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Darkhorse 1-6

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Everything posted by Darkhorse 1-6

  1. Except it's not just an issue between Bohemia and yourselves. The primary issue is whether or not you're violating the EULA of the game, but the secondary issues are that you are using community content, addons made by 3rd parties, in this mission, and that you are apparently profiting enough to hire a lawyer to defend your right to keep doing so. Regardless of the decision Bohemia makes, you will then have to deal individually with each addonmaker, and seeing as the law is clearly on the side of the author, you'll end up having to either make all your content yourselves (cue ten minutes of laughter) or strip the community work out of your mission and rely on what little you have of your own, combined with vanilla.
  2. No, no it's not. Your situation is the same as any one of the dozens of groups that have been caught doing this and shut down in the past. It's been a while since I played with the City Life community, but I distinctly recall donations being actual donations. You probably got some in-game perks, but you were actually donating to City Life and the group that ran it, not purchasing perks or individual weapons/vehicles/houses/etc. etc. With how popular City Life is, how good their admins are, the fact that they were actually making their own content instead of buying models/stealing models (I'm not saying that's the case with your group, it's just been the case with almost all others in the past) and considering how long they have been around, they have probably gotten a lot of money with donations. I doubt you have any proof that City Life is doing what you claim, but even if they were, their situation is legitimately different from yours, because it's actual donations not thinly veiled purchases, and because I'm fairly certain they keep track of where that money goes.
  3. I'm obviously not BI, but it's safe to say that if the rules state you can't use third party content, you can't use third party content. Your only option is "A", because the you would not be able to use as a part of your mission or campaign. If you're making a play for the big bucks, then you can only use what you create, or what your team creates. #1 = No. It's third party, and the line you quote from the rules already answered your question. #2 = No. See above. #3 = Bohemia will have to answer this one, lol. Everything else was already answered by them defining the rules, and you even quoted their answer. -Edit- Actually, I glossed over how you worded the question of "A" and "B". It has nothing to do with the judges "not having time" to download the requirements, it's that you're not allowed to use 3rd party addons period. As your mod uses *20* different 3rd party modfolders, several of which either have their own MANW entries or are probably considering them, it goes past a simple "No." to "Did you really not read the rules, at all?" and/or "Are you really asking this?".
  4. Here is what ArmA is, when it's at it's best. You can choose to play cops and robbers, you can choose to make whatever you want out of it, even a racing simulator, but at it's core this post shows what ArmA is all about. ShackTac, and others like it,is the type of enivorment that will get you addicted to this game. You find people you enjoy playing with, and you spend hours fighting for your life right beside them. http://www.polygon.com/2014/10/8/6881629/inside-shack-tactical-shacktac-military-simulation-arma
  5. I don't get infractions, or even warnings, very often. I've had a handful, but that's because I've been on these forums for 5 years and that tends to happen. (eg: forgetting about image size used to warrant an infraction before they automated it to not allow above the limit. Or my run-in with an at that time teenage moderator with his head up his arse, who is no longer a moderator.) As you've been here less than 72 hours now, I don't think you have the right to tell me what I "need to remember". As for "unnecessary enemies", I think you should keep your mind pointed towards things that concern you. I'm generally a very friendly, kind, caring person who tries to help people new to these forums, but every so often some idiot joins and makes an ass of himself, and I revert to being a foul-mouthed southerner who really doesn't sit still and take people's bullshit. You, sir, are this month's idiot quota. Or, if we're unlucky, half of the quota. Hell, it's October, you might only be a quarter of it. As for "Every option of the game" you once again do not know what the hell you are talking about. There are no "options". You have your settings, your multiplayer, your singleplayer, and your editor. In the editor there are no scenarios, you assemble them yourself by adding scripts, manually placing waypoints, manually placing individual vehicles and infantry, aircraft, etc. You will not get a picture of every single option, because nobody is going to go through and screenshot every single object (hundreds if not thousands) that you can place in the editor, at least not unless ArmaTec decides he wants to lose another chunk of his life doing the whole process over again, of course. If the past 2 pages of this thread, which I know for a fact have answered your questions, have not gotten through to you at all, then I suppose I must resort to the dummy's introduction to ArmA.
  6. For the record, I have read the original post, Pufu has read the original post, as well as every post since. You can backpedal and say you didn't say what you said, but we all know you did, whether it was a poor choice of words on your part or not. Also... http://www.pcgamer.com/arma-3-map-might-be-bigger-than-you-ever-imagined/
