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Posts posted by pogoman979

  1. the demo mission death valley is riddled with bugs, and since its the main mp mission alot of folks are getting annoyed. for example, when you try to respawn at main base you end up respawning in the middle of nowhere indefinately, and when i aborted to try and rejoin the "ok" button was gone, so i couldnt rejoin and could only dc.

  2. you can open the CFG in your arma2 profile and try these settings 'if' you want to play round with AA

    FSAA=0 - Disabled

    FSAA=1 - Low

    FSAA=2 - Normal

    FSAA=3 - High


    Shadows will be disabled if you try any of the above options for AA.


    changing the fsaa doesnt do anything for me, it simply defaults back to 0 when i run arma, and my shadows still work :/. i even set the file to read only and it still doesnt do anything. any ideas?

  3. just because it works on your computer doesnt mean it'll work on others. from what i've seen, about 50% seem to have great graphics and 50% have awful graphics (i have awful gfx :P), and we all have pretty good specs. i'm not complaining though (well anymore, i eventually got over it lol) cause theres so many other great things about arma2, and based on arma1 its all gonna be eventually fixed.

    it is a shame though cause so many problems at release neuters the playerbase, like with arma1...

  4. execVM this as an sqf from the init.sqf:

    While{true} do {
    if(side _x == EAST and _x hasweapon "nvgoggles")then{_x removeWeapon "nvgoggles"};
    } foreach playableunits;
    sleep 1;

    (note playableunits is only valid in mpgames, it will not work in the editor/SP).

    EDIT: actually stuff that, have u tried just putting in a trigger with:

    condition: player hasweapon "nvgoggles" and playerside == EAST

    activation: player removeweapon "nvgoggles"

    idk theres a 1000 simple ways to do this, any of them should work really :/

  5. the good thing about external chat programs is they dont use the servers bandwidth. mumble is a ts style chat that also has the direct chat capabilities, but it only works with some games, ie someone has to mod it to get it to work in arma2. we use it all the time in project reality, and the direct chat is so much louder/clear than in arma.

  6. one thing that PR did for bf2 that seems much better than in arma, the sabot rounds travel much faster and so dont have as significant bullet drop. i got no idea but i assume that in arma the shells were moving unrealistically slowly? (as you could see them moving in midflight)

  7. ok in my mission i create construction interfaces using the createunit command. so basically when i buy things my total funds go down (obviously), but if i abort and rejoin and go to the same construction site which has the same action, the funds have been reset to the starting amount. i tried getting the variable and setting it with onplayerconnected but the server couldnt seem to find the "BIS_COIN_funds" variable :/.
