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Darkhorse 1-6

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Everything posted by Darkhorse 1-6

  1. Darkhorse 1-6

    Japanese army error

    There's been some mention of a possible Pacific WW2 island (Guadalcanal or something) but it will be a long time before it's done. If it's actually being made. Also possibly expect some Japanese infantry in the future. I hope.
  2. Darkhorse 1-6

    PMC 51km Desert

    I love the work PMC as done. Not only addon/island/mod wise, but the tutorials etc. and the standard you guys set for addon releases. The community for ArmA 1 has largely moved over to ArmA 2, so don't be discouraged if not many people comment on your work. A bunch of us still have ArmA 1 and would love to see an updated Somalia, etc. Maybe with some missions and put up on a server. I'm sure it would be populated in no time.
  3. Fromz I can find some freeware PLA aircraft models if ya want. There are some pretty good ones out there...
  4. I agree Carl. I guess I had that old "Movie makers island" idea in my head.
  5. Darkhorse 1-6

    Need A Model?

    I'm looking for an F-350, I know of an FA/-18 and will post the link(s) here.
  6. Darkhorse 1-6

    Arma 2 Addon request thread

    PRACS may have one, FDF has one. Possibly others.
  7. Darkhorse 1-6

    Need A Model?

    Please Delete This Post
  8. Darkhorse 1-6

    WIP Director Movie/Camera addon

    I know how ya feel. I can't wait for this myself.
  9. I think so. It says P85 was used in the credits so I think they were Vilas' kit.
  10. Darkhorse 1-6

    Walking inside choppers.

    According to a guy I know the above script is on ArmAHolic but If that's true I think the whole community (Myself included) needs to declare an official *Facepalm* moment. Every year, on this date (If it's true.) The community will remember what happened, and people will scour the web to make sure it never happens again. :D
  11. Darkhorse 1-6

    Converting .dae to .3ds ???

    If you have a subscription to 3DS Max it can do it. http://3dsmaxrendering.blogspot.com/2009/08/3ds-max-2010-can-now-import-sketchup.html If not then...
  12. Darkhorse 1-6

    Need A Model?

    I've spent about an hour so far looking for an F-22. I'm shocked, it's one of the most popular aircraft around (or it USED to be anyways) yet I can't find a single freeware model. I'm still looking for that Raptor but in the meantime are there any other aircraft or models you would like? I recently found a whole stash that has a bunch of good free, aircraft models.
  13. Darkhorse 1-6

    Mods Compatibility..

    #1: I don't think CSM2 and ACE_SM can run together. I may be wrong but they are both sound mods so it stands to reason they conflict. #2: Always put @CBA before everything else. #3: I think this is the wrong forum. could be wrong though.
  14. I apologize. I'm a huge BSG fan and those quotes resulted from me not having enough sleep. As they say... So Say We All
  15. Darkhorse 1-6

    Isla Duala

    Haven't encountered that personally. Although if vixena is the SW island I do have a strange tale... I was swimming halfway between the main part of Vixena and a little island with a lighthouse on it, (had to swim across to where a UH-60 auto-rotated in) and my guy was dragged under water, screamed, then came back up bloody. It appears those alligators (or was it crocodiles) aren't a joke after all...
  16. I know. I used em often. I was simply giving you a link to some vipers and a raider.
  17. Darkhorse 1-6

    Need A Model?

    Found several more engineering vehicles. @Caprera: I'll keep my eyes open. Bulldozer/Frontloader i'm not sure (It's a yellow version but I looked it up. The U.S. military used ones that look exactly like it, just in green or camo or desert etc.) http://artist-3d.com/free_3d_models/dnm/model_disp.php?uid=1858&ad=04vehicles_design.php&count=count Bobcat S175 http://www.accustudio.com/index.php?option=com_remository&Itemid=0&func=fileinfo&id=556 Dumptruck (Bottom of page, it's in russian but i use the google toolbar with translator attached. Just filter the link through google translator if you dont have the toolbar) http://customize.ru/3d_models_auto_others.html CH34 (as close as your gonna get to a Westland Wessex i'm afraid. unless you want to shell out cash) 3rd from top. http://customize.ru/3d_models_transport_heli.html
  18. Darkhorse 1-6

    Walking inside choppers.

    Simply put, you can't do that with this engine. Vehicles are only done if it fits inside, and they use the Attach-To command.
  19. http://www.scifi3d.com/list.asp?intGenreID=14&intCatID=36
  20. Well Bushlurker if Pathy (and you and anybody else) end up going further with this I'll try to find any models you need.
  21. I agree. The closer to real life the better in my opinion. What everybody else needs to remember is that the grass won't be like that for the whole map. There are going to be fields in some areas, no fields in others.
  22. Darkhorse 1-6

    Need A Model?

    IDF Armored Bulldozer http://sketchup.google.com/3dwarehouse/details?mid=b64789921ac4793563f0d0333d3dd740&ct=mdsa&prevstart=0 IDF Armored Engineer Vehicle/APC http://sketchup.google.com/3dwarehouse/details?mid=b2861a8768c29da3a0c51a90bcf963c3&prevstart=0
  23. Darkhorse 1-6

    Need A Model?

    Ok this is what I've got so far. They are civilian equipment but i figure a simple paint job and they will come damn close to what the military uses. I'm still looking though. Forklift - Quality isn't good though http://www.turbosquid.com/FullPreview/Index.cfm/ID/292754 Loader? Good Quality but I'm unsure of poly count or format http://www.turbosquid.com/3d-models/free-bm-volvon-lm-218-baklastare-3d-model/509261 Crane http://dream-of-vue.de/obj/05verkehr/obj-autokran.php Bulldozer http://dream-of-vue.de/obj/05verkehr/obj-zl.php
  24. o_0 I may know where you can find Cylon models etc...
  25. Darkhorse 1-6

    Arma 2 Addon request thread

    I've got a friend with access to a few models. I'll see if he has a Fennek. *Raw models, not addon ready*