  7. Yes, yes I do. Once again, what you want to see doesn't matter one bit, because you want ArmA to be something completely different than what it is, and it will not happen. That doesn't come off as a sign of intelligence, that comes off as you being a bit of an ass, because having to fully crew tanks, etc. is part of this game and always will be. You will never be able to fully control a tank by yourself, unless you use an addon and even then you're basically issuing commands to AI crew that don't let you know they exist. The problem is that you're not a potential ArmA player, your somebody who wants ArmA to become another game. You obviously don't like the game as it is, while thousands, tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands probably with DayZ, do like it. Never going to happen. Also, it's not common sense, it is your opinion. Which gives me the opportunity to use my favorite quote, amazing how often this happens. “You are not entitled to your opinion. You are entitled to your informed opinion. No one is entitled to be ignorant.†― Harlan Ellison That's what you are. Ignorant. About the people who have played this series for the last 13 years, about the series itself, about how the game works, and about the fact that you're not going to get what you want here. Also, you're not going to buy ArmA, because it is absolutely nothing like what you want it to be, and it never will be. Do you know anything, anything at all, about the size of the maps? There are only two. The small one would take you 30 minutes to a couple hours to cross on foot, and the primary map would take you a day or two, real time, to cross from the southwest to the northeast. This is not like anything you have ever played before in your life, going off your comments. Respawn is decided by the people running the server. Instant, timer, or timer with option for your friends to revive you, are the most common variants. Number of respawns is decided by the people running the server. ArmA is not designed for children, it is designed for people who want something a bit slower, more realistic, and far grander than CoD has ever been. The closest FPS would be Battlefield 2, on the 64 player maps, and even then they'd be only a tiny fraction of the size of an ArmA terrain. There is a WWII mod that's been worked on since ArmA 1, through A2/OA, and now coming to A3. The terrain they have is 150x150km, and is of a portion of England, the English Channel, and a large portion of France (and maybe a tiny sliver of Belgium). Since you obviously don't understand the scale ArmA represents, I'm bringing this up to give you my favorite example. To fly from the southern coast of England to the northern coast of France in a C-47 on this mod's terrain, it takes you a minimum of 20 minutes (closest points) and a maximum of 30-45 minutes. That's a half hour to fly over the in-game English Channel. ArmA is technically a game, but it is the civilian version of what the US, UK, (and many other) governments use to train their soldiers. The companies that make ArmA and VBS (Training program) split off a long time ago, but they still share assets and the engine. I'll probably get another warning or even an infraction for what I'm about to say, but the hell with it. I don't know who the hell you think you are, but this is the worst first post, worst introduction to the community, and worst attitude from a new account, that I have ever seen in my time on these forums. Whether it is your intention or not, you're coming off as a stuck-up jackass with your head shoved so far up your ass you can see your uvula. Get the fuck off your high horse. Contrary to your apparent opinion, WoT players are not smarter than any other group of players. My vast personal experience on the matter actually has shown me it's the exact opposite, but I've withdrawn myself from that community and no longer care about it's rampant idiocy. Try to get this through your head, please. You are not more intelligent than a person who plays ArmA. You are not necessarily less intelligent either, but you're certainly not above all the people you're talking down to. ArmA is not for campers, because campers and rushers do not exist in ArmA. If you "camp" then you're usually setting up an ambush or going AFK for a short period of time. There are no safe spots. If you hide in a building, a tank or helicopter or aircraft, or even a guy with a satchel charge, can blow the building into little tiny pieces and instantly kill you. If you hide in a bush, you're hoping the enemy doesn't have FLIR or IR scopes. If you're dressed all in black and hiding in the shadow, you're praying the poor bastard coming towards you doesn't have night vision. Camping doesn't happen, because campers die. Rushing doesn't happen, because rushers die. (Obviously there are individual exceptions. Sometimes rushing in guns blazing works, but usually you just get a surprise lead vaccine. and while campers will always die, some find spots that allow them to ambush and repeatedly cut down people before they do. If you're a sniper you don't camp. You set up, you fire, you move. Or else you die.) I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt one last time, and will attempt to find an example that I'm thinking of that will show you what this game is, as soon as I submit this reply. Your opinions do not count, I meant that, but I honestly don't care about them that much, because they are formed out of what I hope is unintentional ignorance, and because what you want will never happen. What I will not remain quiet about is you repeatedly hinting that you are more intelligent because you play WoT, or that intelligent people don't play ArmA, because the vast majority of the people I know in this community are some of the smartest, most intelligent people I have ever known and possibly will ever know. I've found no other community where you regularly have the chance to meet the sort of people you'll meet here. I know authors, aircraft industry people, IT guys, scuba diver, soldiers, pilots, and in general just about everything out there. I used to run operations with a guy who sat in a fully loaded A-6 (Snakes and Napalm) off the coast of Somalia on October 3rd, 1993. Then there's an addonmaker who did 4 tours with the 101st Airborne. Or the guy behind the scenes of a major project who has forgotten more about actual hacking and crypto shit than most people will ever learn. When you play ArmA, when you enter this community, you tie your high horse up at the door. If you're worthy of respect you'll get it every time, if you get into addonmaking you'll find the vast majority to be extremely helpful and willing to show you the ropes, but if you treat people like shit you'll receive the same. You become equal with everybody else in the ArmA community (Let's not get into DayZ though. ;) ) and become just another player. Or addonmaker, scripter, terrain maker. You could be Ken freaking Jennings, or Einstein himself, and still be an idiot on these forums if you act like you're better than anybody or repeatedly suggest that you're more intelligent than the people here. So knock it off, please. -Edit- Comparison of ArmA 3's Primary terrain (Altis, top left quarter of the picture) to various others. Note the size of BF3's biggest map. CoD maps are a tiny fraction of even that, and WoT maps would again be a fraction of that fraction. http://25.media.tumblr.com/8ec6778326ac832da7c6ead55402ac9a/tumblr_msyezr4JoD1rdy5joo1_1280.png (749 kB) Also this. First image shows CoD size inside of Battlefield size, then those two inside of Chernarus (ArmA 2, and DayZ), and then Chernarus laid over the top of Altis. Notice the size here. http://imgur.com/mcFwG5e
  8. Darkhorse 1-6

