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Everything posted by Benny.

  1. Benny.

    Warfare BE

    WARFARE: Benny Edition THE MISSION : Being a Conquer the Island gamemode written from scratch, the main objective of Warfare BE is to either conquer all the towns or to destroy the enemy base. Two or three sides fight for the control of the island ! During the fight alot of features will be available to you like: Units Purchase: You may purchase infantry or vehicles from base or towns. Gear Purchase: A custom loadout may be purchased from Barracks or from towns, templates may be created too! Tactical Support: Artillery, paratroopers, supply paradrops or even ICBM may be called to assist you all along the game. Town camps: Town camps may allow you to respawn in a town if killed near but it will also allow your enemies to capture it! it is also possible to destroy and repair them. Repair trucks: Repair trucks will give you the ability to construct some defenses or FOB, they are also able to repair the MHQ if destroyed. The commander is the leader of your side, only he may build the base and set the income distribution, all team leaders shall always listen to the commander. The commander is the only one which is able to perform upgrades and assign orders, he can be elected by the vote menu anytime in the game. Towns need to be captured and held by your side, to capture a town, you simply have to stand next to the depot while no enemy is around, but watch out ! the town occupation may try to defend it ! Capturing camps will decrease the time needed to capture the town while providing you a potential respawn. Funds are earned by capturing town or completing objectives, killing enemies will also reward you with a bounty bonus, funds may be used to purchase units and gear. An income is generated every minute based on the supply value held. Supply is earned by capturing and holding towns, the supply is used to build structures and to perform upgrades along with funds. A town which has a Supply Value (SV) of 30 will generate 30 SV and 30$ for the team. Parameters allows you to play with a different setup all the time, nearly everything can be changed (AI, base, environment, economy, gameplay, module, respawn, towns...). COMPATIBILITY: Even thought the mission support the LAN mode (except the save/load atm), you will have a better experience running a dedicated server. ArmA II : Vanilla: Supported. ArmA II : Operation Arrowhead: Supported (1.62 and above). ArmA II : Combined Operations: Supported (1.62 and above). USEFUL RESOURCES: Dedicated Server : How to setup a dedicated server (by Kellys Heroes) Dedicated Server : Tophe's ArmA 2 Dedicated Server Tool Warfare Editing Warfare Gameplay Warfare Parameters Warfare Upgrades VERSION HISTORY: Latest Stable: Warfare BE 0.71 Latest Release: Warfare BE 0.73 INSTALLATION: Place the pbo contained within the packages to your ArmA 2 installation MPMissions folder (Lite for Arma II only, LiteOA for Operation Arrowhead only, Lite CO for Combined Ops): Steam ArmA 2 : Vanilla: C:\Program Files\Steam\SteamApps\Common\Arma 2 Steam ArmA 2 : Operation Arrowhead: C:\Program Files\Steam\SteamApps\Common\Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead Digital/DVD: C:\Program Files\Bohemia Interactive\Arma 2 DOWNLOAD: All the versions are available at Dev-Heaven on this page. Don't hesitate to report bug on Dev-Heaven !
  2. Benny.

