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Everything posted by Darkhorse 1-6
To quote a famous motivational speaker who was laid to rest yesterday, "Bite my shiny metal ass". You're telling us not to speak up, because if we speak up the developers will turn against the community, kill us all off, and turn this game into Red River or something thereabouts. Are you really that afraid of BIS? Do you live in the China from 20 years ago, or the Russia from 60? Seriously? I might be pissed off about recycled content, I might be annoyed at the campaign, and you can bet your ass that I'm annoyed about the Fixed Wing situation, but until the day The Czech Republic gets nuked and the Bohemia offices are just a shelled out rubble that Dwarden lives in, I refuse to believe that. They may never give us everything we want, they may take our money and have a little evil laugh every now and then about giving us all little badges on the forums, but they DO listen, and they DO respond. You, sir, are a non-believer, and you can bite my shiny metal ass. I bid you good day.
Project Mars One
Darkhorse 1-6 replied to silentkiller*'s topic in ARMA 3 - ADDONS & MODS: DISCUSSION
The story concept seems a little bit far fetched, but the terrain seems promising, and storylines can always be tweaked and hammered out far easier than anything else. Do you have any plans for some sort of armed or armored rover? One thing though, about your opening post... Incorrect. The 31st Normandy mod (Fields of War mod) created a 22,500 square kilometer terrain for ArmA 1 (150x150km terrain of England/English Channel/A buttload of France) and I've currently got a 14,400 square kilometer terrain sitting on my P drive awaiting new tools.. -
A few questions about a large terrain project...
Darkhorse 1-6 posted a topic in ARMA 3 - TERRAIN - (BUILDER)
I'm currently working on a terrain for ArmA 3 that is, if I remember correctly, roughly 120km by 120km, or 14,400km². The terrain itself is already in-game, with a few minor issues. At the moment, what I'm wondering is... - What's the best way to place objects on a map for A3? - Is foliage restricted to stand-alone stuff, or can the A3 models be accessed? (That's all I can remember at 5am. Will think harder later. :cool:) -
C-5 Galaxy work
Darkhorse 1-6 replied to Darkhorse 1-6's topic in ARMA 3 - ADDONS - CONFIGS & SCRIPTING
It's been a very long time since I've done anything with the tools or a config. I know this might sound stupid, but how do I find the faction names from the default A3 units? I know I can get infantry classnames the old fashioned way, by placing them in a mission and then opening that up in a notepad, but is the faction name also included there? (I'm trying to get as many of the errors and conversion issues done as possible, then I'll upload that to this thread for help with the vehicle/geolod/physX issue. I'm probably just missing something incredibly obvious each time (or not doing something right), but nothing I do allows vehicles to drive up the ramps or inside the fuselage.) -
C-5 Galaxy work
Darkhorse 1-6 replied to Darkhorse 1-6's topic in ARMA 3 - ADDONS - CONFIGS & SCRIPTING
Hm. Does that mean that as long as the geoLOD is there, the roadway isn't needed? -
C-5 Galaxy work
Darkhorse 1-6 replied to Darkhorse 1-6's topic in ARMA 3 - ADDONS - CONFIGS & SCRIPTING
#1- might be one of the numerous beta issues in the .rpt, I'll have to experiment and see. #2- Yeah, I've got to find the right faction names and swap all that stuff out. #3- Will try it and report back. #4- It's been over a year since I've done anything with the tools, thought it was a LOD issue, but wasn't completely sure at 2am. :p #5- Fixed, via MrFlay's suggestion. #6- Has me wondering. I'm fairly certain the roadway LOD exists on the model in ArmA 2, as vehicles can drive straight through. Will open up O2 and root around though, maybe I've mussed something up somewhere. That worked perfectly, thanks! Has anybody done a list of the ArmA 3 animations/faction names/classnames as of yet? -
C-5 Galaxy work
Darkhorse 1-6 replied to Darkhorse 1-6's topic in ARMA 3 - ADDONS - CONFIGS & SCRIPTING
Yes... He himself converted them from models that were either freeware, or that he got permissions for. Permissions have been granted for everything that he's uploaded, for any RV engine game. He handed out the unbinarized files to the entire community. I've been around quite a while, ProGamer, and I've had to fight the idiots who don't believe in IP rights. I know what I'm doing. ---------- Post added at 01:46 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:13 AM ---------- Alright, I'm getting several things in my .rpt when I just drag the binned pbo into A3. I'm not sure if this is a default A3 error, or if it's dealing with the C-5. This I believe I remember how to fix. This is being spammed... and what I believe is the biggest point in the .rpt is... What I'm wondering currently is how I fix the get in points, and the "non-PCM" sound issue. I can't get in as pilot, but I have the ability to "Take controls" from the co-pilot seat. (I can take controls, which gives me engine controls, flaps, etc. but if I throttle up, the engine comes on, but the aircraft doesn't move an inch). Also, the ramps that drop down allow infantry to walk up them, but not vehicles (they just pass through as if there is no LOD), any ideas on this? It's been a while since I've done anything addon wise, and I know stuff is changing with A3, just trying to figure out where to start, and how. *Note: It appears in the game, you can get in some of the positions, even the tie-down cargo script works. You just can't fly her. (yet) -
EA6B Prowler Mod
Darkhorse 1-6 replied to f2f_bho's topic in ARMA 2 & OA - ADDONS & MODS: DISCUSSION
I think, though I'm not completely sure, that he reconsidered releasing his stuff to this community after some sort of incident happened, and stuck to keeping them within his group. -
Big PHYSx compatible ship. LCS 2 technological demonstrator
Darkhorse 1-6 replied to mankyle's topic in ARMA 3 - ADDONS & MODS: COMPLETE
The attach system is still a vital function. You land the helicopter on the ship, then once you're firmly on the deck, if you intend to stay aboard, you go to the action menu and click "Tie down the aircraft" (or whatever you name it) and then attachTo locks it in place just like the winches and chains would in real life. If you landed a helicopter onto the back of a moving ship in even kind of rough seas, and you didn't tie that puppy down, she would slide around the deck (potentially killing or injuring crewmembers) and eventually might even be bucked off if the ship hits a particularly nasty wave. C'mon people, think about it before saying stuff like we don't need attachTo. -
I know this is a beta, but this is absolutely unplayable!
