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Everything posted by Benny.

  1. Benny.

    Warfare BE

    Well let's play tweaking the mission! :) missionNamespace setVariable [Format["WFBE_%1STARTINGVEHICLES", _side], ['OFrP_VAB_SAN','OFrP_VAB_TOP127']];//--- Starting Vehicles. missionNamespace setVariable [Format["WFBE_%1STARTINGVEHICLESINIT", _side], "this setFuel 0"]; //--- Starting Vehicle init. Init_Server.sqf //--- Starting vehicles. { _vehicle = [_x, getPos _hq, _sideID, 0, false] Call WFBE_CO_FNC_CreateVehicle; [_vehicle, getPos _hq, 45, 60, true, false, true] Call PlaceNear; _vehicle setVariable ["WFBE_Taxi_Prohib", true]; (_vehicle) call WFBE_CO_FNC_ClearVehicleCargo; emptyQueu = emptyQueu + [_vehicle]; _vehicle spawn HandleEmptyVehicle; //--- Custom init. _init = missionNamespace getVariable Format["WFBE_%1STARTINGVEHICLESINIT", _side]; if !(isNil '_init') then { _vehicle setVehicleInit _init; processInitCommands; }; } forEach (missionNamespace getVariable Format ['WFBE_%1STARTINGVEHICLES', _side]); Otherwise, you can adapt the init to be : - global to all vehicles - per vehicles You can tweak the AI commander FSM "purchase" selection. AI will buy stuff based of structures aswell but it's a bit messy. I'm currently re-doing both commander and ai fsm. I can tweak the HC so i'll check about it.
  2. Benny.

    Warfare BE

    AI will purchase what was given to them (in the squad template), this version is not from me. - In OA versions, AI will buy only OA units (Takistanies/US army). - In CO versions, AI will buy both OA and CO units (Force Recon, USMC, Russians, MVD...). It'll be tweaked in next version with the new AI logics. Otherwise i'm almost done tweaking the High Command, do you guys have any special wishes for it (more waypoints, more waypoint types...) ? I've already removed playable groups from the hostile shown groups to prevent that glitchy base spotting.
  3. Benny.

    Warfare BE

    Hey, Loadouts files are called from the Root_xx.sqf (where xx = faction). So if you have Root_US_ACE.sqf you may want to check/add the Loadout files calls in it. Gear files can be added straight in init_common.sqf like the others (see https://dev-heaven.net/projects/warfare-be/wiki/Editing). You may want to look in the aicommander.fsm buytype operation, ai commander will randomly adapt the ai types depending on the money/units, you can add an extra condition for air if needed.
  4. Benny.

    Warfare BE

    Most of the groups are fetched from BIS configs like that: _return = ["East", "INS"] Call Compile preprocessFile "Common\Config\Core_Squads\Squads_GetFactionGroups.sqf"; _aiTeamTemplates = _return select 0; _aiTeamTemplateName = _return select 1; _aiTeamTemplateRequires = _return select 2; _aiTeamTypes = _return select 3; _aiTeamUpgrades = _return select 4; You can add other types after that, even adapt that line & make static groups. I don't have ACE but it seems like the stryker is not defined within the ACE core file, i'll check asap. Need more details about the gear.sqf if possible. It will help. Nice find about the HC.
  5. Benny.

    Warfare BE

    Nice find :) Still i'll try to make it more save-proof in the future. Hey, 073 Can have: - Guer vs East. - Guer vs West. - East vs West. Like if you want to have Guer vs West (without using setFriend) from the takistan stock version you have to: - Remove east players & logic - Add a guer logic "WFBE_L_GUE" and sync the players on it. - Tweak guer config files to include RACS. Everything else shall be handled dynamically by the code afaik. I'll check about the balance as i'm going to rework the buy menu aswell. I know about the second one, it'll be addressed. Ambushes* :)
  6. Benny.

    Warfare BE

    Keep in mind that the EH need to be server-sided (other they vanish on client d/c). I'm reworking the whole FSM, it's doable but it'll need some tweaking (enemy may disembark from the vehicle if there is no detected enemies within xxx meters). modACE is only applied to Units, You need to tweak init_common.sqf to load other gears if needed. Add the command in Client_BuildUnit/Server_BuyUnit at the end of the vehicle creation part. Could always check if player TK Count > 5 then toss them in a jail with stones while a swarm of cows/boar sing along. Locality at work :p, bit tricky to patch up.
  7. Benny.

