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Everything posted by Arty

  1. Arty

    Cannot Patch 1.07

    You probably need to run "Regedit" and edit the game path there.
  2. Arty


    i think you downloaded teh arma1 version.
  3. Arty


    I tried that with a friend as the gunner, doesnt work. Also another bug, the bay doors somehow killed him when we randomly started pressing scroll button to close/open bay doors. Also is it possible to make the chopper fire only when bay doors are open ? since you can do that even if they are closed.
  4. Must add something from myself. We do need to add at least faster turns. In real life it wont take your head to turn from left to right about 4 seconds... thats nonsence. Also to turn around 180 aswell takes you loads of time. Again, in real life it will take 1 second thats if you are a rifle man not an MG.
  5. I have a small question to ask about the aircraft behaviour, mainly about the Jets (F35 & Harrier) When you reach, lets say, 600+ speed and when you turn or do what ever maneuvers and then just fly straight, does your plane goes side to side because of the Rudder trying to stabilize the plane by itself. Which is not that great because the crosshair swings side to side and its impossible to give any precise CAS. I just want to know did anyone experience it too ? And why is it happening and can it be fixed ? :D That will be all :)
  6. Arty

    Aircraft Behaviour

    But the thing is i do not apply the rudder usually. I use the mouse and keyboard. If I do some role overs then the rudder gets involved, but I hope it will be fixed