Darkhorse 1-6 replied to ZEBOV's topic in ARMA 3 - MULTIPLAYER
Nope, I've been on full 32 player servers and full 64 player servers as well. Haven't seen a single hacker. Also, I didn't say I hadn't seen hackers on realism servers, I said I hadn't seen any, period. Most of my gaming is on non-"realism unit" servers, but as my experience with them has shown them to have reliable admins, I suggested you try there for stable gameplay. -
I know this is a beta, but this is absolutely unplayable!
Darkhorse 1-6 replied to ZEBOV's topic in ARMA 3 - MULTIPLAYER
I dunno what servers you're playing on, but I haven't seen a hacker yet. Try the realism group servers, they tend to be pretty stable and have admins on often. -
The community's definite suggestion for better heli immersion and guided weapon FCS
Darkhorse 1-6 replied to twistking's topic in ARMA 3 - GENERAL
I spent several hours last night doing helocasting on the Task Force Blackjack server. It requires all members of the dive group to be in passenger seats (not on the guns), pretty much coming to a stop over the water, as close to the water as possible, and then all divers simply double tap their V key to eject. Also did para inserts. However, only the passengers (and possibly gunners, but dunno) can eject using double tap-V, not the pilot. -
Honestly, I think it's what exactly what it appears to be. The government wanted to destroy the last park that exists in central Istanbul, a bunch of people protested, the cops beat the shit out of them, and people reacted.
"Turkish authorities have freed 33 protesters who were detained in Izmir for posting "misinformation" via Twitter" http://www.aljazeera.com/video/europe/2013/06/20136661457648298.html "Police in Turkey's third city of Izmir said the suspects had been detained for "spreading untrue information" and inciting people to join demonstrations" "Turkey's prime minister, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, who denounced Twitter as a "menace to society", adding: "The best examples of lies can be found there."." "They added that some of the tweets in question shared information and phone numbers of volunteer doctors and lawyers. Others said: "There are police in x, don't come here" or "this and that street is blocked" or "let's meet tonight at x".: http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2013/jun/05/turkish-police-arrests-social-media-protest etc. Also, I was wrong, they don't want ErdoÄŸan gone. The only demands they have are... http://www.theday.com/article/20130606/NWS14/306069543/1044
The way I heard it, it started as a peaceful protest against tearing down a park. Possibly one of the last public green spaces in Istanbul, though I'm unsure of that. You know, people standing in front of bulldozers, chaining themselves to trees, camping out in the park, all that stuff. Then it got bad. Undercover police, or people looking to exploit the situation, or government goons, or idiot teenagers (we'll never know for sure) snuck into the park and starting lighting tents on fire as the police closed in with tear gas and water hoses to forcefully remove the protesters. They were firing tear gas at peoples heads. Over 1,000 people were taken to local hospitals for treatment of injuries sustained during all this. Most, not all, caused by the police. As of right now, I believe 2 people have died, a dozen have lost their vision (possibly permanently) as a result of being hit in the head by police (probably by tear gas fired at them). It started as a peaceful protest, but the police response to the protest pissed a shitload of people off, and now anybody who has anything to say is out in the streets, and they want ErdoÄŸan gone, I think. Here are some pictures of what's been happening. All taken from http://occupygezipics.tumblr.com/ (WARNING: You may find graphic images on this tumblr. The overwhelming majority are not graphic, but if you scroll down far enough you will probably encounter some. Mods, if you feel the link should be removed, I will do so, but I ask that you check the link for yourself before deciding.) The Turkish Prime Minister, Recep Tayyip ErdoÄŸan, told the press that the Turkish Spring already happened, that he lead it, and he's not going to let the protesters turn it into a winter. So... http://25.media.tumblr.com/c7b4ba37c5abb1571cb7a56beb2f4fb8/tumblr_mnv5dcLiRj1ste7qoo1_400.png Tear gas can't hurt anybody? Really? The woman in red http://lucienballard.tumblr.com/post/52220098289/all-photographs-osman-orsal-reuters-brave "Well, crap" THAT OLD GUY DISLIKES THE GOVERNMENT! Peaceful, though kind of dumb, protesting. Possibly a hippie. Police patrol in Ankara, apparently firing teargas from those vehicles Police officers viewpoint: aka those bastards tried to kill me with a crapload of bricks. Police officers worthy of their jobs actually not hiding behind their shields, but listening to what the protesters have to say. http://24.media.tumblr.com/2d4a1f89fd29cad94e3ff6de1b4545bd/tumblr_mnppm46FW01ste7qoo1_1280.jpg Exhausted police officers passed out/napping in the street. ---------- Post added at 05:06 AM ---------- Previous post was at 04:58 AM ---------- Also, has anyone here seen Les Mis yet?
