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Gunter Severloh

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About Gunter Severloh

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    Brigadier General


  • Interests
    BIS Gaming - BIS Forums, Mission Editing, WarMod, WW2, Powerlifting, Nutrition, Martial arts
  • Occupation
    Warehouse Dockworker

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    Uber Compiler
  • Interests
    Arma, Flying, Nutrition & Biochemistry, WW2 and Westerns

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    Gunter Severloh
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  1. Gunter Severloh

    Simple Helicopter Transport Script

    Yup, i think the only good thing out of it was it produced a base script and template to work with, some aspects worked but outside that it couldn't get the heli to take off from the start. The initial version i created did, and it did work but wouldn't land, then i revised it adjusting positions of things like when the heli asks for you to choose your location, and then after when it arrived in the area to throw a signal. After revising it it fixed those things but then the heli once called wouldn't start its engines and take off when you called it after choosing your location. Rydygier made this possible, if it were possible to teach the AI Arma code which i think it might be idk how unless it learns from what you tell it i guess, i think you Rydygier could educate it and ti would create something that would actually work using the correct syntax's, functions, and code for how the ai functions among other things. Would be interesting to see what is done. As for the script itself ya about the only thing of concern is the landing part, if you dont have enough space for the heli to land, it will literally come down and fly into trees and hit buildings, so wherever you intend it to come and pick you up, an open field works fine. If you are returning to a base make sure you have a helipad, helis love heli pads, though pay attention where its at, do not have it in a confined area. In general this is a simple heli transport script hence its name with a couple features being the smoke for signal and choose your destination on the map with map cick, and the addaction for when you get into the heli to either RTB or choose a destination. Beyond those if you want more then that then as suggested in my previous post use Hermes, Hermes does everything and then some and was developed since 2013 on and off it comes in script, and module so whichever you prefer. Hermes has very good landing, and different types based on what you want it to do based on your situation in the mission. Overall it adds immersion to with interaction with the player.
  2. Gunter Severloh

    Simple Helicopter Transport Script

    It should work. No, you'll need smoke for day, and a flare for night for him to spot your signal. You could always just add some to the heli's inventory, and when you get transported grab more, or loot dead bodies. Use Hermes instead ----> https://forums.bohemia.net/forums/topic/220740-hermes-airlift-services-script/ It has a ton of features even a module version, if you want voice, fast rope, cas, ammo drop, transport, and many other things use Hermes. The script here is a simple version of Hermes and wont be updated anymore, i might ask Rydygier to maybe look into the landing part for this script right now as the heli has a tendency to come into low and crash into trees, and stuff because the area isn't big enough, so other then that, if you want to do more or add stuff yourself just use Hermes. Rydygier and me spent since 2013 working on that on and off and finally released it in 2018 and then added more features and optimized it.
  3. Gunter Severloh

    Drug Traffickers v1.6

    Update v1.6 - Fixed the Farm task as the trigger wasn't triggering the task complete when it was cleared. - Adjusted, added, and removed some objects.
  4. Simple Helicopter Transport by Rydygier & Gunter Severloh 35:52 is where the helicopter call starts. Description Simple Helicopter Transport is a simplified version of the Hermes Airlift Services script, which is actually an upgrade of the "Green Smoker" script (never released) that Rydygier created in 2013, that eventually developed into the Hermes Airlift Services script. This script was my idea to have a simple transport version of Hermes, where Hermes has many customizable features like CAS, Ammo, fast rope and many other features. I wanted a basic transport heli script that keeps the smoke/flare for signal aspect while enabling the action menu functions, and player/pilot interaction via the map click and signalling. I had actually wrote the core of the script with Chatgpt, adding my own adjustments, then handing it over to Rydygier who then refined and optimized the script to where it is now. What makes this heli transport script a simplified version of Hermes script? In this script like the Hermes script it retains the throw smoke or shoot flare for signal, and utilizes the action menu for choosing a destination to fly too, or RTB. Defining in the script the name of the helicopter, as well as the interactive communication hints from the player to the heli pilot about location and pickup procedure. Features: List of features of how the script works: Any helicopter (vanilla or mod) can be used just by giving it a name and defining the name in the script. Set how many calls you can make to be transported. Action menu and map click based function for choosing destinations to fly to and land at. Return to base (RTB) where the helicopter is stationed, or choose a destination via map click once the action is initiated. Interactive communications apon calling the heli for transport through on screen hints. Customizable messages and action menu wording. Signal (day or night) the helicopter by throwing any color smoke or shooting a flare to mark your position once the heli arrives in the area. Helicopter will wait for the player and any other passengers including ai commanded by the player. Fast and streamlined landing when being picked up. Force player and ai out of the helicopter apon landing. Download the script https://drive.google.com/file/d/1zVV86nyxrFcsBlX-NQM10e4dZ0qyk6T7/view?usp=sharing Installation and Setup Setup 1. After download and zip extract move the Simple_Helicopter_Transport.sqf to your mission folder, same location as the mission.sqm. 2. Create a notepad/notepad++ document and add the following code to it: execVM "Simple_Helicopter_Transport.sqf"; 3. Save and name the document: init.sqf 4. Add both Simple_Helicopter_Transport.sqf and the init.sqf to your scenario folder where the mission.sqm is located. Notes: For server use initServer.sqf, also note if you call the script through an init.sqf then you will have the heli transport function from the start of your mission, you can also call it through a trigger when tasks are completed and then gain the heli transport function for something like a heli exfil or extraction. User Customization Variables Located at the bottom of the script are parameters for when using the script: // Customization variables: AI_SHT_extractionsUsed = 0; AI_SHT_extractionLimit = 3; // How many times heli can be called. AI_SHT_Heli = Heli_1; // Helicopter name is defined here. AI_SHT_EmbarkMode = true; // Force player and ai out of heli apon landing. Credits Rydygier
  5. Gunter Severloh