    [SP/MP] BeCTI

    THE MISSION : BECTI is a Conquer The Island gamemode based on the old school OFP MFCTI where two teams composed of Players and AI fight for the controls of an island in a power struggle with towns and bases. The commander is the leader of your side, only he may build the base and set the income distribution, all team leaders shall always listen to the commander. The commander is the only one which is able to perform upgrades and assign orders. Towns need to be captured and held by your side, to capture a town, you simply have to stand next to the flag while no enemy is around, but watch out ! the town occupation may try to defend it ! The generated income and the units may vary depending on a town's size. Funds are mainly earned by capturing town and salvaging wrecks but killing enemies will also reward you with a bounty bonus, funds may be used to purchase units and gear. Parameters allows you to play with a different setup all the time, nearly everything can be changed (AI, base, environment, economy, gameplay, module, respawn, towns...). As the fights goes on, different assets may appear such as: HQ: The HQ is the commander's main toy. Once destroyed, a side may no longer build factories so move it wisely! Repair trucks: Repair trucks may be used by anyone to buy and place defensive structure but they can also be used to repair and build factories. FOB may be deployed from it upon request! Ammo trucks: The ammo truck act as mobile resupply point for both infantry and vehicles. The gear and the service menu may be accessed from it. Salvage trucks: Salvage trucks may be used to gain a certain cash amount from vehicle wrecks (You get 50% of the bounty, the rest is split among the other units). Independent trucks may also be purchased by commander. Forward operating base: Those special structures may be built from Repair Truck and may act as a mobile respawn/resupply point. Note that they are limited in a way that only X of them may be placed at a time. They can be dismantled by using the Repair Truck contextual menu. Respawn: Whenever the player dies, he/she may choose to respawn at a FOB (if near) or at a factory built by the commander. The player may choose to respawn in one of his AI units if near (note that you get the AI's gear upon respawn). Revive will be possible in future versions. Air/Sea Lifting: Roads are unsafe? Why not lift the HQ by the air or by the sea? SDV can hook wrecks underwater (HQ recovery!) Command Center: Are you far from the base? Have you forgotten to buy a vehicle? Then this structure is meant for you! The Command Center increase the purchase range and allows the use of custom assets such as Units Cam and Sat Cam. The mission is also composed of multiple menu (GUI) like: Purchase Menu: This menu allows the player to reinforce his/her own squad with units/vehicles. The commander may purchase units to other groups. Gear Menu: Thanks to the Barracks, FOB and Ammo Trucks the player may swap his gear on the fly (nb vest/uniform don't have any valid gear manipulation commands atm) Orders Menu: The orders menu allows the commander to change the orders assigned to his/her teams. Some may need to to take town X while other have to take and hold town Y. AI Micro Menu: By default, the engine gives a basic AI management regarding AI in one's group. This menu extends this management allowing the leader to plan/use custom orders for his/her AI such as patrol/take towns (Some orders like move or patrol can be queued) Service Menu: This menu is used to perform utility/resupply actions on units and vehicles (heal, repair, rearm...) Upgrade Menu: The commander has to perform upgrades in order to improve it's side assets (better units, better loadouts...) Units Camera: When a Command Center is available, the units camera become available allowing the monitoring of other groups members. Satellite Camera: When a Command Center is available and when this asset is upgraded, one may use the Sat cam in order to find enemy whereabouts. INSTALLATION : Place the PBO contained within the packages in your ArmA 3 MPMissions folder (The path may vary depending on your setup). The mission works for SP/LAN/DED (DED shall be preferred). DOWNLOAD : Current version: 0.97 The mission(s) may be found on my SkyDrive: Download Or on Armaholic: BeCTI CTI-x KNOWN ISSUES: Missing Scripting Commands to handle items PROPERLY in the vest like the backpack container... Missing Scripting Commands to handle items PROPERLY in the uniform like the backpack container... Missing Scripting Commands to load the current magazine of a weapon CHANGELOG:
  3. Benny.

    [SP/MP] BeCTI

    A new territorial parameter will be present in the next one and more parameters will see the light soon. Due to the lack of structures for that I'll be using the CC for artillery projectile detection. Or maybe some strategic emplacements on the map.
  4. Benny.

    [SP/MP] BeCTI

    Ola, No problems, feel free to send it. Thought i'm going to do some special stuff to my territorial version :) Nice video btw ;) Micro AI tend to have conflicts with direct orders. I'll see if I'm able to improve it. Was it on stratis or altis? did you have alot of towns? Glad to see it running fine. I'll look for that zero divisor error. I'm not really into copyrights and stuff as I'm mostly doing this for fun thought I'll have a look asap.
  5. Benny.

