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Darkhorse 1-6

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Everything posted by Darkhorse 1-6

  1. Don't worry about that. I'm going to be bringing it over once I get the source files from wld427. Once I get it updated (config edit, make sure .rpt is clean, fix rvmats, maybe get a thermal texture) to AII standards I will ask if I can release it standalone.
  2. Darkhorse 1-6

    Project RACS

    No, and No. :cool:
  3. Darkhorse 1-6

    Jungle Wars: Island of Lingor

    Wrong It needs revamped for ArmA II, retextured to fit IceBreakrs needs, and probably a couple fixes related to the rpt considering they tend to pop up when converting A1 to A2.
  4. Darkhorse 1-6

    Arma 2 Addon request thread

    No, he was making an SA-8, which is mobile, and those 2 guys want a SA-2/SAM Site which would be standalone/not mobile - missiles.
  5. Darkhorse 1-6

    Anzac Mod Wip

    I think it's infantry only for the moment. I didn't see any options for loading vehicles anyways, maybe I didn't test it thoroughly enough though...
  6. Darkhorse 1-6

    EA-6B Prowler - WiP by IrishDeviant

    Twice in a month/month and a half or more. You have an odd definition of "overused". I'll take a look at the script, i don't understand much scripting wise but i should be able to tweak the values for number of targets/range they are at from the aircraft.
  7. It's more than the bumper, if you had read Topas' post. He was simply trying to help you, as I would guess you've spent so long looking at the vehicle things tend to blend in/not become noticeable. It might not be a major issue, but it was something Topas (As a skilled texture artist) saw and commented on. You needn't react so harshly.
  8. Darkhorse 1-6

    EA-6B Prowler - WiP by IrishDeviant

    The Airbus has it... but so does one of those 2 links. Possibly even both of those links. ... FPDR
  9. Darkhorse 1-6

    EA-6B Prowler - WiP by IrishDeviant

    I believe it was one of these two aircraft. http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=5010 http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=8886
  10. Darkhorse 1-6

    USS Nimitz - WIP

    That almost screams "Brotherhood of Nod".
  11. Darkhorse 1-6

    EA-6B Prowler - WiP by IrishDeviant

    Well, the jamming idea was used by atleast one aircraft in ArmA, and I was going to see if it could be expanded. The basic idea is this... When jamming is activated it creates an extremely large number of false radar contacts, and randomly moves them around at a good speed. It makes it where if anybody attempts to target an aircraft (with tab or whatever custom key ya use) you lock on to one of the many ghosts. Admittedly there might be a ver small chance of the lock aquiring the real target, but with 50+ false radar contacts moving around rapidly the only way to lock would be to get really close and attempt a manual lock (using right click) but if the jamming aircraft had escorts or was at altitude the chances of having someone manual lock on you should fall under acceptable risk. Its a very... simple workaround, but it worked pretty good in A1, so an experiment with A2, with more radar targets and an expanded range, should be examined.
  12. Darkhorse 1-6

    EA-6B Prowler - WiP by IrishDeviant

    I might have a solution for the jamming, expect a pm later tody. If my solution is crap then I say bring on the Dragon Lady. ;)
  13. Darkhorse 1-6

    USS Nimitz - WIP

    Yeah, I think he has "considered" that... FPDR
  14. Darkhorse 1-6

    Project Reality - WIP Discussion

    Now that was fun. I remember getting stoned to death by 4 clanmates who came out of an alley. they nailed me, their friend popped our landrover (i think it was british anyways) with an RPG and all hell broke loose.
  15. Darkhorse 1-6

    Project Reality - WIP Discussion

    PR did not invent/create AAS. You've got your head where the sun don't shine if you believe that. I liked the PR version of the gamemode back when i played BF2, but they didn't create the base gamemode, neither did BF2.
  16. Darkhorse 1-6

    USS Nimitz - WIP

    If it's drivable then JDog stands for Jesus, and half the community will kiss him, while Crash will attempt to make love to him.
  17. Darkhorse 1-6

    EA-6B Prowler - WiP by IrishDeviant

    What aircraft is that? I'm viewing from my phone, seems a tiny bit like the hawk but I can't be sure. Side note: The guy making the F-15 from scratch might be able to use the manual, if he doesn't already have it. Of course, in the interests of national security it might be best to wipe your computer with a magnet... ;)
  18. Darkhorse 1-6

    USS Nimitz - WIP

    Mando might have the sparrow, but I don't think the mod includes the model, which is what JDog was saying he would have to make.
  19. Darkhorse 1-6

    EA-6B Prowler - WiP by IrishDeviant

    That's what its role is.
  20. Darkhorse 1-6

    USS Nimitz - WIP

    Ask in the Project RACS thread please. The F-18 is being done by PRACS and ANZAC, not JDog.
  21. It is possible. It's caled "The Golden BB", and it happens in everything from fast attack jets, to slower CAS types, to helicopters. Its all dependant on somebody firing at the right angle (accidently obviously) at the right time, for it to hit the right spot where it either disables some vital system, or hits one of the pilots. There were waaay too many golden BBs in Vietnam, but there have been plenty in the iraq/afghanistan war this decade. Even with all the technology we have these days luck plays a big factor. @Irish: If your munitions are any example, any aircraft from you is going to be absolutely amazing
  22. I voted EA-6B, although I would LOVE to see a properly done A-1 Skyraider.
  23. Darkhorse 1-6


    That looks absolutely fantastic.