Dutch Armed Forces
Darkhorse 1-6 replied to larsiano's topic in ARMA 2 & OA - ADDONS & MODS: COMPLETE
You do not have permissions for the Generic Landing Craft/Landing Craft Utility. You sent me a PM a long time ago. No response does not mean you can use it/modify it. Remove it, please. -
*sigh* Guys, the pictures weren't meant just to show what the average family eats, it also had the total cost for all the food in each picture. It's a Time magazine slideshow of images that are included in a book. Original: http://www.time.com/time/photogallery/0,29307,1626519,00.html The book the images are from: http://www.amazon.com/Hungry-Planet-What-World-Eats/dp/0984074422/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1368903073&sr=1-1&keywords=hungry+planet%3A+What+the+world+eats Also, the photographer who took them: http://www.menzelphoto.com/
Ships, Naval Mines, and Naval Objects
Darkhorse 1-6 replied to hcpookie's topic in ARMA 2 & OA - ADDONS & MODS: COMPLETE
Dear god that's a beautiful ship. Front opening hatch reminds me of the Swedes CB90. -edit- Any chance of putting a platform above the RHIB slip, where a small helo could land? Or even a sort of command version, where the cabins roof gets extended quite a ways, and replace the troop capacity with a sort of CIC? -
You realize, the ONLY operators of the Tu-95 were the USSR/Russia, and the Ukraine (because they got some when the USSR ended). Takistan wouldn't have a Tu-95, nobody else on the planet would...
80s, 90s, early 2000 US Military
Darkhorse 1-6 replied to Delta Hawk's topic in ARMA 2 & OA - ADDONS & MODS: DISCUSSION
That would be the old, crappy LCU. http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=10473 -
Announcement : Currahee MOD
Darkhorse 1-6 replied to Rob_Mayall's topic in ARMA 2 & OA - ADDONS & MODS: DISCUSSION
Well, the version of that mod (Which is several years old, and isn't actually called FoW, but 31st Normandy (because it's such an old version)) that is publicly available right now is very old, and they have done a whole lot of work on it since. Their mod has been in production for at least 4 years, and is very far along even taking into account them having to rework a bunch of their models. Their map is very realistic and will be as historically accurate as possible. Just a heads up, you're looking at a 2-4 year project here, maybe longer. You may be better off doing it for ArmA III. I'm happy to see a project with ambition, but be careful about getting in over your head. It's very easy to get sucked into large projects that end up dying. -
Boeing/SOAR MH-47E Release v1.3
Darkhorse 1-6 replied to konyo's topic in ARMA 2 & OA - ADDONS & MODS: COMPLETE
Yeah... I looked at the same pictures. I'm pretty damn sure it's his model shaved down for GTA. Even has the same shitty red webbing seats in the back. It looks like it's lost detail and it might have a new exterior texture, but that's it. He's converted just about every vanilla ArmA model and most addons and put them in "his" packs. Even the little RQ-11 Raven. -
Boeing/SOAR MH-47E Release v1.3
Darkhorse 1-6 replied to konyo's topic in ARMA 2 & OA - ADDONS & MODS: COMPLETE
His page is nothing but BF3/BF2/CoD/HAWX/etc. etc. etc. We've had run-ins with this guy before and reported his links to BIS, who then had them taken down. It seems his "fans" reuploaded them for him and he's still at it. -
Announcement : Currahee MOD
Darkhorse 1-6 replied to Rob_Mayall's topic in ARMA 2 & OA - ADDONS & MODS: DISCUSSION
How many members do you have so far? -
Announcement : Currahee MOD
Darkhorse 1-6 replied to Rob_Mayall's topic in ARMA 2 & OA - ADDONS & MODS: DISCUSSION
I'd suggest contacting the Fields of War mod. They already have a giant 150x150km terrain of Normandy that includes part of England and the English Channel, and both sides would benefit... Just curious, what capabilities do you have on your own, as far as modelling/scripting/texturing/V3 experience, etc.