    [SP/MP] BeCTI

    - I'll pimp the hooking function - I'll tweak the rearm function as i'll rollback to the old system, shame that the newly introduced command no longer work :D I'll try to introduce bl1p skill modification in the upcoming one. Camps will be back with some heavy modification and parameters (gear restriction, per camp upgrade...) Due to the lack of defensive structures I can only use a flagpole for now, I just couldn't find a model which match a depot. Servicing will be available soon too Regarding income, the occupation upgrade will increase the non-occupied town income. An occupied town will bring a full-income. Territorial mode will also be introduced soon. I could work something out from Airport. Something like that shall cost money and shall be timed. I could add an action to build, thought it'd be slower than a worker (worker speed / 2 or 3). I'll try to add an UI helper with a quick action. Nice :), my goal is to delegate everything on the HC asap. I still gotta upload it on github or something. Why not :) Tweaks are on the way I've wrote a guide some pages ago Licensed under nada, use/edit what you want as long as you keep the credits :) It shouldn't be hard to do that with the system I've made. May have to change 2-3 script with side checks. Glad to see the mission running so well :) Any errors in the rpt btw? Removal based on cost is a nice idea, I'll see if I can work something out from it. For the client notification it's easier to use PVF as the time tick is never the same between the client and the server. It shall be done server-sided. I'll add a notification too in the next one :) For the player eject you have to use PVF too I think otherwise locality may kick in just like A2's. I may add a similar unit limitation system with difficulty params. Thought I don't know if I shall base it on FPS or unit count. Credits are important
  6. Benny.

    [SP/MP] BeCTI

    Hmm, What do you mean with #1? The previous AI Slot? #2 Is tricky, I don't know if doArtilleryFire / commanderArtilleryFire work on player. Some workaround may be needed such as a self made ballistic UI (Bit like the one in ArmA 2 Vanilla). Thanks for the report, It seems that the variable attached to the ruined structure vanished or that the structure got removed inbetween the construction process. I've added some extra checks to quit the loop just in case. - Define better hooking :), more distance between the hooked and the hooker? larger hook radius? - I'm not sure that this one is related to me. - I've noticed it for new players, I'm looking into it.
  7. Benny.

    [SP/MP] BeCTI

    I'll have a look as I had no problems with it the last time i've checked. I've fixed #2, selling was skipping the area update cycle. There's more to come starting by wide town-to-town patrols :D It's possible. Yes i'll add the town servicing feature in the next version. I'll see about the reinforcement from towns as I wana experiment a few stuff with it. Thanks, yeah a bug tracker would be nice. Atm you have to edit the mission in order to do that (mark the Officer as the player in the editor). I'll be adding ingame teamswaping feature for SP soon. Hmm I had some great fights with opposing AI teams during my tests, some confirmation would be great :) I'll add resistance difficulty asap. It has a non-existant impact. I've had the exploding vehicles too (physx ftw). It happen during the vehicle placement (like the blufor truck) where the vehicle is created but the rear or the front spawn underground, the velocity (to fix it up) kicks in and send the vehicle flying toward mars. I think that I'll add an extra height offset during the spawn of vehicles. I'll pimp the prison :)
  8. Benny.

    [SP/MP] BeCTI

    Thanks :) Why not, but this shall only work near a town. That's the base area. This was introduced to prevent scattered bases and to make bases more interesting.
  9. Benny.

    [SP/MP] BeCTI

    I'll be adding EASA, no worries. This doesn't even surprise me anymore :D I'll just roll back. I'll be introducing some modification regarding this part in next version. By scripting you just have to decomment the EH from Common_CreateUnit.sqf. I'll add a coefficient constant to increase the money awarded during towns capture. By scripting a coefficient has to be added in Server_OnTownCaptured.sqf for: _value = _town getVariable "cti_town_value"; //--- Old _value = (_town getVariable "cti_town_value") * x; //--- New (where x is a coefficient) I'll be adding service utilities in towns too. Most of them yes.
  10. Benny.