    Boeing/SOAR MH-47E ArmA III

    It seems it's moot now, it's been noticed and dealt with.
  9. You seem to think that ArmA is a sandbox version of World of Tanks. This is just plain wrong. Bohemia makes the game. All the servers are hosted by players and groups and communities that enjoy the game. Sadly, the most populated servers are "Altis Life", meaning police VS civilians/rebels/insurgents/gangs/whatever. There is absolutely no matchmaking, you must find a server that runs missions that you like, and play on it. You will not be catered to. Your opinions, for the most part, don't count. There are no "battles", there are missions, some that last a half hour, some that last 2, others that can run an entire day, and if you get with the right group there are Multi-Session-Operations that can last weeks. If you want a specific type of "battle" then your only option is to go into the editor, create a mission with the type of combat you want to see, and then play it/upload it/host your own server. All servers, vanilla or otherwise, are hosted by players/communities/etc. All missions, or 99% of them, are created by members of the community for others to play. My advice to you is to pull your head out of your arse, take a breath of fresh air, and find a good gaming group that does the type of missions you like. Back in ArmA 1, for example, I was in a "realism unit" where all members go through some basic training, then training for whatever role you wish to play primary as (tanks, infantry, pilot, etc.) and then the whole group does "Operations". These tend to be (with the right group) highly coordinated, well planned, tough missions against the AI. Whether it's a hostage rescue, snatch&grab, convoy protection, convoy ambush, or just taking over the entire map one town at a time. Find the right people to play with, and you'll see what ArmA really is capable of. Otherwise, you might as well give up on MP, because it will never be what you want it to be. -edit- Then why the flying fuck are you bitching about it?!!!! -2nd edit- Are you fucking kidding me? There are people who design jet aircraft for a goddamn living that play and apparently massively enjoy ArmA and have for years. I know IT guys who do it, scuba instructors, the list can go on and on. Not to mention the large number of military/former military, who apparently enjoy ArmA because it's ArmA, and because it's not 15-minute set piece battles like WoT. Jesus christ you're one stuck-up jackass.
  10. Darkhorse 1-6

