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Everything posted by kylania

  1. Both questions can be answered by a simple "Steam Sucks". Remember too, we in most cases ended up paying MORE for this wonderful update system than retail box owners did. This process needs to be improved. @kozzy below: If this has happened before to Steam, why did they let it happen again?
  2. hmm.. maybe that's what's happening to me. The download at work and at home is taking hour+, which is plain stupid. I forgot to check if any mods had been deleted at work though, and at home I didn't have any on this PC. Sure hope not...
  3. cpbo doesn't automatically register itself, you have to answer YES to the popup error I mention. That's also why you need to run it as administrator. Personally I can't imagine not having that associated. The ability to double click on a pbo to extract it and rclick on a folder to pbo it is essential for me. The way to "remove" it is to simply answer "no" when first running it. If you want to remove it, you can follow these instructions I posted a while back to another forum. (Note that forum word length limits has automatically parsed extra spaces into some of the above registry paths, so please keep that in mind.)
  4. Does \n work? I can't test since Steam has seen fit to make me wait hours or patching to try anything.
  5. My main problem is that I can download the patch in 10 minutes from ArmA2.com, but stupid Steam has taken TWO HOURS, failed twice and is still only 47% done!?
  6. I'd be happy to kju, just PM me and I'll send you over a link to the editable source. It's a Google Documents Presentation, so should be easy to adjust.
  7. I created a slideshow for my unit to explain how to apply all these things. Hopefully it'll help others. Enabling ArmA I Maps in ArmA II (Some of the mods I list to download are used on our maps, so you don't necessarily need them; Chinook and M114)
  8. This doesn't fix the problem, it makes me pay iCore7 prices for a Quad Core. :) I've got an iCore7 and GTX 260 and have had NOTHING but problems. It's quite disappointing. I almost think I should get an ATI card, it's in the patch notes and everyone with one loves it.
  9. Wildly disappointed by the fact that Steam Autodownloaded, meaning I can't use existing servers, thanks Steam! Also disappointed that there's no mention of graphics engine upgrades for Nvidia meaning my new and crippled PC probably can't play this still. Sigh.
  10. For the first question, just play Domination. :) For the second, maybe put a trigger on the tower that when it's destroyed you remove ammo from the pods?
  11. Worked for me with all the Russian vehicles. Doesn't look as "proper" as it does with a normal cargo plane. Just remember to name the vehicle with whatever you put in the function call and make sure to have the Functions Module on your map.
  12. You'd just have to use a different vehicle. Either an Mi-8 or SU-34 or something.
  13. _soldier1 assignAsDriver _helo [_soldier1] orderGetIn true
  14. kylania

    Who shot him?

    this addEventHandler ["killed", "hint format['%1 killed by %2',_this select 0, _this select 1]"] I'd use that since it's more generic. Basically put that in some unit's init and it will say "Unitname killed by Killername" when it's killed. That way you don't need to hardcode it. Now, you will want to give it a human readable name, like "Boss" rather than "b1" or something. :)
  15. kylania

    Who shot him?

    In the target's init: this addEventHandler ["killed", "hint format['Killed by %1',_this select 1]"]
  16. Just attachTo each vehicle to the one in front of it and hope you don't need to turn. :)
  17. kylania

    Who shot him?

    the "Hit" eventhandler does that, but currently might be broken. There's a fix coming for that.
  18. Download this demo mission. When you walk onto the first heli pad it will spawn a friendly group. There's other things to it too. The thread it was from is this one: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=79874&page=4
  19. .... holy! Had no idea that worked. SO many extra clicks for me. Thanks!!
  20. kylania

    Edit existing map?

    Well, the map itself can only require Addons, not disable them. Try looking here to see how to enable addon use, I think it's signature checking you want to disable. http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/ArmA:_Dedicated_Server
  21. kylania

    Edit existing map?

    The map you played will be a PBO in the following folder by default: C:\Documents and Settings\<windowsusername>\Local Settings\Application Data\ArmA 2\MPMissionsCache Copy that file out and unPBO it with your favorite PBO tool, then move the folder it creates to your missions editor folder, by default: \My Documents\ArmA 2 Other Profiles\<ArmA2playername>\missions Then you can edit it in the Editor. When you're done just Save -> Export to Multiplayer missions and it'll will have created a PBO in your ArmA2\MPMissions folder you can host yourself.
  22. kylania

    "Hide Body" Action

    I think by default it's just mart of the Corpsman class. You could script it otherwise though.
  23. Because you can't easily use an unreleased alpha feature? Ok.. whatever. :)
  24. In your init.sqf: { if ((side _x) == west) then { _x addAction ["Collect Documents","collect.sqf"]; }; } foreach AllUnits; That's how to add an action to everyone on a particular side at least. For your purposes something like this might be better: this addAction ["Collect Documents","collect.sqf",[],1,false,true,"","(side _this) == west"]; Put that in the documents init and the action will only appear for western units.
  25. That won't happen in the Editor Preview. You need to export it to SinglePlayer/MultiPlayer Game first then try running it. I bow to Ghost44's brilliance!