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About IlluminatusOEM

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  1. IlluminatusOEM

    bouncing tanks

    as the title says i saw it several times that a tank drove again a stone or a building in the warefare mission and he ended up on the roof, keeping bouncing. or other time i drove in a formation with 3 tanks, 2 filled with AI i drove and the didnt move and didnt come closer when i gave them an order to move. so i drove to there position and what i saw, where 2 tanks on the roof. anybody else has this problem, or even better a solution for me :)?
  2. IlluminatusOEM

    Weird Problem

    i think the problem is that your pc has to generate the whole world again when you switch back from map to game or from gear to the game. and that just needs some time with high graphics. try with lower graphic details.
  3. IlluminatusOEM

    Server List not Showing

    thx but if you had read my post you would have seen that i am looking for many different solutions, and i recognized this one, pasted the link to the same forum as you did ;) but thanks for your efforts
  4. IlluminatusOEM

    Server List not Showing

    hi guys its 17. of april, i just typ in this topic ;) a friend of mine has the same probleme described above, but he hasn't seen any server at any time before :) he also has no filter on and the adress is internet. first he couldnt get to the mp screen at all, solved by fixing somthing at the firewall. we wanne try this evening again so im collecting a few things we can try to solve his problem. only thing i ve got so far is http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/ArmA:_Troubleshooting#Can.27t_find_servers any other ideas? he's using vista 32 bit, arma version 1.14 for people aware of the german language here is a link for a thread i postet in an other forum http://forum.armedassault.info/index.php?showtopic=3406