    Boeing/SOAR MH-47E ArmA III

    Frankly, I'm appalled that you would use one of the oldest addons in this community to enter into MANW. It is not your work, it's something that has been handed down throughout the years. I now know that you have not sought permissions to use their work in MANW (crediting them doesn't cut it. You'd have to either have an agreement to share the money with all involved, or have legal documents from the saying they give up their rights and have no problem with you entering it.) and that as a result you do not have said permissions, and I'm confident that you will not receive them from all the necessary people either. I wouldn't expect the entry to remain in MANW for very long.
  11. Darkhorse 1-6

    Boeing/SOAR MH-47E ArmA III

    What? I'm sorry, but this isn't my "opinion". You have permission to modify the helicopter for ArmA, that's obvious, and you've been doing good work. However, you have to seek out separate permissions if you wish to enter it in MANW, otherwise Bohemia can, and will, disqualify you from the contest.
  12. Darkhorse 1-6

    Lost Isles RPG & Adventure

    Alright, it's been 2 months and change. If no proof of permissions (As of my initial posting, 7-27-2014, you had no such permissions according to El76) is presented in 24 hours, I'm reporting you/your entry and sending off emails to the appropriate people. I shouldn't be giving you the benefit of the doubt, because you made your position obvious when you deleted my questions on your facebook page, but I'm sleep deprived so what the hell.
  13. Darkhorse 1-6

    Boeing/SOAR MH-47E ArmA III

    I wouldn't normally ask the obvious, but it's 4am so what the hell. Are you confident in your legal standing, entering this helicopter? I know many touched it before you got involved, and many evolved it to the point it was at when you took over. IIRC some modifications were eventually incorporated into your version, such as wld's gun setup? (I may be wrong on that, it's been a while) Have you actually tracked each person down and either included them as part of the team (with some sort of legal document pertaining to the distribution of prize money, if you win) or requested that they waive their rights to the addon/give you full permission/ownership/whatever it would be called?
  14. Darkhorse 1-6

    Northern Ireland Insurgents

    I'm just gonna sit back and wait for it to happen all over again... ;) http://www.computerandvideogames.com/320372/itv-documentary-mistakes-arma-2-for-real-ira-film/
  15. Darkhorse 1-6

    BWI Addons - Aircraft & Vehicles

    Lib, I think you forgot something. If you're trying to bribe Crash to do something, there is only one thing that will work. Or, if you're feeling cheap... ;) (Also, just a side note, be careful. That first picture, "W", might violate §6 of the forum rules.)
  16. Darkhorse 1-6

    AH-99 Blackfoot upgrade/second variant

    I just tested one Blackfoot, me flying, off the western coast of Stratis with 48 T-100s lined up on the runway with good spacing, all facing straight at me, minimal chance of hitting the sides, etc. and I *think* that the DAGR goes straight out from your altitude then comes down in an arc, striking the vehicle directly on the top, in this case on the top of the turret. While one DAGR is not sufficient to blow up the tank, one DAGR caused the crew of every tank it hit to bail out. (It took between 2 and 6 DAGR to blow up a tank. I think that's probably based on where it hits, and luck, etc.) So, assuming you have a Blackfoot pilot that knows this little bit of information, with one Blackfoot you could, theoretically, disable 24 tanks and damage if not destroy 4 aircraft, assuming no countermeasures are taken. I know that it's 2035 or 203-whatever, but shit, a DAGR is supposed to be a guided FFAR. It's a 2.75in guided rocket. We're talking a 2-3 pound charge with a total weight of 10 pounds. Even at the heaviest, it's 5 pounds of explosives and 12 pounds of rocket. Compare that to a Hellfire, the AT weapon used in Armed Assault, ArmA II and Operation Arrowhead. 20 pounds of explosives, 80 pounds of missile, 100 pounds total. How in the flying **** is a 10 pound rocket doing the work of a missile? A single guided 10-17lb FFAR can disable Russia's top of the line MBT? Jesus christ!
  17. Darkhorse 1-6

    BWI Addons - Aircraft & Vehicles

    Wolfgarth, this isn't a request thread.
  18. Darkhorse 1-6

    Max Los Angeles Police Department MOD

    What I'm trying to tell you is that you have no way to enforce the 4th rule, the one about using it on private servers. If people use it, it will almost certainly be used by a clan or something, on their private server. All the other rules make perfect sense. ArmAholic as host, no resigning, no modifying, those are all very reasonable and logical rules. Trying to tell people they can't use it on a private server is not a reasonable rule, not a logical rule, and is a rule that I can assure you will not be followed, and that you cannot enforce. The only way you can make sure people don't use it on their servers is if you don't upload it, which would probably be a shame for those interested in using it, and a disappointment for you. You've come a long way from your first stuff, and I think people will probably enjoy your mod, you just need to make sure that you don't try to control things you have no reasonable expectation of controlling. That tends to really annoy people, and can alienate your user base.
  19. Darkhorse 1-6

