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Everything posted by pooroldspike

  1. pooroldspike

    Best way to learn navigation?

    I haven't got ACE, but I'm wondering if there's a way to disable the magic "you are here" icon on the map in the standard game?
  2. pooroldspike

    Faulty AV-8B controls

    No mate, I've been sweating blood trying to get the kite to lift off vertically but I can't do it, best I can manage is a short takeoff. A ski jump would help short t-offs like Daniel says but there's not one in the game. Anyway I don't think real-world Harriers use pure vertical t-offs and landings anyway because there's no real need to do them in most situations.
  3. pooroldspike

    Faulty AV-8B controls

    No, I never touched any config stuff, AA2 is not a flight sim so personally I'm not too worried if the aerodynamics side of things lack a degree of realism. The vid looks about par for the course, a typical short takeoff same as mine, I can't see any real problem.
  4. pooroldspike

    Faulty AV-8B controls

    I just did some AV-8B VERTICAL LANDING screenshots here- http://www.thefewgoodmen.com/thefgmforum/showthread.php?7204-AV-8B-Harrier-short-takeoff
  5. pooroldspike

    Faulty AV-8B controls

    Incidentally is there any way of determining wind speed and direction in AA2? In the real world takeoffs and landings are made easier directly into the wind and I daresay it'd be easier in the game too.
  6. pooroldspike

    Faulty AV-8B controls

    I gave it my best shot but couldn't get her to take off vertically and had to settle for a short takeoff instead (sniffle) AV-8B HARRIER SHORT TAKEOFF TUTORIAL FEW GOOD MEN- http://www.thefewgoodmen.com/thefgmforum/showthread.php?7204-AV-8B-Harrier-short-takeoff&p=50016#post50016
  7. pooroldspike

    MP armory question

    Why do you want a host button in the Armory? I thought the Armory was for single-player weapons testing? And there are no firing ranges in the Armory, you're in the countryside and can shoot at trees, buildings and things, then after a little while the Armory will give you a mission against nasty enemies to shoot at.
  8. pooroldspike

    ArmA 2 Player Occupation

    I took early retirement at 60 a couple of years ago, best move I ever made..:) Retirement itself is the best gift. No gold watch could ever top it. ~Abigail Charleson Retirement: World's longest coffee break. ~Author Unknown O, blest retirement! friend to life's decline - How blest is he who crowns, in shades like these, A youth of labor with an age of ease! ~Oliver Goldsmith Life begins at retirement. ~Author Unknown Rest is not idleness, and to lie sometimes on the grass under trees on a summer's day, listening to the murmur of the water, or watching the clouds float across the sky, is by no means a waste of time. ~J. Lubbock The money's no better in retirement but the hours are! ~Anonymous Retire from work, but not from life. ~M.K. Soni I enjoy waking up and not having to go to work. So I do it three or four times a day. ~Gene Perret If I'd known that retirement was going to be this good I'd have done it the day after I left school !!! — Mickey White I feel like early retirement is an incredible gift. It's a gift that everyone should give themselves. — Unknown wise person Retirement, when every day is Saturday! — Unknown wise person Heaven, that’s my retirement plan. — Dwayne The worst thing about retirement is having to drink coffee on your own time. — Unknown wise person
  9. pooroldspike

    Why is this game not more popular?

    Another good way to get into the game is to play a short simple mission over and over again against the AI until you're winning it more times than you're losing, it's a great confidence/skill booster. At the Few Good Men club we build our own missions for each other, then post screenshots and debriefing reports of how we got on, offering advice and comments to each other along the way and discussing what strategies and tactics we used, it's a great way to learn, check out the thread- http://www.thefewgoodmen.com/thefgmforum/forumdisplay.php?127-ARMAII-User-Created-Missions We're chronically short of AA2 players (and missions) so if anybody's reading this and wants to join, be my guest (I'm second in command for my sins)..:)
  10. pooroldspike

    Having a Life and playing Arma 2 Combined Ops...

    This thread title confuses me -"Having a life and playing AA2". I mean, wargames ARE our whole life aren't they, what else is there? What else could we possibly want or need?
  11. pooroldspike

    Whats next?

    Ideally I'd like to burst into a building to free hostages, shout "US Marines!", and be smothered by lots of gratefullly ecstatic girl students..:)
  12. pooroldspike

    Whats next?

    No, that doesn't happen for me, I get shot and the message comes up "You were killed". It never zooms to anybody, and I don't know who shot me. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PS- I'd also like to see an option that allows us to er...'interact' with the women in AA2 in some way, perhaps beginning with a chatup line such as "Hi baby, do you come here into this PC game often?"
  13. pooroldspike

    Whats next?

    Next I'd like to see an incremental zoom instead of the current 'all-or-nothing'. Also there could be a post-game debriefing option where you can play the mission back in video mode from various angles to see (among other things) where the bullet that killed you came from. And how about a snowy winter landscape mod (unless there's one already out there)
  14. pooroldspike

    Having a Life and playing Arma 2 Combined Ops...

    Me too, I like sightseeing via chopper tours- http://www.thefewgoodmen.com/thefgmforum/showthread.php?6759-3D-RECCES
  15. pooroldspike

    Having a Life and playing Arma 2 Combined Ops...

    I'm 62 and still kicking, amazingly I beat a bunch of mostly younger guys in the Few Good Men Combat Mission ladder last year, must have been a fluke..;) FGM- http://www.thefewgoodmen.com/thefgmforum/forum.php?
  16. pooroldspike

    Having a Life and playing Arma 2 Combined Ops...