    [SP/MP] BeCTI

    This used to be fine in arma 2, I guess that I have to play with emptyPos and stuff now. Hey, An endless scenario is possible, you may want to make buildings and HQ invincible thought: - In Server_HandleStructureConstruction.sqf (note that you have to comment in the other handledamage events, there's 2) _structure setDir _direction; _structure setVectorUp [0,0,0]; _structure addEventHandler ["handledamage", {0}]; //--- Add this for 0 damages. ... - in Init_Server.sqf (note that you have to comment in the other hq handledamage event below) _hq addEventHandler ["killed", format["[_this select 0, _this select 1, %1] spawn CTI_SE_FNC_OnHQDestroyed", _sideID]]; _hq addEventHandler ["handledamage", {0}]; //--- Add this for 0 damages. ... Na, I don't play it that much :) I forgot to include the base area parameter, there's only a constant -> CTI_BASE_AREA_MAX I'll have a look about the gear/occupation upgrade switching. Regarding the templates, were you commander by any chances? There's some vest/uniform issues there I think. I'm using inRangeOfArtillery command and it seems that the calculation is kinda weird. I'll see if I can improve it. The parameters are as follow: - Disabled - Artillery Computer (the stock interface, 0 timeouts) - Short range (CTI UI) - Med range (CTI UI) - Long range (CTI UI) - Extreme range (CTI UI) The FOB parameter changes how many FOB may be built from a repair truck for a given side. The Base Area parameter is not present (it got left in my other parameters.hpp somewhat) Occupation upgrade increase the resources generated from empty towns. A soldier is still needed in the vicinity if you want to max out the town resources The calculation is as follow for an empty town: - Occupation Level 0 (default): 25% * (town value) - Occupation Level 1: 30% * (town value) - Occupation Level 2: 35% * (town value) - Occupation Level 3: 50% * (town value) Note that the parameter 'INCOME: Towns Occupation' on disabled will make the towns resources be on 100% no matter if empty or occupied. The occupation upgrade will also improve the quality of units which may spawn in towns (0:Nada, 1:Infantry, 2:Mechanized, 3:Armored) The reason why you don't see occupation in towns when there is no enemies around is that it would probably lag alot to have them all present at a time. Even a small team per towns would requires quite alot of resources (40 towns * 1 squad of 3/4 units -> 120/160 idling units). This system is open for suggestion as always :). We can always improve it! You can open up parameters.hpp and add some extra values for those parameters: - CTI_ECONOMY_STARTUP_FUNDS_EAST_COMMANDER - CTI_ECONOMY_STARTUP_FUNDS_EAST - CTI_ECONOMY_STARTUP_FUNDS_WEST_COMMANDER - CTI_ECONOMY_STARTUP_FUNDS_WEST You just have to add extra values in values[] and texts[] at the end. The random spawn depends on the distance set. On stratis it's kinda easy to guess. When no suitable spawn is found within 1000 attempts, location 1 & 0 are picked. Regarding the ammunition I'm using this command: http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/setVehicleAmmoDef I think I'll try not to use those new commands in the future. Time to go back to the old addWeapon/addMagazine! Regarding the launchers I still haven't tested it but I suspect the addItemToxxx command to be behind the issue (handling the magazine as an item). I'll have a look about the diff in the upgrade menu. I'll have a look, I think that selling a building skips the base area processing.
  11. Benny.

    [SP/MP] BeCTI

    I suspect it has something to do with addItemTo(Vest/Uniform/Backpack), It was broken like that once so why not twice :)
  12. Benny.

    [SP/MP] BeCTI

    Are you sure that this was my version? :D Steam & Skydrive versions are identical. Run as you would in arma! :) Hey, You mean the current weapon's magazine slot in the gear menu? There's no command to load a specific magazine in a weapon yet afaik. Otherwise I had some strange bugs before on dev channel where even if I had amagazine in my inventory it would not be considered as a valid magazine. Hey, By default the base area is 2 to prevent scattered bases. Try to sell an old base or increase the base area limit parameter from the lobby. An area is defined by the base buildings it has within 650~ meteres
  13. Benny.

    [SP/MP] BeCTI

    Hey, forceHeadlessClient=1; will vanish everytime you save the mission. Also you have to add the following line in the HC's *.Arma3Profile else it'll be stuck (our shortcut used -profiles=hc which will create a folder at our arma3 root called "hc", the profile is located within users. * is the name of the hc) battleyeLicense=1;
  14. Benny.

    [SP/MP] BeCTI

    Interesting, I'll look it out. Hey, The unit was an ArmA 2 OA unit, it can be whatever you wish it to be on CIV side. You've added battleyeLicense=1; in the HC profile? You only have to edit the mission.sqm and from what I saw it's fine, the rest is 100% config related. Detail your steps some more if possible. Scripting in ArmA is always funny :) Online manual will be expanded, I still have to cover some topics. Thought there's no deep manuals around. If you feel like a topic is missing then feel free to tell me about it or even write about it and I'll add it to the ingame help. I'll add it to steam workshop later tonight, It's hard to upload from work on steam :D I think I forgot to check the com's gear at start, I'll have a look. You can submit bugs or requests here, for gamebreaking stuff just pm me. I'll try to add a civ parameter.
  15. Benny.