    Drug Traffickers v1.6

    Update v1.5 Changelog - Added 4 new optional tasks, clear the checkpoints. - Added 1 new task: clear the farm - Misc adjustment of objects. - Removed some objects. - Removed flashlights from some soldier's weapons as they were preventing lights in general from being lit at night. - Removed the spotlights from the checkpoint jeeps as they were preventing lights from lighting at night. - Changed appearance of some soldier's uniforms. - Change appearance of some vehicles. - Adjusted player camps point trigger message. - Adjusted some things at player camps. - Added pier for boats at the beach player camp. - Adjusted and replaced some sandbag walls at the hill player camp. - Adjusted marker positions on map. - Replaced Helicopter transport module with a script, now when you complete all tasks and you have to exfil, you will get the function to call for heli transport. - Added two enemy squads that will hunt you when you complete all tasks and are going to exfil. ===========
  6. Gunter Severloh

    RYD_Projectile_Spectator Script

    Sorry dont know of any, you would have to code that.
  7. Gunter Severloh

    Forum has died

    More like a couple of months. I contacted BI a couple weeks ago through email i told them most of the forum categories are being spammed, and other then Roadkill whom is busy and away there isn't really any moderators on the forum at least none that i can see making posts or replying to any. I offered them my time to come on as a moderator and work on the forums and moderate as i have experience doing that. Imo you need someone here consistently and i have done so since i joined. But they replied the following day and all they said they "we are aware of the situation", no details, no thanks for asking we have it under control, or we have someone already doing it. I also pointed out that you have BI devs, former moderators on the staff page, and members without titles there as well that haven't been here in years, why are they still on that page? Seriously you guys need to clean this forum up, its disorganized, you have people in places that dont even come here anymore, even some BI devs! This forum has ALOT of history, and i would hate to see it lost, there is alot of valuable information here for new and old Arma players alike. Why do we see connecting to facebook when loading into the forum, imo the forum should be on its own system not sharing. The spam that we first saw should have been nabbed in the *ss when it first showed and BI and whomever else watches/controls the forums would have solved the issue when it first started, now you let this sh*t run its course for close to two months! Seriously and i've talked with a few members since this crap started and they are all dealing with the same thing, forum takes forever to load sometimes it dont. Currently for me it takes like a whole minute for a thread to load, my notifications are stuck on loading, i clicked on them to see who replied, or who's asking what and it sits there loading, i even let it sit stepped a way for like 20min came back and it was doing the same thing. I offered my time to help moderate since clearly no one is working on the forum but you guys said your ok? Really does this list look like your doing ok? I compiled the staff page of all that are active and those who are not and when they all were last here: This is the current staff seen here: https://forums.bohemia.net/staff/ Active Bi Developers Dedmen BI Developer Last visited February 6 DnA BI Developer Last visited 8 hours ago Dwarden BI Developer Last visited Monday at 09:00 AM LeClair BI PR Last visited Monday at 05:25 AM razazel BI Developer Last visited January 22 Yoshi_E Argo Community Ambassador Last visited 6 hours ago Non Active BI Developers Aleš Ulm BI Developer Last visited August 20, 2020 ghostone BI Developer December 15, 2016 armored_sheep BI Developer Last visited March 22, 2018 BIS_Adam BI Developer Last visited January 18, 2019 dram BI Developer Last visited June 17, 2022 izmi BI Developer Last visited December 13, 2016 Johny BI Developer Last visited May 11, 2016 moricky BI Developer Last visited August 9, 2019 zozo BI Developer Last visited February 14, 2020 Tom_48_97 BI Developer Last visited May 24, 2022 MainQA Former BI Developer Last visited January 2, 2018 shinRaiden Former BI Developer Last visited June 30, 2015 ======================================= bismon Administrators Last visited June 2, 2022 DuFF Administrators Last visited November 16, 2022 Lisacek Administrators Last visited November 16, 2022 Other members related to BI Laura_BISIM BISimulations Last visited August 21, 2017 Pierre_BISIM BISIM Last visited April 6, 2018 bi_hr Human Resources Last visited July 19, 2017 Dan__Ger BI PR Last visited June 17, 2022 Ota BI PR Last visited November 21, 2014 Pyrit. BI PR Last visited June 18, 2024 RaptorM60 BI PR Last visited October 29, 2018 Stastnyb0 BI PR Last visited May 27, 2020 Strike1313 BI PR Last visited September 9, 2020 TayLee BI PR Last visited November 21, 2022 MrBaar BI PR Last visited June 3, 2022 Nillers BI PR Last visited August 10, 2020 Active Moderators ? Non Active Moderators Alex150201 Moderator Last visited September 9, 2018 Deadfast Moderator Last visited March 10, 2017 ineptaphid Moderator Last visited April 16, 2023 maddogx Moderator Last visited September 19, 2017 Maio Moderator Last visited June 2, 2022 PhantomFlower Moderator Last visited January 4, 2018 purepassion Moderator Last visited October 23, 2018 R0adki11 (Last moderator seen, last one i spoke too, i think he quit) Moderator Last visited September 3, 2024 rellikki (former moderator if not mistaken) Last visited July 31, 2017 temp_mod Moderator Last visited July 29, 2015 Rhodite (former moderator if not mistaken) Last visited June 8, 2021 [frl]myke (former moderator) Last visited February 27, 2024 berghoff (former moderator if not mistaken) Last visited July 4, 2017 Alex72 Moderator Last visited June 13, 2015 These people do what now, former moderators? Ady mou member Last visited June 30, 2023 Blueapple77cz member Last visited June 1, 2022 GeorgeDoe member Last visited January 2, 2019 JanL member Last visited March 20, 2017 GTQA member Last visited April 18, 2018 ===================== So theres the breakdown of the staff page, and when each were here last. Seems to me that some could be removed from moderator position and retitled as members, i can see the bI devs and other dev type members not being here, the rest shouldn't be there. And we have no active moderators yet all these people with titles, alot of people signed up to participate and doing nothing. Update your page BI, and hire me i asked and offered my time and services and i do have former experience as moderator on official Iron front Forums when it was up, Kju can vouch for me on that. I'm here almost everyday and play Arma 3 weekly, tell me who's more qualified then what you got as moderators? Get this forum back up please the information is needed here, the community aint dead! Cheers!
  8. Gunter Severloh

