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Silver Machine

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About Silver Machine

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  1. Silver Machine

    Problems with Arma with new gfx card

    Thanks for that link Günter, I managed to solve the problem with 1.16 beta patch. It apears not to have installed right the 1st time. I re-installed Arma and updated to 1.16, now it runs great. All settings at very high 1920x1080 smoother then ever :D
  2. Silver Machine

    Problems with Arma with new gfx card

    Thanks for the reply, but I didn't ask if I should get ATI/nVidia. I don't wanna start a fanboy thread, I'm looking for an answer or experience. I did expect to run into problems, this ALWAYS happens with new hardware, also with nVidia cards.
  3. Hello, I installed a new gfx card today Radeon HD5850 1GB, and now i have problems running Arma. After starting the game the screen goes black for a while, when the menu finally shows the top half of the screen is black, the middle is blueish and the bottom greenish. The buttons are black and as soon as i click any button the game closes without a message. I've downloaded the recommended drivers for this card from the AMD site (http://support.amd.com/us/kbarticles/Pages/ATIRadeonHD5800seriesrecommendedgraphicsdriver.aspx) but it remains the same. I've also tried the 1.16 beta patch, but then it crashes almost instantly. With my old card the game ran perfecty. (nVidia 8800GT 512mb) Before installing the new card I removed the nVidia drivers and used a cleaner to cleanup leftover files. Other games like GTA4 or AA3 run fine. I've checked for updates on other drivers and directx, but it didn't solve anything. Anyone got Arma working on a HD58xx? Sys. spec.: Mobo: GA-MA790X-UD4 - BIOS F5 CPU: AMD Phenom II x3 720BE @ x4 3.3GHz RAM: 4 GB DDR2 1066 OCZ (2x2GB) Sound: SB X-FI Xtreme audio pci-e GPU: ATI Radeon HD5850 1GB OS: Windows 7 x64 Ultimate (7600)