    Warfare BE

    You have to "commonize" the other server scripts (such as HQ Deploy script / Building construction script). Be aware that if you set the event handlers on the client-side (HQ destruction) and if the client disconnect, the HQ won't be repairable, it'll be considered as a wreck since event handlers created by the client vanish when the this one disconnect. I'll check about those features. I'm working on a Random ambush features (dynamic), this one will: - Create checkpoints randomly between towns (between a friendly/enemy town). - Create some random patrols.
  8. Benny.

    Warfare BE

    This will make towns inactive until something get inside the town range and underneath 5 or 10 meters.
  9. Benny.

    Warfare BE

    If the server is configured to log stuff, then yes :) As qazdar said, you can tweak server_town_ai.fsm so that air vehicle never trigger the AI (check the "Kind of Contact" square).
  10. Benny.

    Warfare BE

    You can move the defense creation to client side (check the coin_interface.sqf), it need a few adaptation thought (Replace PVF by the defense creation function (& make the function common)).
  11. Benny.

    Warfare BE

    You meant on mobilized HQ?
  12. Benny.

    Warfare BE

    1 FC could assign a town to his "minions" (TL). Now the big question is the restriction (Enforcing the purchases like: if infantry >> player x can only buy infantry and light vehicles (transports)) Well the big idea is to have dynamic games, there will be multiple AI FSM like: - AI Commander (Base/Strategy/Orders/Upgrades/Supports). - AI Field Commanders (overall fsm, the AI FC will handle the orders for his TL), All TL underneath the FC will make some kind of platoon formation around him (will be customizable ofc). Depending on the role of the TL, his behaviour will change in the "team". - AI Team Leaders (Minions, they will behave normally if not within a FC's team). FOB was planned, i'll add it to Field commanders, you will be able to purchase infantry/lvf at upgrade 0 if the FOB itself get upgraded (for money/supply?). Those range restrictions will be added. Just like base buildings, a limitation will be added (max # of FOB). Reward system will be reworked once more. I'll check bout the low/high gear. I'll add some repair kits, it can be frustrating to blow a tire :) IRS is already in 073, Respawn button may be in 074. Linking gameplay elements to towns may be interesting (i.e radar/reinforcement). About the town you mean some kind of strike back? (i.e all towns are res, west take pavlovo, res send tanks from zeleno & mechanized infantry from kamenka). Defense items are created server-sided. Apply Buildingdamgereduction to construction_hqsite.sqf (only on deployed). Shall be easy to adapt :p Hey, thanks :) You can edit server.cfg part to customize the mission parameters >> https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/server.cfg#ArmA_II:_Operation_Arrowhead_-_multiple_mission_parameters_configuration
  13. Benny.

    Warfare BE

    Check 073 Coin script, it has a part where the type of check is defined. 073 Coin: if ( ([position _preview,_startPos] call BIS_fnc_distance2D) > _limitH ) then { _color = _colorGray } else { //--- No money _funds = 0; call compile format ["_funds = %1;",_itemFunds]; _fundsRemaining = _funds - _itemcost; if (_fundsRemaining < 0) then {_color = _colorRed}; _color = [_itemcategory, _preview, _color] Call (missionNamespace getVariable "WFBE_C_STRUCTURES_PLACEMENT_METHOD"); }; 073 Placement Method (free, init_client.sqf): missionNamespace setVariable ["WFBE_C_STRUCTURES_PLACEMENT_METHOD",{ Private ["_color","_itemcategory","_preview"]; _itemcategory = _this select 0; _preview = _this select 1; _color = _this select 2; if (surfaceIsWater(position _preview)) then { _color = _colorRed; } else { if (_color != _colorRed) then { if (_itemcategory == 0) then { //--- Structures. if (count(((position _preview) nearObjects ["Building", 10]) - [_preview]) > 0) then {_color = _colorRed}; } else { //--- Rest. if (count((position _preview) nearEntities [['Man','Car','Motorcycle','Tank','Air','Ship'], 10]) > 0) then {_color = _colorRed}; }; }; }; _color }]; Should be easy with no drawbacks :) I'll try to work it out, shouldn't be too hard with the new menu. Meant it in a way that it's not overcomplicated :D On a sidenote, i need Chain of Commands ideas like: * Commander |__Field Commander 1 | |___ Team leaders 1 | |___ Team leaders 2 | |___ Team leaders x |__Field Commander 2 |___ Team leaders 3 |___ Team leaders 4 |___ Team leaders x The big idea would be to pimp the game CoC & give the commander the ability to freely create his own CoC. The commander could "elect" field commanders and assign pools of team leaders to them, the field commander could then assign orders to his own managed pool. I'm currently working on some kind of macro/micro high command especially designed for this, an order given by the top commander will automatically be received by the FC & TL. Any inputs are welcome on this subject :)
  14. Benny.

