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Darkhorse 1-6

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Everything posted by Darkhorse 1-6

  1. Darkhorse 1-6

    VF Ladder Addon

    I tested this on my units public server, works great. I also found the answer to the question. It may be client side, but your not the only client who can see it. Once you hit place ladder it's visible to all players, and all players can use it. Works like a charm
  2. Darkhorse 1-6

    Takistan Camo

    On some vehicles it is, atleast from several screenshots I have seen. I will say it's a tad bit darker, dustier, and has a more beaten look to it than the original though.
  3. Darkhorse 1-6

    Iranian Forces Mod

    The Iranians don't use the C-130. They use the Il-76 and have used the An-72 up to around 2000 IIRC. @YorT: Do you have plans to get permissions for the 2k12 Kub?
  4. Darkhorse 1-6

    Generation kill mod

    lovely. Any chance of a command 2 door?
  5. Darkhorse 1-6

    Takistan Camo

    I'm gonna do some digging on this. If it's the local "good guys" or the Takistani version of the CDF I can understand reusing the arma 1 camo even though I wish they hadn't. If it's the enemy it just doesn't really make sense, atleast to me.
  6. Darkhorse 1-6

    Takistan Camo

    Sand with brown "patches" instead of green would fit better, in my opinion, then what they are using now. Can somebody tell me who this helicopter belongs to, and whether they are the opfor guys i have heard of? http://www.armaholic.com/pfs.php?m=view&v=3-arma2_op_arrow_17.jpg
  7. Darkhorse 1-6

    FDFmod for ArmA II

    True Kristian. I must say i agree with DaSquade. It looks off having that much detail, look over an inch and see, well, that.
  8. Darkhorse 1-6


    He said he doesn't know how to fix them. I love this map, but I can't use it because of that water issue.
  9. Darkhorse 1-6

    Upcoming big game needs tester/stressers

    Don't delete the wreck bird. Change it to say a CH-46 if you use them. Then what you have to do is edit the script that refers to the helicopters, and change it from a wreck lift to: A. Lift Chopper B. Normal Chopper, that can't lift anything. I can help ya find this if needed.
  10. Darkhorse 1-6

    Upcoming big game needs tester/stressers

    2 -53s and 2 -46s would be nice. :)
  11. Darkhorse 1-6

    Military Operations Resource

    If you need references for AA/Artillery Emplacements/FOBS etc. I can help ya out. I have spent waayy too much time digging through pictures for my own needs, so I'd be happy to share what i find.
  12. Darkhorse 1-6

    -=/UP-ARMORED Vehicles\=-

    :rolleyes: Screenshots look great. I know there is an IED mod active on here. Any chance of (Eventually, probably several months from now) you guys getting together and making the Rhino compatible with their scripts/ addons? Task Force Lion is always here if ya need help with testing. 5 months of testing PRACS and not a single leaked addon. I'm proud of "my boys". :D
  13. Darkhorse 1-6

    Upcoming big game needs tester/stressers

    I would suggest that each pilot be allowed to carry 1 satchel. I've been a pilot in ArmA and ArmA 2 for about 4 years. There will be plenty of times where you get shot down, your bird is intact, yet the engine is down and you cannot get friendly forces in to repair it. These cases call for blowing the aircraft in place so it is not left for enemy forces, and so it will respawn at base instead of sitting in some field, forest, or city somewhere.
  14. Has anybody found out if this is possible?
  15. Darkhorse 1-6

    Upcoming big game needs tester/stressers

    *Just remembered what I thought it was missing. Norrins Revive script. I love that thing. I do understand it may not be the best for tournament play, but it does increase teamwork, and it can allow players to drag severely wounded players into aircraft/vehicles and get them MEDEVAC'd
  16. Darkhorse 1-6

    USAF CSAR By Soldier2390

    Video cards are weird like that. I run an NVidia 7800 (Supposed to have SLI i think, but it doesn't apparently) and I keep my settings at medium to high most of the time. *Edit To respond to your post right above mine, I hear that the NVidia 300 series runs good. I'm actually trying to find a good one for myself as well.
  17. Darkhorse 1-6

    WIP: Stuff you are working on 2!

