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Everything posted by kylania

  1. Ack, get rid of all that crazy looping stuff! :) SQS is dead, long live SQF. Don't need a loop anyway, ArmA2 has added Conditions to addAction: Something like this: _actionId = _vehicle addAction ["Repair/Refuel", "scripts\repair.sqf", "", false, true, "", "(_player distance _vehicle < 10) && _player == engineer1"];
  2. You're doing this on the fly?? Why aren't you just placing EMPTY units via the Editor?
  3. That's the old format for OFP, someone posted the new one today, I'll search_before_posting for you. Found it! Read more here.
  4. kylania

    If does NOT work

    You're using SQF's IF statement apparently in an SQS script? JDog's suggestion should work, since ; is comment in SQS instead of 'end of statement' in SQF. Read about the syntax of SQF and SQS and use and learn SQF. :)
  5. kylania

    ArmA2 - The Xbox 360 thread

    OFP:DR has been, don't believe ArmA2 has been. I imagine you'll get something like the 'My Missions' editor on console, with presets and whatnot, but a full editor (which requires much typing and externally created scripts) might be out of range of console titles?
  6. kylania

    ArmA2 - The Xbox 360 thread

    Are you asking if ArmA2, the PC game, will have a console based mission editor or are you just too high to function at the moment? :)
  7. kylania

    AI will not engage enemy

    Try using "Seek and Destroy" rather than "Destroy"? I usually use Destroy only for specific objectives, like a tank or something.
  8. kylania

    Mission Editor

    Sure it does, remember it's an sqs file so execute it via exec instead of execVM. In init of player for example: this exec "camera.sqs"
  9. Why not try something like naming the group of the players than have the trigger check if the group is in the helo instead of each individual player?
  10. kylania

    Mission Editor

    Not entirely part of the Editor interface itself, but here's the list of new scripting commands added by ArmA2: http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Category:ArmA_2:_New_Scripting_Commands_List
  11. Of all the End a Mission posts you could have mini-necro'd this is the one you choose? Srsly? This was just a misstep by Gunn, he's come a long way from this post. :)
  12. You could just spawn a full crew using the Functions library: _group = createGroup east; _veh = createVehicle ["Mi17_rockets_RU", position player, [], 0, "FLY"]; _null = [_veh, _group] call BIS_fnc_SpawnCrew; You can fill all the slots that way. Taken from this post.
  13. kylania

    Vehicle drop from C130

    You can make things really easy with the BIS functions as well. Place the Functions module, create a C130 called c1, have it fly past a trigger with this in it's OnAct: [c1,"HMMWV"] call BIS_fnc_supplyDrop; Done. :) Use "LAND" for an M2 HMMVW, or "reammobox" for an ammobox.
  14. http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/String There's also a ton more in the new BIS Functions thing. Use this to look up the string functions from the new library.
  15. The 3D editor hasn't actually been officially released, so fixing this is probably on their list but not something you'll see till they actually release that functionality.
  16. kylania

    Memory Leak

    So you want the filed Read Only? Or not? I did step 3 and none were Read Only. Edit: I'm about read to give up on this game. I can't play for more than 1 hour anymore. F'this.
  17. kylania

    Windows 7

    Win7 64bit, dual EVGA 260s, 6GB RAM, iCore7 920, fresh install of 190.38 drivers from Nvidia, nothing overclocked... and not a damn thing works. 20-30 FPS, constant crashes, memory leaks. I'm beyond pissed. If someone with similar settings can post *exactly* what that have installed and what settings they are using I think it would be a lot more helpful than "works for me".
  18. kylania

    Memory Leak

    This just started with me and my epic struggle to get ArmA2 to work for me. Bought a whole new machine, SLI and everything and I'd been sh_t performance the whole time. Latest problem is the game just... disappears, no warning. No slowdown, just stops. I check taskmanger and the process is running and constantly climbing in memory usage. Here's the crash report:
  19. [insert default why-the-heck-didn't-you-search comment here] this setBehaviour "CARELESS";
  20. Clicking on 'Search' up top and putting in End mission trigger results in at least 7 threads in the first 3 pages of Search Results that directly match word for word what you're asking. How exactly did you "search extensively" when a "casual and almost accidental" search resulted in answers galore? :icon_rolleyes:
  21. kylania

    select command

    You're including a ; at the end of the second line right?
  22. Anyone tested if SD ammo (in normal weapons too) reduces the AI alertness?
  23. kylania

    Vehicle Repair
