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Darkhorse 1-6

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Everything posted by Darkhorse 1-6

  1. Darkhorse 1-6

    WIP: Stuff you are working on 2!

    They are from a siberian husky begging for a shelter from the noise of battle I bet. ;)
  2. Dont forget the dozens of custom objects celery... :rolleyes:
  3. Darkhorse 1-6

    W.I.P SR-71 Blackbird

    Dont forget just plain looking good for the camera. :D
  4. I was wondering when you would go public with this. As soon as I get internet I will download it and see what changes have been made from the version that I have, although they are probably the same. Congrats on going public, I believe this will keep alot of people busy for a long long time.
  5. Basically, you want somebody who knows how to script to create an RPG style mission to your exact specifications then huh?
  6. Darkhorse 1-6

    Citylife 2 Released

    ^ What is the purpose of that post? @Everybody - This thread is for discussion of the mod City Life, not for airing dirty laundryl insulting the mod, flaming the mod, flaming and insulting the admins, bitching and moaning, and trying to encourage people to stay away from it. Its a damn good mod, and the admins are nice if you play respectfully and follow the rules listed on their site. If you got banned its your fault not theirs, so quit bitching about it in public and grow some cojones.
  7. Darkhorse 1-6

    Arma 2 Addon request thread

    @Spectr0 The dispersion according to the manufacturers data is about 5 milli-radians for 80 % of the fired projectiles, which means that at a distance of 1,000 meters 80 % of the projectiles knock into a circle of 5 meters in diameter. Please do some research before saying that something will add realism to the game. Also, insulting a respected addon maker is not the way to make friends here.
  8. Darkhorse 1-6

    Crime City - RPG - WIP

    Sounds fantastic. I would however say 60% in favor of the robber, and 40% for the victim or lower, because the robber is ready to shoot, and seeing the civilian fumbling for his holster would definitely make him shoot first. Also, knives? Really?
  9. No... not all missions must be free to use. My old Realism Unit had a guy who could do things with domination that could make your head spin. Custom scripts, custom intro, custom missions, etc. etc. We did not allow anybody else to rip the mission and slap it on their server. It listed our mission maker, the intro listed the unit/unit info, and the scripts were his. Since most realism units know each other, if somebody saw another server with our unit-tagged domi on it they would either boycott it or talk to the head admin. Yes, the players and the community make the game. That does not mean there can't be privacy, missions that others can't use, scripts that others can't use, etc. And from what I've seen and heard recently, if the players make the game then right now the game is heading down the crapper.
  10. I hope you know, City Life was around for years before Chernarus Life existed. Get your facts straight. I doubt you've even played CL, as everything you keep saying about it is false. Also, I know the guy who started Zargabad life on its original server, its a copy of Chernarus Life, he changed plenty of things, but he copied most from Chernarus Life. He ended up shutting his server down because some jackasses from Bay City stole his mission and put it up as their own, and then some little freakin idiot kids did the same thing, so his mission/server got a bad name because they had heard that Zargabad Life had immature ban happy admins who ran around spawning crap at random. These were the imitations, not the original, which was actually a very mature server. Me and the others who played there were disappointed when he gave up fighting them.
  11. All this is is an addon request. P.S. - Zargabad Life is a copy of Chernarus Life which is a copy of Sahrani Life. City Life is completely different from both, and has been since the start. City Life is not for immmature dm players, it requires maturity, patience, and is much more complicated.
  12. Darkhorse 1-6

    Citylife 2 Released

    I played CL back for ArmA 1 for quite some time, and I've come to these conclusions. 1- Know your GMT 2-Read the rules like they are the bible and your next in line for the pope. 3-Steal, Cheat, Lie *But do not get caught. (If your playing a civ and are gonna go bad that is) 4-Be polite. Some of the admins play this after work/in the evening after they have had a shitty day, and somebody breaking the rules or just being ignorant or cussing people out will be banned without explanation. They have lives, and this is a game, something they play to unwind and have fun. The more they have to spend time trying to diffuse an idiotic arguement between a newbie and a veteran player the more annoyed they will get. If they can't stand the crap anymore they will probably side with the person who they know and not the guy who has been around less than a day. And finally... 5- Stay away from ArmaTech if he is drunk or in a bad mood. ;) (In all seriousness, City Life is great, the players are great, the admins are a bit tough but in an acceptable way. I played there for almost a year. Best rpg mod I've played in my life. The first week or so is rough, especially for an american trying to get on a British/Euro time table, but after that everything smooths out. By then the admins can be reasonably sure your not a grab&go thief, they will have played and talked with you so they will know you better, and you will have had time to get used to both the rules and the gameplay. I understand they made it a tiny bit tougher to get the money needed for weapons/an insurgency, but trust me, its very worth it.) One of the top 3 experiences I've had in all my years of playing arma online was in City Life. Its a story for another time, and fresh thumbs (typing on my phone here lol) but I can say watch the movie "Precinct 13". The very short version is - I arrested a guy, booked him with another cop, then all hell breaks loose. 2 cops (4 for about 20 minutes) against 6-8 civilian "insurgents" who want their friend out. We had a good little firefight when they tried to ram the gates, they tried a helicopter assault, and at one point a guy who had just logged on as a cop brought us riot shields and ammo in our swat humvee. He made it into the gates, parked, and took a .50 in the chest. It ended with me hiding behind the booking counter with no ammo for my shotgun, a taser on the ground next to me, and half a mag in my sidearm as they came in through the front door. They had one hell of a sniper, took my partners head clean off as he made a dash for our vehicle and the heavy equipment in the trunk. :D
  13. Darkhorse 1-6

