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Everything posted by horror1

  1. is it possible to make conversions like vte-mod working in arma 2 with caa1?
  2. when can i test this mod in arma2? is there something in work to release a alpha or beta of it top test in arma2?
  3. the error is normal u can just cick ok and it should work. the version mismatch is caused by the arma2 version 1.02 but arma1 versions of files require 1.09 version:) nothing to bother about there will be at least 2 more errors when u start the maps, just click ok and it should work.
  4. razani is working too and it looks very good in arma2 , of course some things are missing but still looks good.
  5. alot of work??? u just put the listed files in an addon folder and start playing, i explained everything in this thread, its abolute simple. just do what i have typed in this thread, it works 100% and its easy.
  6. thats the dirty intention of a good game demo, you want to play this game you have to buy it :p
  7. horror1

    Command menu suggestions

    yeah i second that sugestion. backspace commands needs to be assignable to mouse buttons
  8. mouse 4 = freelookview double mouse 4 = 3rd person/1st person mouse 5 = command interface alt= map space=jump
  9. hmmm if i remember well russians are also a mix of multiethnic ppl. so there might be a percentage of black ppl in russia. of course not as many as in the usa cause the black in usa are mostly descendents of slavery and are in a much higher percentage than in any other nonafrican country in the world.
  10. try testing with the num block - or + keys
  11. yeah nose up and down should work like more left or more right in vehicles. however i didnt liked this kind of steering in vehicles so i changed the binding but i would like to have this kind of steering in air vehicles.
  12. what is crap at helo controls? just change ur keybinds mouse up = nose down mouse down = nose up mouse left = roll left mouse right = roll right w = accelerate s = deccelerate a = pedal left d = pedal right nothing is easier than flying with mouse and keyboard in arma 2 :)
  13. cant wait to see it in arma 2 :)
  14. horror1

    How to Uninstall/Reinstall?

    u dont need to make point 1) just reinstall arma2 and all ur saves and usermissions and ur profile with keybinds are there:) they get not deleted when u uninstall arma2 at least with xp, cant say if its any different for vista but i guess its same.
  15. horror1

    Reload on move

    yeah it was the dumbest thing i can remember in a mil sim to be paralyzed while reloading:) however better late than never:)
  16. horror1

    .7z Files ?????

    u can open it with winrar if u have it. or dl 7zip. however i use winrar for opening all packed files as i dont see a reason to have hundred different packing apps on my system:)
  17. horror1

    How does the laser designator work?

    exactly thats how it works. note dont forget to click again after bombing or the plane will target the point of the laser in its next run and this can be urself :) easy way to test lasing is put a enemy tank in editor a plane with lgb and urself with laser. than simple point the laser to the tank and wait:)
  18. yes but u had a supression effect :)
  19. horror1

    How do YOU play ARMA2 ?

    i started to play the campaign but after time it got absolutely laggy and unplayable so my fun factor went down. then i started to work with the editor and i ported the avgani and afghanvillage to arma2 and i recreated some of my revive missions from arma1 and now im playing with excellent framerates this missions online. unfortunately not many have opteryx maps so they try to connect but they get autokicked immediately. however i have much more fun with this missions than with the campaign. waiting to play vte in arma2 so i can have again the amazing online experience as we had in arma1 with vte:)
  20. here is an easy guide to make avgani and other islands work in arma 2 : http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=73731&page=2
  21. horror1

    Suppress Command

    doesnt work for me either, i thought i just dont use it properly lol.
  22. horror1

    Airplanes automatic rudders

    yeah i played alot arcade flight games THEY ALL WERE HUMBLING LEFT AND RIGHT BECAUSE THEY ARE NO FLIGHT SIMS:D i heared its impossible to create planes in computergames wich can simple fly straight ahead aslong they are not in a flight sim. now im sure you are joking :)
  23. hmmm i cant say anything about it, i am actually playing with this files and opteryx avgani and afghan-village maps online with my own created missions. maybe its something missing? can u post ur exact path and modfoldername? do u have the EXACT listed files in ur modfolder? i heared many ppls who have it working with this exact files. perhaps u have more mods running at same time? if so try only ur mapmodfolder to start with arma.
  24. horror1

    Airplanes automatic rudders

    i noticed the same bug . its not allways present but it happens on all planes. very annoying.