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Everything posted by fleepee

  1. A new version is available: •10 more slots available (total=30) in a small camp, east of Nagara's oil field, which is also a new respawn point. •You have to save at least one derrick, but for a total mission success, you have to save one derrick in each oil field, Nagara and Lalezar. •Changed some of the revive options see first post for download link.
  2. fleepee

    Revive Script

    I realize that I can't imagine editing missions without these features...:cool: This post is for public thanks, you know I'm also thankfull for all the help you gave me when I was needing it, and I'm not the only mission editor you helped! :pc:
  3. I havn't played it a lot, and I was alone in the area when I saw that...
  4. barracks, nets, etc... May be everything that was created for the mission.
  5. Oups! I realized, editing a new version, that there was some missing lines in the english version. Sorry about that! :rolleyes: The first post is updated with a new version, also including all mission changes... more time before action begins (but not much!) new MP parameter: mission duration (from 15mn up to 4 hours) a bit of defense around the camp chopper's position moved Has someone played it? :confused:
  6. objects disapear too fastly after mission ends, somertimes when you're still in the area. :rolleyes: And I really prefer norrin's revive scripts... (but the respawn in the last vehicle is a good idea) :cool:
  7. fleepee

    Arma 2 Player Age

    42... 43 in six weeks!:cool:
  8. I'm very glad too to use that (great) tool! :rolleyes:
  9. fleepee

    Revive Script

    Thanks for your answer! Do I have to add in the "NORRN_player_units" variable the list of all playable units (east+west) in the revive_init_west and revive_init_east scripts? (I didn't test the mission yet on a dedi with other players...) May the force be with you! :bounce3: FleePee
  10. fleepee

    Revive Script

    I created a PvP mission including the revive scripts. I created 2 init files (revive_init_west and revive_init_east) but there is only one revive_sqf folder. The problem is with the mobile respawn (the example mission in the first post doesn't use mobile respawn): both sides use the same mobile respawn point depending on who deploys it first... I don't think there's a simple way to have both sides use their own mobile respawn point, as I certainly need to add (in example) a revive_sqf_east folder and then change ALL paths to scripts in each of the revive scripts... Am I wrong?
  11. Congratulations to all members of "NGStudio"!
  12. fleepee

    Revive Script

    That's what I'm doing in the "prendre.sqf" script. The problem with the revive script is that players are never dead; I checked with "lifestate" and unconscious players are always "alive", so I can't use "not alive player", but I'm going to try (player getVariable "NORRN_unconscious") and player hasweapon "EVmap" as a trigger condition instead of adding code in the revive scripts... EDIT: it seems to work in the editor and on a dedicated server! I just have to check it for both sides with 2 teams...:bounce3:
  13. fleepee

    Revive Script

    Hi norrin! I'm making a TvT mission with two different east and west revive_init files and only one "revive_sqf" folder. in that mission, you have to get documents ("EVmap", called docu). I tried to make that if you have the documents and die, the "EVmap" is put out of your equipment and on the ground on your "waiting for revive" position, allowing team mate/ennemy player to take the documents. I tried several ways, the last one was: if (_name hasweapon "EVmap") then { _pos = getPos _name; _name removeweapon "EVmap"; docu setpos _pos; docu_pris=false; publicVariable "docu_pris"; docu addAction [localize "str_prendre_docu", "prendre.sqf", "showwindow",6]; "marker docu" setMarkerPos _pos; "marker docu" setMarkertype "dot"; }; before line 232 (// Set variables if unit local) of the revive_sqf\revive_player file, but it didn't work and made the revive scripts to stop working... I also tried to put code in the local area, after line 260, condition "if (_name getVariable "NORRN_unconscious")"... "docu_pris" is a variable set to true when you take the documents, allowing then to hint a message with the name of their owner. I wish you could have time to tell me how I could make this work on dedicated servers... Would you need the mission folder? thanks for your response!:cool:
  14. there is now a "charge" waypoint...
  15. fleepee

    [co-20] Peace Keepers

    I'm glad you enjoyed yourselves! :D You didn't report any bug, that's great! I should have precised that the first squad leader slot is an obligatory one...:rolleyes: I'm waiting for the correction of the english version of a second UN mission to record voices and release it... I also made a 12 missions campaign (10 slots): http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=104566 http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=11547 The missions are also available in a pack of missions, I'm actually editing them, adding ten more slots and enhancing them a bit...:cool: I hope you'll enjoy these ones too! :coop:
  16. fleepee

    Revive Script

    I did it to try, just after feeling that it wasn't realistic that a new full ammobox appears each time you deploy the camo. So I created one, (named ammo_spawn and with a custom loadout launched in the init.sqf) near a game logic called ammo_pos. You've got to edit 2 files from the revive_sqf/mobile folder; The first one is "deploy_camo", and as my player's side is resistance, I edited the line 18: then in the file "stow_camo", the line 14: It seems to work!!
  17. fleepee

    Rainy Fall Campaign

    I finally had the last voices I was needing to update the campaign, thanks to JHunter ~Sparta~ !!! I really want to thank Resistance Rat (character Jan Hitnik), JHunter ~Sparta~, Ebden ~Sparta~ (US voices, and Ebden also did english corrections) and Lou Montana for their help, taking time to record voices, and there was a lot of them! (I did all other voices, and there was much more!!) So here is the latest version of the campaign, with full voices and some minor changes... See first post for the Armaholic link! I also want to thank the Armaholic Team for reporting about my campaign and hosting the file! FleePee
  18. fleepee

    Rainy Fall Campaign

    :rolleyes:Fixed an error in a script making the very first mission really hard to finish, the links are the same, see first post... Sorry about that!
  19. fleepee

    Rainy Fall Campaign

    how far have you guys been in the campaign?
  20. fleepee

    Rainy Fall Campaign

    Yes, host it and choose Lan if you want to play it alone...
  21. fleepee

    Rainy Fall Campaign

    It's because you started it in SP mode. Choose "host" in the campaign menu: the campaign is designed for mp game, lan or internet, you then won't see that bug.
  22. I still need US voices for my campaign, you can find details here: http://www.kellys-heroes.eu/forum/viewtopic.php?f=39&t=3854#p33635