    Drug Traffickers v1.6

    Update v1.3 Changelog - Added a script that will spawn an enemy helicopter that will fly in Syndikat paratroopers that will hunt you in response to destroying the drug caches. - Added a script that will allow you to call in air support and have an A10 engage the area for 5 minutes. - Added a skill script that works with the difficulty parameter so you can adjust the difficulty of the AI. - Fixed all the flare triggers as most were to low and wouldn't trigger the flares. - Fixed some markers that possibly caused the anti-air truck and launchers cache to spawn floating. - Misc addition of objects. - Adjusted many object positions. - Added code to all patrols to enable flashlights when at night. - Added flashlights to weapons to some of the weapons for each patrol. - Updated the checkpoints positions as well as objects. - Updated gear and appearance of most units. - Updated appearance and color for most vehicles based on their function. ========== OP updated with new google drive link. Notes: - "Added A-10 Air support" You can access this by using 0-0 radio. 0-8 Artillery support 0-0 Air support The A-10 will fly in and wreak havoc on the area you designate for 5 minutes, you only have one call for this so use it wisely! Also note i recommend you locate the anti-air truck and destroy it before you call for air support, otherwise the plane might get shot down! "- Fixed all the flare triggers as most were to low and wouldn't trigger the flares." Since all these triggers are fixed, when playing at night and you walk through one of these, the flares will illuminate the area quite a bit, so if you trip one then GTFO of there!
  9. Gunter Severloh

    Arma3 Videos

    Call AI that will Spawn, Seek your Position, and then Join Your Group with this Script! https://youtu.be/M_xktkbGb20
  10. Gunter Severloh

    Arma3 Videos

    Use this Script to Respawn Destroyed and Deserted Vehicles in Your Scenarios!
  11. Use this Script to Respawn Destroyed and Deserted Vehicles in Your Scenarios! Download the script: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1tERTNBkUbwsDR5zL-HzHavdG_2qul6cW/view?usp=sharing
  12. Gunter Severloh

    [Release] AI Medic Auto Heal

    Update v1.02 From Rydygier Code updated in the OP. Changes: - Fixed error with change in code, see Rydygier's post above.
  13. Gunter Severloh

    [Release] AI Medic Auto Heal

    @Rydygier Any idea whats going on here with this error? "Error zero divisor line 345" So the issue started when you added those teams, does any of the teams have a medical unit within them?
  14. Gunter Severloh

    Arma3 Videos

    Spawn any Vehicle Individually or through an Addaction List with these Two Scripts!