    [SP/MP] BeCTI

    I couldn't reproduce it, Could you detail it a bit further? was it on LAN or dedi? are AI disabled? Thanks' date=' I've just noticed that I somewhat removed the environment disable command. If you want to disable it, add the following at the end of init.sqf 0 spawn { waitUntil {time > 0}; //--- Disable rear-end rabbits, opening-doors-snakes and all those bis mamals. enableEnvironment false; }; For HC you have to use Fred's solution since. Steps aren't too hard: Headless Client Guide: Preparing the Editor 1. Edit the mission in the Editor and add a civ slot as playable (or more if you have more than 1 HC), and put the following line in the init field (you can add a description too like "Headless Client"): if (profileName == "hc") then {selectPlayer this}; We add it since BIS made the HC non-player by default for some dark reasons. 2. Save the mission and edit mission.sqm Find the slot and add at the bottom of it's parameters: forceHeadlessClient=1; You should have something like: class Item114 { side="CIV"; class Vehicles { items=1; class Item0 { position[]={4723.4199,-8.379611,12673.128}; id=303; side="CIV"; vehicle="TK_CIV_Worker01_EP1"; player="PLAY CDG"; leader=1; skill=0.60000002; description="Headless Client"; init="if (profileName == 'hc') then {selectPlayer this};"; forceHeadlessClient=1; }; }; }; 3. Now that the mission.sqm is modified you have to either pack the mission as PBO with a tool like cpbo or whatever pbo packager there is around or you can reload the mission in editor and export it to multiplayer. Preparing the Server In our server.cfg we add the list of our potential HC so that the server allocated them an infinite bandwidth. If it's the same machine then we simply add the localhost ip: localClient[]={}; If we can have 2 LAN clients and then we use: localClient[]={,}; The server config is now ready Preparing the Headless Client And the final piece! Remember that the headless client is simply a client without an interface (no graphism) so it's unfortunately an extra licence per HC You can launch it after/before the server, it will hammer until it connects. Here's how to launch it assuming the server port is 2300 and that the HC is on the same server (otherwise change -connect=localhost to a LAN IP like -connect= "C:\Server\BIS\arma3.exe" -world=none -nosplash -nopause -client -profiles=hc -name=hc -connect=localhost -nosound -port=2300 Note that the "-name=hc" is important, the client will be named "hc" (that name shall match the profile name defined in the editor (hc in our case). Also you have to add the following line in the HC's *.Arma3Profile else it'll be stuck (our shortcut used -profiles=hc which will create a folder at our arma3 root called "hc", the profile is located within users. * is the name of the hc) battleyeLicense=1; If you don't have the the HC's *.Arma3Profile then you may launch the shortcut once and close it (it'll generate it). Annnd that's it! I thought you were talking about persistency. I'll see about reequip on death.
  16. Benny.

    [SP/MP] BeCTI

    Working with classnames is a pain now, I'll try to improve the weap balance in next version. I like the separation of repair & ammo. I'll see to give opfor & blufor a med veh if mobile is turned on. Artillery is handled of an odd way, inRangeOfArtillery is not really behaving like it should and getting the actual values seems a tad hardcore to get since the distance between the fire mission and the artillery piece affect the initSpeed of the projectile. Some input is welcome regarding dynamic range adaptation :) Locked & Unlocked vehicles shall have the action. You can save your gear, it's already working.
  17. Benny.

    [SP/MP] BeCTI

    Thanks, I'll be improving that for 0.98 :) 0.97 is available on my skydrive (see first page for links). I hope that I didn't forget anything ! PS: Headless Client works 100%
  18. Benny.

