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Darkhorse 1-6

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Everything posted by Darkhorse 1-6

  1. ^ Just use a quote and remove the Pulveriser bit. lol
  2. It's called "No Life Syndrome", and everybody on these forums has it in some form. Even you Pulverizer. ;)
  3. Couldn't have put it better myself.
  4. Darkhorse 1-6

    Arma 2 Addon request thread

    ^ Nope. You would be able to aim, but you wouldn't be able to hit the broadside of a barn due to the jerkiness off attachto. There is also the danger of, if the vehicle gos really fast, or goes flooring it down a hill, that you would slide through the vehicle before "popping" back into your seat.
  5. Darkhorse 1-6

    Arma 2 Addon request thread

    I will list the maps released for ArmA II. Check near the top for required addons. Baghdad Helmand Valley PMC 51km Desert Sands Shekhabad SIX Aiaktalik Uruzgan - Afghanistan ---------- Post added at 06:49 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:47 PM ---------- Impossible due to engine limitations. Somebody could make a humvee with invisible weapons in the windows that appear when somebody sits in the seat, but it's impossible for you to be just sitting there holding the weapon you just pulled out of the ammo crate.
  6. Darkhorse 1-6

    DLC- What do YOU want?

    Many mods already have it. P85, BWMod, PRACS, and others have different versions of the Leo, including the Leo 2.
  7. Darkhorse 1-6

    Stinger missiles seem useless.

    You right. On a related note, I never knew that the worlds militaries had integrated USB Mouse support into their weapons. :p
  8. Unless your secretly a BIS Developer, the line in bold is pure speculation and BS. You don't know the engine, and it's code, which means you don't know what's easy and what's not.
  9. Darkhorse 1-6

    Suicide bombing script

    Have you considered using the "bomb" thats under small objects? With all the evidence stuff. ^ Too tired for a proper description of what I'm thinking of.
  10. Darkhorse 1-6

    Dawn of future planet wide Mil Sims

    I do hope BIS atleast takes 5 minutes to consider working with those guys. It could be a good idea for a new version of ArmA...
  11. Darkhorse 1-6

    Dawn of future planet wide Mil Sims

    ^ old news pal
  12. Darkhorse 1-6

    Mando Missile ArmA for ArmA 2

    Mando is it possible to set it up where two aircraft (Addons) can be set in the editor, have them come in from a set direction, drop a specific type of ammo (eg: a specific bomb ammo) in a specific place, and then fly off to be deleted?
  13. Darkhorse 1-6

    ArmA2 Modding Toolbox for 3ds max V1.1

    It is illegal to port ArmA/ArmA II/OA content to other games. Bohemia can sue you if you do it.
  14. ALL Armaholic links are down. Check the front page next time. ;)
  15. Well, I'm sure your one of those people. Judging from the amount of smoke your blowing out your ass, it would probably melt before you felt it.
  16. I don't know how I missed this. I play ArmA 2 and OA on medium settings, with a VD of 2-5k depending on the map/mission. I normally play on servers that have alot of action. I play in the editor with a minimum of 200 units at a time. I do all this with a Pentium 4 3.4ghz processor, 2GB RAM, and an Nvidia 7800. If I can do it, so can you.
  17. Darkhorse 1-6

    Over 90,000 US Military Records Leaked

    By "Dr. Paul" I think he might mean "Dr. Phil". In which case that deserves a really big lol.
  18. No. I believe that BIS needs to concentrate on fixing, fine-tuning, and updating ArmA II and OA,and maybe release 1 or 2 DLCs before they try to appeal to the masses. They don't need to tailor their game to mainstream FPS players, they need to advertise, and slowly convert them. A better demo maybe. Give away 10 free copies per site, for the top 5 gaming sites, something. They do not need to modify the game to do that.
  19. Wow... FPDR How about this. We let BIS finish their work, maybe try and get the community to advertise a little but that's tough considering 95% of us don't want BF/CoD players. That means going to sim communities, but that probably won't work considering they will probably have a game. If it does work weve converted a couple hundred people at best, a handful at worst. Basically, if you want more people to play with, convert your friend. Or Assimilate them, whatever makes you happier. I highly doubt we will ever reach 20k players at the same time. There are definitely 20k people who play A2/OA, the thing is we are spread all over the globe, which means very big time differences, which means you may not see more than a thousand on at once. Then you consider these people have lives, families, jobs, or might be playing some other game as well. THAT is why you don't see 20k on. *Edit* Also, consider all the people who only play in the editor, or singleplayer, or lan with their friends. I know a bunch of people who play using hamachi, or who spend alot of time creating huge battles in the editor, myself included. I haven't been online much lately, although I am slowly getting more into AAS. This is a Niche game for a reason. It's not meant to be like CoD or BF, it's meant to be one of the most realistic war sims out there. Not many people like it. Hell, going by youtube the majority of gamers thought that OFP:DR was too realistic, and took to long to reload etc.
  20. ^ Amen. I find it idiotic that somebody who has been here less then a month would come in, think they know everything, and come up with ideas that have been thought up countless times, and pass them off as original. Not to mention saying that ArmA needs a ranking/achievements system. Hell, if I wanted that i would play BF or CoD. "Challenging" people to reach 20,000 players? If that's not insulting I'm the King of Sweden. You act like your the person who can get 20,000 people to play, as long as we do what you say. :j: Also, please search before posting, there are craploads of threads just like yours. Just because you suddenly figured out how to "make ArmA more popular" doesn't mean your special.
  21. Darkhorse 1-6

    Problems with Avgani!

    Ok Acoustic, there is one thing ya need to understand. Baghdad is an ARMA II island, built for ARMA II and generally compatible with OA I would assume, considering it's pretty much the same game. That's why it works. Avgani was made for ARMA (aka Armed Assault/aka ArmA 1) and is not compatible with ArmA 2 without CAA1, which is somewhere around 2Gigs of data last time I checked. I am not sure that CAA1 will work with OA, and since I assume your using OA only, Avgani will probably not work. You need to make sure you only look in the ARMA II or OA download sections for addons. 80-90% of ArmA/ArmA1 addons are not compatible without manually editing the addon. If you use ArmAholic, this should be simple. It's as simple on armedassault.info, you just lcick on the ArmA II button near the top and it will autofilter.
  22. Darkhorse 1-6

    Over 90,000 US Military Records Leaked

    Wow do you ever take off your tin foil hat? He is actually correct. We could have gotten Bin Laden many times, but we either didn't have the balls, the president said no, or it went tits up. Clinton had plenty of chances. Bush might have had some, but I don't know anything specific. I do know that sometime in the week before 9/11 (Some say ON 9/11 but I don't believe that) Bush Sr. had breakfast/lunch with Bin Laden Sr. in NYC/Manhattan. That doesn't have to mean anything, and it may have been a perfectly normal meeting between two business men, but you must admit it's something that many conspiracy theorists latch on to. I don't know, and don't really care. As far as I'm concerned it was two guys having breakfast/lunch. Personally I don't think the government had anything to do with the WTC, or Flight 93. I do firmly believe that they knew about it. How long before I don't know, but it was enough time for them to plan faking a plane crashing into the Pentagon. (No matter what you say here, just look at the damage. There is no freaking way a plane of that size hit the Pentagon. What, did the engines disintegrate into dust?) They didn't create 9/11, or plan it, or help Bin Laden, but they exploited it. Exactly who "they" are, we most likely will never know.
  23. I'd say either RKSL-Rock or wld427. Xeno is a possibility as well, if he hasn't left the community.