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Everything posted by Nephris1

  1. Nephris1

    lack of hitting power ..

    Several m8s had the same problem, maybe we can fix it here in the same way. Move ingame to "options"->"game options"->"floating area" adjust the slider to almost left. Sry not sure what it is in english, as i play on a german version. The floating area makes you to aimmore precisely. If that still doesnt work check the mouse smoothness under controls. I pressume u bought a legit copy, from whatever shop it was, and fade is not kickin in here.
  2. Nephris1

    i5 CPU and ATI 5850

    Get your objexts to low.(object details are fps hungry) Get HDR to low or normal...means lowest (the higher the more fps drops...) - What about your 3d resolution? Overclocking is fine, but actually not neede with that system, means the problem is anywhere else. - Can u tell us when your system was renewed last time? The arma benchmark is fine but a stress tool. - What FPS do u get on a normal scenario mission e.g. from default Operation Arrowhead? - With what tool do u check your FPS. Open your task manager and controll your cpu performance pls. -What driver version do u use? - did u already test the betas?
  3. Nephris1

    Do you want upgraded Arma 2 content?

    I paid for a product like ArmA2 and OA. I expect for free: bug fixing to get the game playable....that has already been done! Everything above is a present and greatly appreciated, but icant expect it. I paid for the product and knew before what i get. Everything above like getting OA feature working in ArmA2 vanilla, is a new DLC, a new product. Developer time has to be invested, that has to be paid. Example: I bought a car last year with 120ps. The brakes for my car model were buggy. So the company called all cars of that model back to update the brakes. As working brakes are part of the contract i made when i bought the product. This year, the car model got an update on its motor to 140 ps. I dont expect to get this motor update for free, would you? Edit: Oh ffs, i steped into the trap...this thread i actually done already and 4 months old, lol.
  4. Nephris1

    State of mine?

    I know this is an old thread, but has anyone figured out how you can properly ask for the state of a mine? Means the mine is located in editor and its deactivated state can be asked.
  5. Nephris1

    i5 CPU and ATI 5850

    Try those ingame settz...and welcome to BIS forums. You have to test a bit with the settz. A lot of frames take the shadows, and AA. texture details: normal object details: normal AF: normal AA: normal land details: normal shadow: low/normal hdr:normal post P.:deactiv vsync: deactiv resolution native 3d resol.:same as your resolution Vram:high/normal Depending on your native resolution you can higher the 3d solution to 150% and AA off, what i did with my old 17° monitor. Nevertheless i prefer at higher resolutions to work with same 3d res as the native res and am working with AA. You can skip the the exThreads=xxx commands, as it is executed by default since a few patches. The settings above are maybe a bit lower than your system can actually handle, but it is always easier to get em higher from a smooth running system,than from the opposite. To check your FPS on the settings changes use e.g.Fraps (freeware). I wouldnt bed on your I5 to have only 2 cores ;-) Expect 4 physic cores and one thread on each core, as long as hyperthreading is activated. Nevertheless u shouldnt bother about that too much atm. Keep in mind, you have actually a good basement for ArmA2 with your system. If you are wiling to afford more , u can think anytime about a ssd disk, which eliminate any texture poppings and makes gameplay much smoother.Not mentioned the boost for your system at all. But at the end you are good to go with what u got atm,probably better than most other Arma2 players. So your system itself shouldnt be the problem to play ArmA2 smooth. As my pre poster already stated, defragmentate your HDD, to keep a good performance at least on the bottleneck.
  6. Nephris1

    ATI cards

    Well the small 4xxx series have a complete different chip than the 5xxx series. So comparisions between those cards and used drivers are more or less senseless.Neverthelss posting the card with used driver and settz may help other users. Although i also had almost none probs with my 4890hd. To state this clear, i dont have real probs wit hthe 5870, i am glad to made the chnage, the texture of some trees and a certain distance are sometimes just washed in a kind a never knew before. As the system is completely new and the installation HD is a ssd and ssystem itslef is strong enough with an i7920 i guess it has sth to with certain driver/ingame settz and the driver version on the card.
  7. Nephris1

    Arma 2 server help... (i am noob)

    If it helps i will post the remaining config either. I am really satisfied, as also complex scripts are running smooth like DAC.
  8. Nephris1

    Arma 2 server help... (i am noob)

    I today reconfigured my own small dedi which suffered sometimes aswell by warps. I dropped the MinErrorToSend 0.0003 which di the trick for me. Dc@2.3ghz & 4gig Ram 50down/10up mbit Win XP Thx for the hint!
  9. Nephris1

