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Posts posted by pooroldspike

  1. GRADIENT SPEED TESTS (vanilla Comb Ops 1.57)

    Test 1: M1A1 The climb is pretty steep-


    Ready to go-


    On the road all the way up, the speed fluctuated around 15-17 kmh because of tiny undulations in the slope-

    (I was commander and kept hitting the 'W' key to make sure the driver kept his foot down)


    And paralleling the road but going offroad this time, the speed was the same:- 15-17 kmh.


  2. I just downloaded 1.09 to desktop, here's the relevant bit of the readme-

    ===ARMA 2 UPDATE 1.09 ===

    Copyright © 2011 Bohemia Interactive. All rights reserved.

    This free update is sponsored by Sprocket http://www.sprocketidea.com/, the online store where you can buy Arma 2 and other games directly from the developers.


    * ANY ORIGINAL VERSION OF ARMA 2 from 1.00 (including the Steam version, note that Verify file cache and autoupdate will not work properly until the full 1.09 is also out directly on Steam)

    * DirectX 9 from February 2010 or newer is required and should be updated during the patching process automatically as needed or you can update your version of DirectX from www.microsoft.com/windows/directx/


    Run the patch exe to apply the patch setup automatically.

    It will install all content of the patch to the folder with your ArmA 2 installation (default is C:\Program Files\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA 2 or Bohemia Interactive\ArmA2).

    Please note that it is not possible to rollback to a previous version after the installation of this patch, only a full reinstall of the game is possible, if you want to keep your previous version you may want to backup the entire game installation folder before applying this patch.

    Missions 1.08-1.09 Changelog


    * Fixed: I2 - mission is not failling before the takeoff.

    * Fixed: C1,I1 - SD pistol mags were missing.

    * Fixed: C5 - high command icons were not loaded.

    * Fixed: C6 - task waypoint for transport important POW is fixed.

    * Fixed: C3 - smuggler not shooting.

    * Fixed: C2 - Pepan is not at the pump.

    * Fixed: I1 - Shilka was too strong.

    * Fixed: I1 - Razor is hunting down one enemy on whole chernarus.

    * Fixed: minor fixes in (CZ/RU) dubbing protocol.


  3. First rule for newcomers-


    Sure, some people like big missions full of a zillion units, but others (including me) like smaller faster-moving missions.

    Heck you can even play auto-generated one-man Armory Missions, just you alone against the bad guys, great fun.

    Personally I like to set up small games in the editor (they can only take 10 minutes to create), just a single squad like this ready to rock n' roll under my command against the enemy-



    Get comfortable with the vanilla (ie straight out of the box) game first, but you can patch it to the latest version, (currently AA2 1.8 and OA 1.57)

    I play almost-vanilla Comb Ops 1.57, the only thing I've added is a 'Summerpack' mod to turn Chernarus lush green instead of default autumn colours, and at the moment I've no plans to add anything else.

  4. Aother thing- the assassin in the 'Day of the Jackal' took a pot at de Gaulle with a funny little rifle that fired an explosive bullet, presumably at low velocity because there wasn't much noise from the muzzle blast (silenced?), and not much recoil.

    Are such explosive-bullet-firing weapons pure fiction or do they exist in real life?


  5. Who can tell us about body armour? How good is the current stuff used by various nations at stopping bullets?

    I presume it can stop pistol shots just like bullet proof vests which have been around for many years, but it can't stop rifle shots.

    Why doesn't somebody invent body armour that can?

    I'm sure troops wouldn't mind wearing very heavy armour if it made them invulnerable to all small arms fire including MG's.

  6. ..With the ability to make your own missions, I wish there would be more creative missions... Escape missions would be awesome. Same goes for silent infiltration to steal something, and 1 man assassination missions, etc.

    The Editor is so easy to use I'm surprised more people don't build their own missions, you can create one in less than 15 minutes no kidding.

    We do that over at The Few Good Men club, building a mission then putting it up for download, then we have a crack at it in singleplayer mode and compare notes about how we got on, discussing what tactics we used, posting ingame screenshots etc.

    Quite often its hard to win at the first attempt, and it's great fun playing it several more times (think 'addiction'), tryng new tactics and approaches until you get a win.

    Go here and scroll down to the FGM Armed Assault Section to see what I mean-


    there are currently only about 6 of us into AA2 and we welcome new members.

  7. I too have played through the Armoury.

    I too only succeed in about 1 in 3.

    The "escape and evade" missions are a lot of fun!-

    Yes you need every bit of tactical cunning to stay alive, so that makes them great for training.