    It is deployed straight ahead of the vehicle, similar to a lance, and it is designed to detonate IEDs before the vehicle enters the kill radius. I think it does this through radio frequency or something. It's called the Rhino IED detection system IIRC.
  18. Darkhorse 1-6


    Wait... So that nice armor on the sides gets "blown" off when it gets hit? Very nice. I'm loving this even more. Will it still be open to the community, as far as mods using it etc.?
  19. Darkhorse 1-6

    Upcoming big game needs tester/stressers

    A dedicated 4 or 5 man squad that deals only with Side missions, and defends the base when waiting for the next one would be a good idea. My suggestions -swap the CH-53 addon for SFC. Itzhaks birds, so you can replace the Osprey with the CH-46. -Maybe look into using the R3F Artillery and Logistics script. It allows you to tow arty pieces, load sandbag walls, tents, machineguns, etc. etc. into trucks so that you can actually build a small camp area around your MHQ. It also allows human players to call in precise artillery strikes. A Forward Observer calls in a firemission. The Fire Control guy relays the firemission to the artillery battery, and the humans on the artillery input the information relayed from the FO and open fire. Normally one spotting round, probably best to use smoke just in case the FO got the coords wrong. *If you use this you would probably need to put some sandbags, bunkers, and defensive items on the base, so that the trucks could go to this "depot" and load them. -Much tougher AI. -Is it possible to disable teleporting to the MHQ, while still being able to spawn there if you die? If so you should experiment with doing that. Other than a little bit of jumpyness on my end it was a great game. Looking forward to the next one, if there is one.
  20. Darkhorse 1-6

    Takistan Camo

    Impossible!! :p and yes I meant the vehicle Camouflage. It isn't so much the PRACS thing as it is the fact that they are recycling the old Camo. I understand that they are trying to recycle as much as possible (if one faction uses it they can reskin it etc.) but I just can't understand why they would need to go back to the RACS. Doesn't Bohemia have some good texture artists? From the retextures of all the Chernarus buildings i think they probably do, but maybe they don't do vehicle work? I just don't know... There are so many alternatives out there. Like these. http://www.howitzer.dk/vehicles/vehiclephoto/denmark/m113/isaf/isaf3.jpg http://www.seattlefabrics.com/FPC%20Desert%20Camo.jpg http://www.istockphoto.com/file_thumbview_approve/7138825/2/istockphoto_7138825-australian-desert-camouflage-pattern-auscam-dpdu.jpg http://www.grapevinehats.com/html/Fabric/2007%20material/Desert%20Camo%20lg.jpg http://www.davidmacaluso.com/images/large/desert-camouflauge.jpg http://dragonartz.files.wordpress.com/2009/04/_vector-camouflage-seamless-background-cs-by-dragonart.png http://thumb15.shutterstock.com.edgesuite.net/display_pic_with_logo/125710/125710,1205197587,2/stock-vector-desert-camouflage-pattern-10251070.jpg http://www.airmilitaire.com/Images/Bandannas-ChocolateChipCamo.jpg http://www.howitzer.dk/vehicles/vehiclephoto/denmark/m113/isaf/isaf3.jpg http://www.tactical-life.com/online/wp-content/uploads/2009/01/military-wraps.gif These 2 could be the best choice: http://www.olive-drab.com/images/camo_desert_375.jpg http://www.danskpanser.dk/images/M113G3_21stor.jpg
  21. Darkhorse 1-6

    Takistan Camo

    You know Ice, that's not such a bad idea. :D The only thing is, the U.S. Army may create alot of friendly fire incidents if the RACS show up in Takistan, due to the camo they use.
  22. Darkhorse 1-6

    Airsoft & Paintball and those in between.

    definitely echo 1. I got a semi-cheap generic airsoft rifle (Instead of the Echo1 I wanted, but didnt quite have the cash for) from a local dealer and got ripped off big time. It ended up being a chinese piece o crap.
  23. Darkhorse 1-6

    Upcoming big game needs tester/stressers

    One of the best games I've played in a while. Didn't have any bugs. Only "Hiccup" i had was when somebody nailed that Mi-8 and it dropped on kdjac's head and nearly on mine. *Sorry about me crashing with you and that hooker still in the bird kdjac* One suggestion. Look into replacing the current CH-53 with SFC. Itzhak's version. Then you would also have a CH-46 you could use.
  24. Darkhorse 1-6

    Supplies Fix/Addition

    It's simple, just use a version that has the trucks. Plenty of em are out there...