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Matt International

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Everything posted by Matt International

  1. Matt International

    May I offer this suggestion...

    Hehe, OFP: Elite took longer:D And, I don't know when the next consoles will be released I'm just guessing that given a console is generally around for 5 or 6 years before it's descendant appears, we would see them around then.
  2. Matt International

    new guy

    Originally Posted by [b Quote[/b] ]Everything that vibrates the air creates the potential for sound, regardless of what conscious being is there to perceive it in the first place. If there is nobody is there to perceive it occurring, then it could not exist as sound, only vibration. Sound is a subjective interaction with matter. All that sound is, is vibrations through a medium, without humans to perceive it, those vibrations that we call sound, when the tree fell, would make vibrations, but "sound" as we know it, couldn't exist, since no conscious being was there to interpret those vibrations. I have a couple of issues with this quote. Is this actually from Wiki? First, I'm not wanting to upset someone but the grammer is not too good for one, it looks like it's been put through an internet translator. This may be the case but this is not my main concern... Second, it seems to imply that humans are the only "conscious" beings capable of interpreting vibrations as sound. Like we are in some way superior. This makes me want to remind people that we are the only species of animal that has existed in the known history of the planet that is knowingly destroying the world in which we live and threatening our own existance. And that's not particulaly good grammer either but hey, nobody's perfect. I believe the scientific world uses the term "an observer". I read a good book called Shroedingers cat that covers the obscurities of quantum physics and how it is "an observer" that makes things real. It kinda messes with your head a bit but I can recommend it to anyone who wants to try and understand how we think the universe works.
  3. Matt International

    May I offer this suggestion...

    I'd be very surprised if they are not working on something. I don't go for rumours, and there are a few going around. Xbox720 (this strikes me as a lame name made by some numpty) and such, the one that does intrigue me though.... The great marketing gurus at Apple apparently feel they should enter the console market. Again, I haven't seen anything official. But, I would not expect to see anything concrete for a year or two yet. And even then, once there is an official announcement, there's another wait. Damn the marketing departments and their hype!
  4. Matt International

    Console vs PC

    Heh, I'm not gonna bite but kindly point out... The xbox 360 is 3 1/2 years old. It's not going to be as powerful as the latest and greatest PC. However, the technology in it is quite comparable in performance with PC's of 3 1/2 years ago. And when I quote 3 1/2 years, thats from commercial release. It was being developed long before this. Besides, power is not the be all and end all. You can quote your clock speed and memory size. But if the individual componants don't like working with one another and your buss size isn't adequate, it's all for nothing. I know this has happened with some graphics cards, initially the stats look impressive with 1Gb Vram and silly clock speeds, but it's all for nothing if the buss can't take. Consoles are sold as is. They are tested and built so the componants work together, efficiently. This is why Apple Macs are a more stable platform and are the computer of choice for serious professionals. You might be able to change your GPU, DVD drive and RAM, but the essentials, the motherboard, processor and perhaps more importantly the OS are all tested extensively to ensure they perform and are stable.
  5. Matt International

    ARMA 2 : 18+ rating vs Arma 1 : 16+

    Grrrr, people like you make online gaming painful;)
  6. Matt International

    Console vs PC

    Heh, but the point for this is that a company spends a lot of money putting it's unit together and then sells it at an affordable price knowing they will need to sell XX Million units to recoup their R and D costs. What I forgot to say also is that as the unit contains componants that aren't changed through it's life time "In theory" you should get a game that is free of bugs. I say "In theory", sadly even console games come with glitches due to companies rushing to get things released and not properly testing them. I suspect this is mostly publisher pressure than developer ignorance. I've been meaning to add a sig to my profile that relates to this in some way.... "sales director:....After all, money makes the world go round. sales assistant:..No it doesn't.....Gravity does." I was the sales assistant. A week later they made me redundant. Well, I thought it was funny.
  7. Matt International

    Console vs PC

    If I might add my 2 pennies to this discussion...and it might well have been said already. My computer history runs much like this... ZX81 Some Binatone plug into your tv thingy with a light gun and wheely paddles Commodore 64 Atari ST 386 SX 25Mhz (with the first ever triple speed cdrom I might add) SNES Sega Saturn 486 DX 66Mhz Playstation PII 350 Mhz Playstation 2 PIII 450 Mhz Xbox Athlon XP 1.25 Ghz Xbox 360 P4 1.6 Ghz P4HT 3Ghz The order might be a bit out in places? And this probably shows my age somewhat. Each PC saw a number of incarnations with various CD drives, RAM, and GPU's. Numurous Re builds. I'm not for or against either format. But I am now pretty much a console gamer for the following reason. Consoles have a life span of 5 plus years. During this time you get a standard of gaming that does not change for the worse. As programmers use them more, they get more out of them, so generally the games released toward the end of a console shelf life are superior. With PC's as each wonderful new type of RAM, Graphics Card and so on are developed programmers try to take advantage of it. Which is fine, for those who have either just bought a PC to that standard or have £500 for the latest PCI Express X-fire graphics cards. I'm all for technology moving forward. I just can't justify the expense of keeping my PC up to date for entertainment when I have bills to pay and work to find. Console owners are not dumb. Granted, you might be forgiven for thinking that if you've ever played Cod or Halo online. I don't play these games for that reason, well, that and I actually think they are pretty dire. The likes of GRAW and Rainbow Six are different and generally have a more mature audience who are possibly in the same boat as me. They've got other more important things to be spending their time and money on. Consoles are simple yes, but this is part of their beauty. I switch it on, I put in the disc, I play. No more tweaking settings to get a game playable and loosing all the wonderful effects you really wish you could see but you're computer can't handle. I'm going on a bit but I hope people are getting the point. PC's are cool, but so are consoles! The quality of each format depends on how much effort the developer puts into them.
  8. Matt International