    It's the caveman in our DNA..:) "There is no hunting like the hunting of man, and those who have hunted armed men long enough and liked it, never care for anything else thereafter" - Ernest Hemingway "He either fears his fate too much, Or his deserts are small, That puts it not unto the touch To win or lose it all" -James Graham - Marquis of Montrose "In my dreams I hear again the crash of guns, the rattle of musketry, the strange, mournful mutter of the battlefield"- Gen Douglas MacArthur "I have a high art, I hurt with cruelty those who would damage me"- Archilocus (Greek mercenary) 650 BC "Battle is the most magnificent competition in which human beings can indulge"- Gen George Patton "I have a rendezvous with Death at some disputed barricade... And to my pledged word am true, I shall not fail that rendezvous" -Alan Seeger (US poet killed in WW1) "I have set my life upon a cast, and will stand the hazard of the die"- Shakesp's Richard III at Battle of Bosworth More- http://www.thefewgoodmen.com/thefgmforum/showthread.php?561-Quotes
  17. pooroldspike

    Screenshot Key?

    In Game Options> Difficulty> Edit there are several HUD display options which you can Enable/Disable; i've just played about with them but they don't seem to make any difference to anything, beats me (sniffle)
  18. I don't know about other people, but when I combined AA2 and Arrowhead, it gave me these two icons on my desktop, notice the bottom one is called "Combined Ops" and it works fine, I never use the AA2 one and don't really need it.
  19. VEHICLE ROAD MOVEMENT When a vehicle starts on the road in a mission,and you want to move it a mile or two down the road, do you place just one map waypoint at its destination, or do you have to place waypoints at every bend in the road to ensure it stays on the road all the way?
  20. pooroldspike

    Why is this game not more popular?

    Perhaps people buy AA2 and try to do too much too fast and end up frustrated with the big complex missions and campaigns out there. The game can be as simple or as complicated as you want, so the trick is to start simple at first and work your way up during following weeks and months. For example the simplest way to get into the game right after buying it is to have fun trying weapons in the Armory, because it's not just a shooting range, IT AUTO-GENERATES SIMPLE MISSIONS for you! For example, choose a rifle to try, and you'll be plonked at a random spot on the map to play with it, then after a while (average 45 seconds) a message will come up offering you a mission (Attack,Defend,Survive,Steal,Hunt etc) which you can accept or decline. If you decline it, it'll offer you another mission after about 45 more seconds. The missions are auto-tailored to suit whatever weapon you chose to try, e.g. if you chose a rifle the AI enemy will be mostly infantry, and if you chose an AT-launcher or SAM, they'll be mostly AFV's or Aircraft. I only mention the Armory missions because many newcomers don't know they exist. Like I said, you have to wait for about 45 secs to be offered a mission, so stick around. Oh, and they're damn difficult to win, I only win about 1 mission in 3 despite using all my cunning to stay alive, so they're great training tools and you'll be pushed to your limit to survive..:) IMPORTANT:- You only get a few Armory weapons to play with after buying the game, and have to 'unlock' the rest by racking up points later (a bit silly if you ask me), but luckily you can get instant access to ALL weapons by inserting the line armoryPoints=50000; into your profile. Here's part of my profile showing how the line looks sitting in there- floatingZoneArea=0; headBob=0.062641099; armoryPoints=50000; sceneComplexity=300000; viewDistance=2400;
  21. pooroldspike

    TAC 50 ... i can't find it

    Is it supposed to be in the ACE mod? I haven't got ACE, I've got Combined Ops and the Tac-50 isn't in there either. I just looked it up on the net (below) and its military designation is Mk 15, so maybe Mk 15 what you need to look for? Apparently it's only used by Canada (called C15), US Seals, Israel and Turkey. http://www.mcmfamily.com/mcmillan-rifles-tactical-tac-50.php http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/McMillan_Tac-50
  22. pooroldspike

    Patch Question

    What 1.08 recoil, rifles or tanks or what? If 1.07 is arcadey, surely 1.08 is better?
  23. pooroldspike

    Patch Question

    What recoil system? I play 1.08 and haven't noticed anything wrong yet. Why was 1.07 better?
  24. pooroldspike

    Apache artificial horizon

    Yeah the Apache artificial horizon is definitely wrong in AA2 as the top pic shows (white circle). However its HUD is correct (red circle) This is the Huey, and its art horiz is correct- PS- I know that many years ago some planes/helos had the old white circle type, but I thought nowadays everything that flies uses the Huey type to avoid confusion. I read that the Buddy Holly crash plane used the white circle type (at night in a blizzard) and it disoriented the pilot.
  25. pooroldspike

    How to improve with training.

    Incidentally, weapon sights play a huge part in whether we can hit anything, I've tried some rifles in the game that have stone age 'iron sights' such as the Lee-Enfield and M16A2 etc and am amazed that anybody could hit anything at all with them at medium/long range in WW1/2, Korea and Nam etc, and i've got the greatest respect for the guys. By contrast, any kind of modern optical sight hugely increases the hit chance, even the simple 'red dot' sights. But the best babies for medium and long range work are telescopic sights, you can't miss..:) ---------- Post added at 07:13 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:02 PM ---------- Right: "I do not have to tell you who won the war. You know, the artillery did."- Gen George S. Patton "Artillery is the god of war"- Stalin Even in the ACW- "A battery of field artillery is worth a thousand muskets"- General William Tecumseh Sherman That's reflected in AA2 also, as it's so easy to wipe out an enemy ville with arty that there'd be nothing left for your troops to do, (enemy troops pose zero threat if they're mush), so in mission building we have to cut right down on how much arty we put into the scenario.