    The enemy have the nasty habit of coming at you from more than one direction at once so you need eyes in the back of your head; personally I like to put a house or big boulder behind me to protect my back, then I only need to watch my frontal 180-degree arc instead of the full 360 degrees..:)

  8. Has anyone had any issues picking up another player's laser marker?

    I have done this a few times without any issues in Takistan with OA, however on Chernarus with CO, I have yet to see this working.

    I know in singleplayer that if you laze a spot that's not in the LOS of the AI-controlled A-10, it won't drop its LGB.

    For example if you laze the wall of a building, the A-10 won't see the spot on the wall if he's flying somewhere on the far side of the building because he hasn't got x-ray vision.

    But when he orbits into a position from where he can see the spot on the wall, he'll radio something like "Target 500metres southwest", and after lining up, will drop the bomb on it.

    So when lazing spots on buildings, I always try to laze the roof rather than the wall, so that it's easier for the A-10 to see, like this-


    CALLING IN AIRSTRIKES illustrated thread- http://www.thefewgoodmen.com/thefgmforum/showthread.php?7486-Calling-in-airstrikes

  9. I'm no firearms expert, but surely the basic laws of physics dictate that a small 5.56 is bound to decelerate faster due to air drag and therefore be ineffective at longer ranges, whereas a bigger 7.62 decelerates slower and has a greater effective range?

    Likewise, if an enemy is hiding behind a wooden fence, surely a 5.56 would lose most of its kinetic energy penetrating the fence and barely scratch the guy behind it, whereas a 7.62 would punch through and hurt him badly?

  10. The auto-generated Armory Missions are bloody hard, I only win about 1 in 3 if I'm lucky, it's just you--and you alone-- against the bad guys in true Rambo style..:)

    For example, choose a rifle to try, and you'll be plonked at a random spot on the map to play with it, then after a while (average 45 seconds) a message will come up offering you a mission (Attack,Defend,Survive,Steal,Hunt etc) which you can accept or decline.

    If you decline it, it'll offer you another mission after about 45 more seconds.

    The missions are auto-tailored to suit whatever weapon you chose to try, e.g. if you chose a rifle the AI enemy will be mostly infantry, and if you chose an AT-launcher or SAM, they'll be mostly AFV's or Aircraft.

    Sadly many newcomers don't know the Armory Missions exist.

    Like I said, you have to wait for about 45 secs to be offered a mission, so stick around.

    IMPORTANT:- You only get a few Armory weapons to play with after buying the game, and have to 'unlock' the rest by racking up points for winning armory missions later (a bit silly if you ask me), but luckily you can get instant access to ALL weapons by inserting the line armoryPoints=50000; into your profile.

    Here's part of my profile showing how the line looks sitting in there-






    Waddya say Johnny?

    "In town the sheriff's the law, but out here it's me!"


  11. And they'll come running up bless 'em-




    And now they'll all follow you again to the ends of the earth-


    SUMMARY- To split a squad, firstly slap a 'Stop' order on everybody to root them to the ground.

    Then select the guy(s) you want to take with you and hit 'Regroup' (ie 'stick with me'), and off you go.

    To re-form the squad later, select everybody and hit 'Regroup'.

  12. How do all you guys get on with Comb Ops silenced rifles?

    Their muzz velocity is so slow and their trajectory so like a rainbow that I swear you can pull the trigger then go have a cup of tea and still be back in time to see the impact.

    It's fun though to keep popping away at the enemy while they just stand there like sitting ducks because they can't hear the silenced weapons soft 'phut' and don't know they're being shot at til one goes down or somebody notices puffs of dust at their feet..:)

    Are silenced rifles used much in the real life military?

    How does their muzz vel compare to a 'proper' rifle?

    And if the enemy is wearing a bulletproof vest, would a silenced round have the punch to go through it?

    How do silencers work anyway? They look like thick cylinders on the end of the barrel, but what goes on inside?

  13. I then ran it at 400m and 600m, and as before the squad never saw me until I began firing, then they returned fire and slew me.

    However, at these longer ranges they took longer to spot me (around 20 to 30 secs) even though I was firing.

    Also, at 600m I don't think any rifles were firing at me, just the squads 2 machineguns.

    PS- the squad contained this 'Marksman', but whether he ever fired I don't know



    At around 300m or more, the enemy usually won't spot you (even if you're standing), as long as you don't fire.

    At longer ranges out to around 600m and more, standard riflemen tend not to engage you (even if they can see you) because their weapons haven't the range, but their MG's will engage at long range.

    (But as always remember these were just tests, and results may vary during games depending on various factors such as difficulty level, visibility, weather, day/night, weaponry, moving, crouching, crawling, prone etc)
