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About IrishGuerilla

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    Gamer, Wannabe Games Programmer
  1. IrishGuerilla

    ArmA II release date discussion thread

    I was just about to pre-order from play.com untill i checked in my wallet and my card is not there :confused:, i tried finding it but no luck, great. I'm sure it will turn up though, i'll edit this post when i've pre-ordered : ).
  2. Yeah i realise it's a completely different genre than most games so i will devote a lot of patience to it. But the whole idea behind this game really excites me and is different to anything i have played so i hope it takes my favour. By the way, i haven't not played ArmA1 by choice, my current laptop will not play it, so i am ordering a new PC in a week or two - for other games too of course, it should be able to play ArmA1 as well as ArmA 2. This is one game i'm not going to rush, i'm willing to spend at least an hour on each mission : ). During the summer i will be awaiting my results to see if get into uni, this will hopefully take my mind off it.
  3. Once i set the controls and go through training and stuff i will go for a long stroll through a field surrounded by mountains and trees :-) Maybe i'll even get a few beers and drink on my own for once (no gamer mates in real life :|) as the circumstances allow it :-)
  4. I haven't played ArmA1 or OFP. I just came across the game trailer on youtube. The whole idea of this game, the realism, the graphics has got me so interested that i can't stop thinking about it. I have never been so exited about a game since... ever :-) I actually really dislike run and gun games where the missions are like - Kill all enemy soldiers - Progress to the next patch of land by following npc's - Kill all enemy soldiers and so on. I want to explore stuff, get to know my enemy, use tactics, play like I am in real life, talk with the civilians, secure areas. I also want to know the backround of the group of people i am killing - Like the nationalists, know their cause, their most know areas etc..