    [SP/MP] BeCTI

    Thanks, It's a shame that we have to do workaround to actually get something as simple as this to work :) I'll do a last control about HC with this fix before submitting it. A dedicated client is just a pure client without interface. The HC is just a unit, it's owner ID is needed for delegation (owner <object>). Once more it's a shame that it no longer works while it was working perfectly fine in OA... Hey, So upon Join in Progress the unit shall remain wherever it was? I'm fine with this and it's simple to fix, i'll see if I can work it out. In SP you cannot really swap (I need to do a "new init" when teamswaping, that'll be done later on). On a LAN or DED you can just go back to the lobby. As of 0.97 upgrades can be done for factories & gear menu.
  19. Benny.

    [SP/MP] BeCTI

    It was fixed in my internal version when the commands started working (for real :D) I'll release 0.97 Tomorrow. HC seems bugged here, the "player" object is always null for some dark reasons (was fine in A2 OA).
  20. Benny.

    [SP/MP] BeCTI

    No offense taken here :) I was just wondering if there was a better model laying around (so little content regarding mil structures) Some structures also take 0 damages so it's a bit hard to use them. If you find some buildings laying around just send me/post a picture around. Also you're not annoying me at all, didn't mean to sound like it hehe. Thanks :) What if I was adding some interesting stuff on them? Some of them could have POW, others could have ambushes etc Need more models! :) I'll tweak the building placement before .97 release. I highly doubt that those structures will be added.
  21. Benny.

    [SP/MP] BeCTI

    Doable. I was thinking of adding a gear access array for each items in the gear menu "Barracks/FOB/Ammo/Camps?". Camps shouldn't have any AT at all. It's a good concept althought I think it might fit better on respawn-able devices Hey, If you have a better model in mind then I'm all ears :) Could you detail this? Long list, I'll only answer about the new/non existing features. 1. Class based system is planned. 2. Towns: - Some stuff will be reworked. I'd like to remove the supply notion still. 3. Award: - I could boost the capture coefficient (there's already a system to prevent exploiting this) - I'll add infantry bounty but with a longer delay (way longer). 4. Base: - Base placement in/out of towns could be a parameter - Buildings HP has been reworked 5. Commander Roles: - 0 to 100 is a terribad idea, 30 to 100 is ok. - HQ shouldn't be able to be repaired without a repair truck. 6. Costs: - Some prices will be tweaked. - Heavy vehicles should be accessible. Above 10k is overkill as noone would be able to afford it in a reasonable amount of time. - I'll raise the Air prices. - 100k is just too much for artillery. 7. - Gear to vehicle is planned. - It's possible. Thanks, I've missed this one
  22. Benny.

    [SP/MP] BeCTI

    Well this need some thoughts, If you guys can detail it a bit more then I may be able to introduce something. Power/Sector Struggle in the open? Random events (both teams see the objective? random/frontline events?) Ideas are welcome :) So, side missions (common/indepent to both sides) :) 0.97 Is ready, I'll wait for the stable release to release it (otherwise it'll only work on dev branch) Beta testers are welcome :)
  23. Benny.

    [SP/MP] BeCTI

    Hey, It's fixed for 0.97 :), those classnames confuse me alot FOB will have many more features in the future (buy light units/quads, behave as occupation when placed within a town radius...)
  24. Benny.

    [SP/MP] BeCTI

    For now I'll leave it at 32 players seeing the awesome performance the game has on MP compared to A2... It has to do with collision, I've improved the preview mode with disableCollisionWith. Some nice ideas there, - Underwater is possible but expect some fancy stuff happening with AI :) - Gear Upgrade is planned, I'll see if I can make it in 0.97 - I'll reduce the naval factory's cost (You can hook vehicles with some boats, SDV can hook wrecks too) - It's a parameter - Buildings HP has been reworked - I'll try to add a purchase menu to the FOB asap, the stuff there shall be veryyyy light (atv kinds) - There's just not enough content to do more than 1 upgrade level on LF - Com voting may be added later on - I'll try to rework the gear's cost coefficient depending on where you purchase your items from (Barracks/Ammo/FOB) I'll try to tweak the middle of the island
  25. Benny.

    [SP/MP] BeCTI

    It's kinda similar as you won't be able to get money out of gear sales (trade-in). Hey, Thanks but I don't recall adding jets/uav in my mission yet :) You can get the files from your mpmissions cache (pbo, use an extractor).