight command every 0.5 seconds to try and fix this by taking away the difference in terrain height. It made no difference to the problem.
  13. I've been messing around with this again, I tried adding an action to the player that executes _thisunit execVM "x\ace\addons\sys_eject\jumpout_cord.sqf"; on each of the AI units when they're in the air after they've done the jumpout action, it doesn't seem to do anything though. I get two separate parachute spawning for each AI and they seem to disappear (but still be inside the chute "vehicle") then get injured or die when they hit the earth.
  14. Hello... Is there a safe way of getting the AI to perform a HALO drop? I've given them all the ACE_ParachutePack item and I get them out of the plane with this: {[trplane, _x] execVM "x\ace\addons\sys_eject\jumpout.sqf"; sleep 1} forEach units group player; Which seems to work fine for the player, except that the AI seem to actually turn into a parachute (theres no player model under it and they never cut loose) and they seem to get injured or die when they hit the ground. Thanks, -Joe
  15. I did try searching, and I do know that thread exists. It just seemed absurd having a million and one different subtopics going on inside one thread. Sort of defeats the point, no?