    ATI cards

    I updated my pc the past days either. I got a 5870HD Vapor-X and a SSD Vertex2. And i must say i got same issues to the texutures at the trees, as RunForrest posted a few sites before. The system is brand new installed. I tried Cat10.12 at first which gave me a lot of those washing textures. Changing to 10.4 made my fps drop markable. Right now i am at 10.10. It doesent makes me satified ,but i can live with it as the washed texutures are not that muchas with other drivers. ingame settz. texture details: high object details: normal AF: normal AA: normal land details: normal shadow: high hdr:normal post P.:deactiv vsync: deactiv resolution 1920x1200 3d resol.:1920x1200 Frames are throughout above 45. Remaining system: I7 920@3.01ghz 8gig Ram ddr3. So the fps arnt a problem, but the washed textures annoy a bit. I deactivated catalystAIwithout success. I changed the mipmap in CCC without success on the texuture wash. So this problem seems indeed to be a problem to ATI cards or maybe the drivers.I knew those washed textures slightly from my 4890 aswell. Worst result gave me the 10.12 driver, which was the first i tested. I dont know in how far the devs are really interested to get a bit deeper into that problem, but maybe we could create a little "database" to collect information about settings,driver and ATI card and the washed textures.
  10. Nephris1


    I also know these kind of warps onservers since OFP, and yes even on a listen server. But i also know better ones, like my own when i am hosting on a 50/10mbit (CD@2,4ghz;4giram) with a handfull of people or the Charlie Foxtrott Server (around 100-120 player), what is pure PvP. Great configured, since its beginning they seem to have invested some time for getting the best of it. So the truth maybe anywhere in between. It is probably hard and time consuming to find the proper configuration for each different HW and cable/connection.
  11. Nephris1

    De PBOing the BAF missions

    lil smartass.... The point is that the OFP community was able to develop itself in new addons, campaigns missions etc coz the game was modding friendly. Same to ArmA1. Since BAF u can´t learn anymore from the original files, what just breaks the the development of the Comm. I can understand that the model are locked. But the missions and even in PMC,which campaign is available to everybody,should be acessable and loadable in the mission editor.
  12. Nephris1

    De PBOing the BAF missions

    Have you been able to load the depboed mission in the mission file?
  13. Nephris1

    6 DLC Suggestions (incl. USMC) POLL

    PLA vs US (Us we do have) on a new terrain mabe an island in the corean sea.
  14. Nephris1

    ARMA 2: OA beta build 76973

    I also have the same white dots with a 4890 10.8
  15. Nephris1

    De PBOing the BAF missions

    You cant load em up in mission editor though.
  16. Nephris1

    The Future of Arma, Chernarus Life?

    Nice idea! no thanx!!!!
  17. Hi folks i update my system with a ssd card now. Primary for the booting system, but i guess around 20gig will be reserved for ArmA2. 20Gig sounds a lot, but a few bigger mods and the limit is pretty fast reached. So my question, is it possible to move @mods to another partition or do i kill the sense of "ArmA2 on ssd" by that, as the access time will be limited to the "normal HDD" (spinpoint F2 EG) again. Due the high prices, i ve to get a 120gb ssd. Are the any other useful expieriences you made with SSD and ArmA2?
  18. Nephris1

    Arma2 on SolidStateDisk

    Did u notice any performance breaks compared to use the modfolder or a mod on the ssd? How did u outsource the modfiles?
  19. Nephris1

    Arma2 on SolidStateDisk

    Well thx for your hint, but i was primary interested in moving mod folders to another location than the ssd and the effect it causes due is access times, when loading those mod files. Means how to swap a modfolder properly and its consequences for the use with a ssd,as the main game is installed on it? Maybe i chose a missleading topic. Another point to very long threads is to find the needle in the haystack.
  20. Nephris1

    ARMA 2: OA beta build 76934

    I have several blining points on dark texutures, mostly tree textures. Ill create a screenshot. Anyone else expiereinced that`? Am not sure if it is due my grafik crad/driver or the game Hd4890 10.08
  21. Nephris1

    People can't hear me on headset

    Well, i would change it just for testing to any free one.
  22. Nephris1

    People can't hear me on headset

    Did u change the key already to another one?
  23. Nephris1

    ATI cards

    A running system dosnt consist of a GPU only :rolleyes:
  24. Nephris1

    ATI cards

    And at the end:
  25. Nephris1

    [SP] Flashpoint: Chernarus

    Nice release again m8. Did u ever think about making this one Coop ?