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About JimmyJizzle

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  1. JimmyJizzle

    VopSound 2.1

    Same, if these peeps are right, please don't change the game, just the sounds ^_^
  2. JimmyJizzle

    CRCTI Warfare ( cti ) MP

    I agree, vehicles should be locked for all but the person who bought it, for a time though so that if they don't collect it then it's free game, maybe 10 mins?
  3. JimmyJizzle

    ATI 4890 white blobs

    I'm guessing you just took your old card out and put the new one in without formatting or even cleaning the old drivers. (not just uninstalling). Is that right?
  4. JimmyJizzle

    Which Nvidia Drivers are You Using?

    I'm using these 190.15 Betas. Not tried the 185's so I dunno if they're better but they work well for me.
  5. Forget all this DRM stuff, how do we get the Steam overlay to work in ArmA 2? ^_^