    Max Los Angeles Police Department MOD

    Sorry to tell you this, but you don't really have any say over whether private (passworded?) servers use your addon...
  20. I had a very interesting experience on a pub server recently. I was in a buzzard, engaged in air-to-air combat with a TKing dipshit on my own team. He got behind me and got off a couple missiles, I managed to mostly avoid them with wild-ass turns, rolls, massive jinking, and flares, but one detonated close enough to cause some seemingly minor damage and buffeting. I chased him down, but then my engine just died, steady loss of power, so I put two up his tailpipe as revenge, then try to find a soft spot. As I'm doing this, the engine comes back again, steadily up to full power. I turn for home, I'm out over the water heading for the main Altis airport, and the engine drops out again. I think "Screw it, I'm close enough and high enough to glide in and put it somewhere inside the fence", and about 5 seconds later the whole bird blows up. I don't know if it was a fluke, or what, but to me it shows they have massively improved aircraft damage since the old days (ArmA 1).
  21. Interesting backstory, though I'd have thought CSAT refurbishing all the AAF gear they captured at the end of the campaign would have been a better choice... (Also, it's AAF, not AAC) Also, you did mean to post this in this particular forum as a Make ArmA Not War entry, right? Just checking, as you've got no links to a contest entry, etc.
  22. Well, first off we tend to call them addons. A mod would be something like ACE, or CSLA. Something big, a few hundred MB or a couple GB, etc. Also, not really sure why you've capitalized "MOD" every time but I'll put it down to a Brit thing. :P MANW is... complicated. To me, and some others, it is a nuisance at best and at worst a blight on the community. A horn that heralds the end for what makes this community a community. I hope for the best, but expect the worst. Anyways, it's probably being used as a talent spot, and I do believe it was vaguely mentioned somewhere that the people who win the prizes may get offered either jobs at BI or BI may offer to buy their content, but I'm not sure on that and have no idea where it was I got that from. (Either the forums, or one of the skype channels) As for why BI doesn't put addons into the game... they kind of do. They've been hiring people out of this community for a long, long time now. The Czech DLC for A2/OA/CO was almost entirely non-BIS made content. I'm pretty sure most of it either came from CSLA, or specific members of CSLA (eg: the Land Rovers might have been TheSun's), and one of the vehicles came from a German mod team that has since dissolved and vanished. Or there's the never really talked about yet glaringly obvious part that ACE team members played in Operation Arrowhead's creation. Backpacks, some of the vehicles, etc. Heck, they even hired a (slightly) competent mission maker who was also one of the worst moderators this board has ever seen, lol. You just have to remember that it costs lots of money to buy stuff, and Bohemia can't just steal somebodies addon and put it in their game.
  23. Darkhorse 1-6

    Adding content from TKOH for Helicopter DLC

    Hmmmmm. Nice, I missed that. $5 says they are meant to be slung underneath the Huron. Supposedly the bird is meant to transport vehicles, but I think it just means slinging them, because the UGV seems a mite big, from the picture...
  24. Darkhorse 1-6

    Adding content from TKOH for Helicopter DLC

    http://arma3.com/assets/img/post/images/arma3_dlc_helicopters_screenshot_04.jpg and http://arma3.com/assets/img/post/images/arma3_dlc_helicopters_screenshot_03.jpg I doubt we'll see "Shipping containers", just pods built specifically for the Taru. The picture of the empty Taru clearly shows Fuel pods in the background, and that's what I expect they will do with the other types.
  25. Darkhorse 1-6

    [WIP] "Last Stand" Pack

    Heh. I apologize if I came off a bit rude, I'm just too used to seeing "Idea guy" threads increase every month in the past couple years. The idea seems... interesting. and for some reason that WIP picture makes me long for the atmospheric predecessor to the Viper (Battlestar Galactica), that was shown in the show Caprica. Looks like a good airfame, I wish you luck. :)