    ArmA II release date discussion thread

    Swine! I want one, well a desktop, not a lappy. Very good for music things you see. I'm currently getting by with a P4HT for my pro tools and very old version of logic audio but would love a Mac. Can't really justify the £2000 for what is essentially now an occasional hobby. He says sitting next to an abundance of technology that cost an arm and a leg over the years. Maybe, oneday, if it becomes more involved in my work...but that's another story not relating to release dates of computer games. Apologies.
  9. Matt International

    May I offer this suggestion...

    Well, I'm glad it wasn't some dumb comment. But you have kinda said what I feared. If it is intended to be the follow on from the 360 and PS3, whatever they will be called, I shall be very dissappointed. Given that these consoles will not be around for another few years by my estimation (2012 at a guess). Especially in the case of Playstation. It is still a mere baby in comparison to the 360 (And I mean in age not ability). "next gen" is a very amiguous term in my opinion.
  10. Matt International

    ARMA 2 : 18+ rating vs Arma 1 : 16+

    What does it matter? I'm sure we'll all bump into some whiney kid who insists on rapping down his microphone and screaming when he gets shot. I blame the irresponsible parents myself. It does my head in when I'm playing a game certified 18+ and I meet some 12 year old. Gaming was a whole different ball game when I were a lad.
  11. Matt International

    ArmA2 - The Xbox 360 thread

    Erm, have you tried plugging a usb keyboard into your xbox? I'm guessing not. I use one to type messages when I have to be quiet at silly o'clock while other people sleep. I've never tried a mouse though as I haven't had the need. And to be a little informative the plural for mouse, is mice ;)
  12. Matt International

    ArmA2 - The Xbox 360 thread

    DUDE! Is OFP Elite back compatible and can you play it online....If so, I'm there!!!! I'm gonna dig it out now and try it.
  13. Matt International

    ArmA II release date discussion thread

    All the info I've seen on this subject recently says Q3 2009. Even the official website suggests such. It says Summer 09 last time I checked. And the first time I looked (last year) it was claiming sometime in 2008. Let's have a big cheer for the games industry and their delays.
  14. Matt International

    ArmA II release date discussion thread

    Well, I for one am looking forward to both. I'm only familiar with the original OFP which I had on PC and Xbox. I missed Arma as I'd moved away from PC gaming due to the constant need to upgrade. At least with a console you get a set standard of gaming for 5 years or so. I've stumbled upon these 2 titles because I hate CoD (Haddock is much nicer and not endangered) and Halo. My friends are always on at me to buy them. When World at War was released I got the usual torrent of "get it it's awesome" and this time I remembered to point out that war games should be like Operation Flashpoint. The blank faces and "what's that?" expression dissappointed me. So I went on tinternet and googled. I then found out about Arma and OFP: DR. I read about the fallout between Bohemia and Codemasters. And the years of one upmanship that have ensued. Anywho, I'm buying Arma to support Bohemia Interactive as they, in my opinion, set the standard for combat games years ago and nothing come close since. Yes there was Arma but like I said, I missed it. I'm sorry to say on this forum but I will also buy OFP: DR. Part of me wants to ignore this title on principle of the fact they are abusing their right to a name. That said, from what information I have come across, CM have been developing on the XBox 360, not PC. This is their benchmark so to speak as they probably see that this is where the "money" is. As I am a 360 gamer, I can only see that this will benefit me. Sorry if I've gone off track but... ...I'm sure I read somewhere 1st May when I googled "xbox 360 release dates". Wishful thinking. As is so often the case these days. Can't remember what site it was. An official announcement would be really nice though.
  15. Matt International

    ArmA II release date discussion thread

    MMmmmmm, sounds tasty.
  16. 1) Get home. 2) Make a cup of Tea. 3) RTFM. And for those who don't know what that means....Read The F'ing Manual. What can I say, I'm an engineer by trade and I like to have as much information as possible before I undertake any task. Knowledge is power!