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Everything posted by HOPEnSPIRIT


    Arma 2 overwrites Arma 1

    By Default they get installed like this, so I have no idea how you managed that. C:\Program Files\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA C:\Program Files\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA 2 Reinstall them both checking the locations.

    Trial by Fire

    Not completed this yet, seems to me this missions about patching holes in your team mates.
  3. :butbut: UK version is out, buy it :p

    Server example

    Currently you have to upload the whole game to a dedicated server, add the registry details. Then patch it with the 1.02, then the Dedi patch. You will find however that your server provider should have all this done for you, unless your like me and like the DIY.
  5. That is a good idea! Currently vBulletin can accept RSS Feeds from other sites and auto-post them, but we can't make our own. I'll put in a suggestion with the vBulletin Developers.
  6. Bohemia Interactive could increase customer relations by using the Project Tools addon for your vBulletin Forum, you can track bugs/features/tasks. It would give the community updates on whats happening with patches and help Bohemia Interactive by stopping multiple threads on the same bugs improving customer satifaction and a easier job for staff so they can concentrate on getting things done.

    FP : DR - News & Discussion

    Codemasters can forget it! I spent £150 on getting TrackIR 5. I left Call of Duty to get away from Arcade games, DR looks just that and arcade game. Bohemia rules!

    Arma and Windows 7

    game works fine, Windows 7 still does not let cPBO extract though same as Vista.
  9. You have foiled their secret marketing plans I bet they were going to wait until we get bored of the release content, and then Boom! 3D editor... 9 more days of Real Life to get through for us UK lot, keep up the information threads.

    Freelook without TrackIR?

    Where is here?
  11. This is one thing I havent seen in ArmA is game types from other games being ported, I have just started getting my group back together for ArmA II and we will be taking a look at game types.

    Military experiences past/present/future

    Fix your link!
  13. The games finished for those who didn't know, can't remember where it is announced but the game is GM (Gold Master) basically translated into Plain English its ready to be copied onto the retail discs.

    Crew to disembark by Trigger ?

    Scenario: I came up behind a MG Nest (RACS) in Warfare shot once and did not kill the AI, before I shot again I realised even though covered in blood this AI was happy to continue scanning the horizon on the MG Nest. So what I am looking for is a way the AI will react to the fact that he knows your behind him and Dismount from the MG Nest to engage you? UPDATE: This was done by naming the Independant "racs" and the MG Nest (RACS) "mg1", I made a trigger with the act on. "racs leaveVehicle mg1". It will work in the same way for you hit-man

    ArmA II's infinite land

    How long can we travel in infinite land before server memory runs out and crashes? OMG! you got me talking crap now, fast foward to release date to stop these insane WFRDS posts. WFRDS = Waiting For Release Date Sickness

    AI standing around

    Read somewhere in the script that there are 3 AI types for the base, this is just the base AI not the AI squads you send out: 1. Defend MHQ 2. Patrol Base 3. Man Defences

    static command centre

    Can you not just click it in the editor and change it to a building?

    [Help] Max Town Supply Value

    Were noticing lots of bugs if you change any of the launch options, we switched AI off and when other humans join they don't show on the map of the money transfer scream. They get no money etc.
  19. People suggesting addons/weapons blah blah, all we want is a game that works. Just bought TrackIR 5 ready for ArmA 2 and decided to play the Merc Campaign, how the hell can you delete a save point so when you buy the dam flare from the dealer its in the next mission? Please make sure you finish the game before releasing. ArmA 1 faults campaigns bugged unfinished multiplayer Don't get me wrong BI patch the game regularly, and its great were getting patches so close to ArmA2 release. But my main concern is was ArmA a test bed for ArmA2 and is ArmA2 going to be the working product.

    how can i save and pause

    If you run Warfare from the editor you default USMC, but yeah you get one life.
  21. I have one problem with this test AI. What mission was running was there any AI? As AI takes up CPU and you could have the same mission on both servers but usage will be different depending on how many AI are active and what are they doing. My suggestion would be to run Sector Control with Purely human players; have everyone connect load the mission and then monitor CPU, then see what the results are.

    New beta patch 1.16

    Warfare 1.2 issue... If you play with the AI switched off, when other players join they don't show up as a squad you can see there name when your looking at them but from any distance it says unknown target. The money for the new plays is screwed aswell because the game doesn't know if there on the server or not, a friend only started getting money when he teamed up in a vehicle with me.
  23. This refers to the server issues caused by people having different versions of the game, people getting kicked for different file content.

    Custom Face

    I'm surprised there is no information on this as setting up your profile is one of the first things you do. After searching all the Offical locations and then the whole of the internet, I have been unable to find the information that I am looking for. There are plenty of posts saying how to insert a custom face, but how do you make them? The Default faces must be in the game somewhere, which PBO should be extracted to find them? Is there any converting needed, and what program to use?

    Custom Face

    I'm no expert I would find it harder to edit someones whos put camo everywhere.