    Warfare BE

    Using C# it's doable (linux >> mono) or another language. For C# You can get some samples from: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.windows.forms.clipboard.aspx http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/2207/Clipboard-handling-with-NET http://www.c-sharpcorner.com/UploadFile/mahesh/WorkingwithSystemClipboard12032005043903AM/WorkingwithSystemClipboard.aspx Rawly you get the copyToClipboard triggering the C# event, so you can do something like copyToClipboard Format["CLIPBOARD_Handling_WestHQ_Status:: $%1$%2$%3", getPos WestHQ, alive WestHQ, getDammage WestHQ] Which is then copied in the DB via the clipboard handler... And loaded from the DB after an update trigger from the mission (on start) copyToClipboard "CLIPBOARD_Handling_RequestLastReload" Which then copy (one by one (be aware that it's tricky to load alot of stuff from copyFromClipboard since you don't really get a return unlike callExtension)) the needed data. copyToClipboard "CLIPBOARD_Handling_Request_WestHQ_Status"; sleep 0.2; _return = copyFromClipboard; It's pretty much basic and keep in mind that callExtension will always be superior (on windows at least for now :p). Hmm, this is quite tricky as you could choose to spawn at a camp or another mobile point after literally forever. Maybe if timer > respawn param time then availableSpawns = base only (no camps/mobiles). It shall work unless those walls cannot be grabbed via coin_interface.sqf@229. They're well defined in Structures_xxx.sqf ? >> _n = _n + ["RUBasicWeaponsBox"]; _n = _n + ["RULaunchersBox"]; _n = _n + ["RUSpecialWeaponsBox"]; _n = _n + ["uberwalls"]; Hmm, is "I didn't knew that there was a new version" a valid answer? :p
  15. Benny.

    Warfare BE

    I'll fix it asap. According to client_buildunit.sqf & server_buyunit.sqf it should work >> //--- Units Balancing. if ((missionNamespace getVariable "WFBE_C_UNITS_BALANCING") > 0) then {(_vehicle) Spawn BalanceInit}; Radar scanning is barely affected by VD afaik. Server/Client VD is set to 1000 meters by default, only the client VD changes afterward. AI AA manpods barely work even on 10km VD, they need to "know" the target before really engaging them. Location specific part is doable, you can detect village / town / cities. Flushing shall remain done by the client ihmo.
  16. Benny.

    Warfare BE

    It should be a /, i think that i've updated the mission package a while ago and that it has the fix. Thanks! Rawly with a clipboard handler you can save the game state in a DB and load it when needed (saving positions, side id, resources...). This is what i've been doing for the stats before the callExtension. I just don't know if copyTo/From/Clipboard on linux works :p
  17. Benny.

    Warfare BE

    Kinda :) http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/copyFromClipboard http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/copyToClipboard Hey, could it be possible to have more details? or even the RPT file. Hey, need the RPT too :)
  18. Benny.

    Warfare BE

    I didn't check but maybe copyToClipboard/copyFromClipboard work on linux DS? The "units removal" param is the one you're looking for, it defines how long a unit may remain "dead" on the battlefield. the "empty vehicle" one is just about living units. It does. I may split them in 074 (Bodies/Vehicles). Commander/AI Fsm will be reworked for the best. I'm not sure about what you mean by dumping/GC. modACE = true; in initJIPCompatible.sqf shall do the job, otherwise you can tweak init_common.sqf to load some special SQF. (https://dev-heaven.net/projects/warfare-be/wiki/Editing may help) Simply replace: //--- Overall Dump. _return = ["East", "RU", ["RU_Pchela1TSquadron","RU_Ka52Squadron"]] Call Compile preprocessFile "Common\Config\Core_Squads\Squads_GetFactionGroups.sqf"; _aiTeamTemplates = _return select 0; _aiTeamTemplateName = _return select 1; _aiTeamTemplateRequires = _return select 2; _aiTeamTypes = _return select 3; _aiTeamUpgrades = _return select 4; With: _aiTeamTemplates = []; _aiTeamTemplateName = []; _aiTeamTemplateRequires = []; _aiTeamTypes = []; _aiTeamUpgrades = []; Lan Save/Load is not fully supported yet, i'll try to "improve" it with UI serialization & uiNamespace. Good news about the defender variation btw :) Porting it to lingor shouldn't be too hard now :)
  19. Benny.

    Warfare BE

    Spawn kind is based on SV. This should do the job.
  20. Benny.