    Citylife 2 Released

    Max, respectfully, shove it.
  14. A bit of historical trivia. I just found out (through research) that the files inside the GL4_Air_Land_Chatter folder in the GL4_Radio_Chatter pbo are radio transmissions recorded on June 22nd, 1967. The unit is 2nd Battalion, 503rd Infantry, 173rd Airborne Brigade which was based from Dak To. "Alpha 6" is Captain David A. Milton, and the 2 elements he says he believes he has "lost completely" were his 2nd and 3rd platoons. Alpha company had ran into an entire NVA battalion on the slopes near Dak To. The daylong firefight ended with 76 KIA and 24 WIA Americans, and an estimated 400-500 dead NVA.
  15. Darkhorse 1-6

    So Some guy in My town got arrested

    Hello again Dosenmais. Welcome back to the forums. (A bit too soon in my opinion) Actually, it is a cultural thing. You even described it like that. European culture has made guns evil things. Yes, governments most likely started it, but it is culture. That, and after all the death and war that Europe has faced I can see a reason why most Europeans may dislike firearms. Whereas the culture over here in the states is completely different. Over here guns can be obtained easily, as well as ammuniton for them. We have seen war, but have never seen war come to our own country (excluding the mexican war and the war of 1812.) However, a lot of us expect that war will eventually reach our nation, and when it does we intend to fight back. Which is why I doubt any invasion of the US could ever work. Probably 75% of houses in the South alone have atleast one weapon. I know several with complete arsenals. 40k rounds of ammo iirc, several G3s, Galils, Tavor, FALs, multiple pistols, and more. That's just one person. Of course it could just be that we are a nation of trigger happy obese people, with a high crime rate. Also, you shouldn't forget that it was us Americans who invented the art of sharpshooting. "They couldn't hit a barn at this distance!" ;) *Edit* @Max - I'm from the south, so while it was a tragedy, the assassination of Abraham Lincon is understandable. It was perpetrated by the Confederacy, and it simply came too late to prevent the Union victory. It could also be seen as an act of revenge, or of desperation. We knew we had lost, but somebody decided we were gonna take them down with us. As for JFK (May he rest in peace) we all know that was a communist plot, and that the FBI helped them pull it off. :p
  16. Darkhorse 1-6

    Crime City - RPG - WIP

    This sounds great. Good luck finding people who have computers that can handle it though. With that many scripts etc. I forsee major lag in your future. Of course, if you manage to find a way around that, or if the new patch(es) have improved lag then your set. (I haven't had internet since September 1st or so which is why I can't be sure i f lag has improved)
  17. Darkhorse 1-6

    Arma 2 Addon request thread

    @Choki - Simply pressing enter on your numpad will change to 3rd person view.
  18. Darkhorse 1-6

    Crime City - RPG - WIP

    Check Lingor out. It might fit your needs. One thing you might have trouble with is civilians joining the police force. If you want AI cops to go after criminals then they need to be different factions, such as Cops = Blufor/Independent and Civs = Civilian. As far as I know there is no way to switch factions once in-game, so all the cops would have to start out as such.
  19. Well, I can tell you that the init line command looks wrong, and that no, without making an addon I don't believe you can visibly change the weapons on the Su-25. You can change them IIRC, but the weapon you see won't change. I could be wrong though. As for what Proto said, it was correct. Its a forum rule to search before posting, and while you might have half-assed a try, you didn't try hard enough. Insulting people (especially people who have been around as long as proto) won't help you in this community. I suggest you read the forum rules, and try to remember the manners (I would assume) your parents taught you. P.S. - You would put this in an init line for multiple lines. removeAllWeapons this; addWeapon M16A4 this; addMagazine 30rnd_STANAG this; (The placement of "this" might be wrong with my addweapon and addmagazine examples, and AFAIK those aren't real classnames. Just an example of how multiples are done.)
  20. Darkhorse 1-6

    Merry Festivus

    I put forward a motion to replace Christmas with Festivus in the Armaverse. :D (Happy Holidays. Got a surprise white christmas here in TN.)
  21. Darkhorse 1-6

    Merry Festivus

    Frank Costanza will kill you all for mentioning THAT holiday on Festivus. :D (Festivus was the 23rd just so ya know. Admins... I don't care how the thread ends up, just don't attack me for my beliefs. :p) (Yes Festivus is real. There was even a Festivus Pole lot, possibly in Chicago although I can't remember. There are companies that sell Festivus poles...) Festivus - A holiday for everybody else. :)
  22. Darkhorse 1-6

    Merry Festivus

    Google festivus guys, it isn't christmas. :p (Merry christmas though. ;))
  23. Darkhorse 1-6

    Merry Festivus

    lol... some people will get it, some won't. Jerry knows... do you? ;) :p
  24. Darkhorse 1-6

    Remember Pearl Harbor

    Just remembered an old song I used to listen to. If I find anymore ill post them here. euYfZ81gMCY
  25. Darkhorse 1-6

    Remember Pearl Harbor

    The attack on Pearl Harbor, at 7:55am on December 7th, 1941 may have been 69 years ago, but that is no reason for it to be forgotten. The number of survivors dwindle every year, and most are almost too old to travel, plenty of them being in their 90's. They still have their stories, and still tell them, although the number of people willing to listen is dropping as well. I attended a remembrance ceremony on the USS Midway this morning, and I took several videos of survivors telling their story of that day, as well as pictures. They are growing older every day, some of them seemed hard pressed to recall the events of that day. My request to everybody here, if you meet a Pearl Harbor survivor (from either side), ask if they would let you interview them. Use a video camera, cell phone video camera, paper, it doesn't matter. Don't let their stories be forgotten.