    Warfare BE

    1) You have 2 coefficient variables in init_commonconstants.sqf missionNamespace setVariable ["WFBE_C_TOWNS_DETECTION_RANGE_ACTIVE_COEF", 1]; //--- Town activation range once active (town range * coef) missionNamespace setVariable ["WFBE_C_TOWNS_DETECTION_RANGE_COEF", 1]; //--- Town activation range while idling (town range * coef) A town "fixed" range can be override in editor: nullReturn = [this,"Zargabad","+",30,120,1000] execVM "Common\Init\Init_Town.sqf"; //--- Fixed range is 550 by default. nullReturn = [this,"Zargabad","+",30,120,1000,600] execVM "Common\Init\Init_Town.sqf"; //--- Fixed range is now 600 Activation range is: current coefficient * fixed range 2) Patrols are defined in Core_Root files for each sides. //--- Patrols. missionNamespace setVariable [Format["WFBE_%1_PATROL_LIGHT", _side], [ ['US_Soldier_TL_EP1','US_Soldier_MG_EP1','US_Soldier_Sniper_EP1','US_Soldier_Medic_EP1'], ['US_Soldier_TL_EP1','US_Soldier_AR_EP1','US_Soldier_GL_EP1','US_Soldier_AT_EP1','US_Soldier_EP1'], ['HMMWV_M1151_M2_DES_EP1','HMMWV_MK19_DES_EP1'] ]]; missionNamespace setVariable [Format["WFBE_%1_PATROL_MEDIUM", _side], [ ['M1126_ICV_M2_EP1','M1135_ATGMV_EP1'], ['MTVR_DES_EP1','US_Soldier_TL_EP1','US_Soldier_AT_EP1','US_Soldier_MG_EP1','US_Soldier_AT_EP1'], ['M2A3_EP1','US_Soldier_AA_EP1','US_Soldier_AA_EP1','US_Soldier_Medic_EP1'] ]]; missionNamespace setVariable [Format["WFBE_%1_PATROL_HEAVY", _side], [ ['M2A3_EP1','M2A3_EP1'], ['M1A1_US_DES_EP1','M1A1_US_DES_EP1'], ['M2A3_EP1','M2A3_EP1','US_Soldier_TL_EP1','US_Soldier_MG_EP1','US_Soldier_Marksman_EP1','US_Soldier_Medic_EP1','US_Soldier_HAT_EP1','US_Soldier_AHAT_EP1','US_Soldier_EP1'], ['M1126_ICV_M2_EP1','US_Soldier_TL_EP1','US_Soldier_Medic_EP1','US_Soldier_GL_EP1','US_Soldier_EP1','US_Soldier_AR_EP1'] ]];
  21. Benny.

    Warfare BE

    It's possible, just remember that it can be exploited by then. It'll only work for 073.
  22. Benny.

    Warfare BE

    Remember that it's not fully tested but in Init_Common.sqf, you can edit WFBE_DEFENDER and change it to east / west, this will change how hold the town. In order to have Resistance vs West you have to: - Remove East from the Editor (along with the logic), Add Resistance in the editor (along with the logic). - Set WFBE_DEFENDER = east. This should work yet it's untested (some params like town modes won't be updated properly, stock will work). Nice job :)
  23. Benny.

    Warfare BE

    4km is fine for takistan/chernarus here (even on my old config). I still have to make parameters profile for each islands. LAN Shall behave nearly the same as Dedicated, you will fight bother Resistance & Enemy. Note that map markers only get updated if: - Your team seize one town. - Your team loose a town. You can't see enemy town capture unless the town was yours.
  24. Benny.

    Warfare BE

    I've never said that everything was fine nor am i denying the existence of bugs, this is why it's being optimized all the time and that it's getting improved (new coc/ai system in 074) otherwise I would have stopped at version 001 :) The current AI System is from ArmA 2 itself, it's needless to say that alot of improvement can be done and will be done. I just can't fix everything in one day unfortunately. Just keep in mind that the bandwidth settings need to be tweaked and that the parameters can impact the whole gameplay in term of FPS/Bandwidth. ---------- Post added at 12:57 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:47 PM ---------- In editor, you can place multiple side with playableUnits linked to the "side" logic. You may have: - 3 side playable: West, East and Resistance are playable, WFBE_DEFENDER (default resistance) hold the towns (The TOWN: Defender parameter can be disabled so that no units spawn there). - 2 side playable: West vs East, West vs Res, East vs Res may be used, WFBE_DEFENDER hold the towns. What need to be done for you is: Disabling the "TOWN: Defender" parameter, no units/defenses will spawn in towns for the defender. Divided towns will always give West vs East.
  25. Benny.

    Warfare BE

    Read the previous post again for the AI. I'm talking about frequency, not cores, there is no point in having 8 core for an arma 2 server atm as it barely manage to use 2, this is where the frequency is important as a core will handle all of the AI processing. Try to reduce the playable slots if your server can't handle 32 players.