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Everything posted by S!fkaIaC

  1. Oh-ohhhhhhh Big B is watching me. all my smurf and porn downloads are reported too :eek: Wai..Wait a minute, I turned off WER and uploaded .rpt and dot-whatever as been told, not used? Btw, I use since yesterday 186.24 and I got 5h WITHOUT Rec-Bug, but I had this also with 190.?? and next day it returned, I hesitate to shout "hurray" now. I will try to get into a crCTI until weekend and report if it solves (for me) this issue. BUT STILL: why can't BIS more open in telling what exactly triggers that sceen? Current info-level is still: "something went seriously wrong....." :eek: Wow - we all thought this is normal. :D
  2. S!fkaIaC

    My vehicule teleport

  3. Well, also new HW users affected. Read more careful. And it was said at least from my side that BIS should come up with a decent technical argumentation if they want to blame Nvidia. They did not, hence it is their turn. According to their generic HW and SW specification ArmA 2 MUST work on every rig purchased between 2006 and now. If they are not more specific and skip serious inter-operability tests - their fault. And if their is only 1 out of thousand possible parameter combinations in the Nvidia control panel that can run with ArmA 2, it is the f**** DUTY of BIS to state it in an installation manual.
  4. S!fkaIaC

    New players need a detailed manual!

    Whatever you sell, you have to describe in a way that the customer can use it without online support. That set BIS did not even started to write a manual. Don't come with the funny opinion that this Biki is a reliable source of information. Every modder can tell you some examples when a function was a) not described at all or b) not completely described or c) did not work as described And a product = HW + SW + Decription Hence 1/3 is missing.....ok, ok Taking the basic manual for the controls + the training missions as "basic manual" we can say that the editing environment is not really described. :cool:
  5. S!fkaIaC

    CRCTI Warfare ( cti ) MP

    Maybe limiting the amount of placeable items of this kind?
  6. In theory it is possible since ArmA 1, I mean to misalign weapon and sight. Even on the fly in-game. Dunno why it is not used.
  7. BIS is not doing serious work here, ACE will do the job later on trying to model with the given functionality something that comes closer to the reality.
  8. I hear you. And I meant indeed REPRODUCING, because that is usually the half way of fixing it. But I refuse to accept that SW devs claiming they do anything special. If you know your business, you can perform as in any other area. And we paid BIS the money trusting they KNOW what they are doing.
  9. Shared stupidity is half....hmmm....or doubled stupidity? :cool: A Kingdom for a skilled Release + Testing manager for BIS.
  10. Sure. It CAN. But it WILL take forever if you never start. I could also skip pulling down pants before toilet because it CAN be to late. But if I give up before, I will always shizz into my pants :cool: What I am missing here (or it is unknown due to the poor PR-work) is statistical analysis e.g. commons and differences between the rigs of all reporting this issue, starting to exclude causes e.t.c. I have not seen any REAL SYSTEMATIC way collecting data. The laughable polls in the forums regarding happiness do not say anything. And until know, I do not know EXACTLY in which cases the ArmA2 application is rising the "Receiving" screen. It is for sure not meant to show an error, rather a placeholder whenever visual data are delayed. But giving us more insight here could help us by helping then to help us :confused: :D what did I wanted to say :annoy:
  11. WRONG! EAAAAAAAAAAAASY!!! I invite both BIS and NVIDIA into my home, I will provide housing, barbecue, beverage and a fucked up system and/or ArmA2, they can provide their competence. It takes me 10 minutes playing and I reproduce the bug for sure and they can start slapping the arguments around their heads about who might be guilty.
  12. S!fkaIaC


    M8 is left over from the time when US army wanted to buy a 5.56mm AR and a 20mm GL with different ammo types. http://world.guns.ru/assault/as40-e.htm The XM-8 was the winner for the AR part, but then it went as usual, US companies used their connections and suddenly a new bidding round was started. http://world.guns.ru/assault/as61-e.htm The same way we got our shitty "Jäger90" that had to be renamed to "Jäger 2000" due to the delay (now called Typhon) and it still can not fly And the same way we got the A400M (that can not carry the load it was supposed to lift) and the same way we ...........always connections :D
  13. S!fkaIaC

    Nvidia 186.24 Beta

    Cool! New voodoo for troubleshooting. I preparing a night session with chicken blood and virgins ;) Will report the result.
  14. Could you stop spamming such nonsense? I am a BIS customer since 2001 so I see the cow flying.
  15. Look what BIS did to you. You cripple your rig to please a application.
  16. I asked this too. You will never get an answer HOW BIS is detecting it that way and which impact it has. Just guessing by forum members. Best is you can delete the file, and each time you start up ArmA 2 it detects a different value.
  17. S!fkaIaC

    Game physics

    It is simply "no physics". Many objects got this odd animation applied. Sometimes they rise, sometimes the object turns around 90 degrees. In the case of that video they should simply remove any kind of action. Ignoring the next point that you can not destroy some 10.000 tons of concrete with a few hundred 23mm HE rounds.
  18. Errrm, you are just lazy, that is all. With a little search you would find out that I even stated the colour of my underwear in case it matters. Search with my nick if you are able to do that. To help you and others I asked the moderators to merge all "Receiving..." threads (in addition by message), but they do not see the need. And everything beyond reporting an issue is already far,far more then you can expect from a customer. But this is not the point of this thread. I just want to know if BIS is behind that and if it is feasible to have a solution within the next months. If BIS does not see any need to solve it on their side (or making attempts to) we can give up and return the game. This is actually not true in my case (and few others). I interpret it in a way that in case of error the game should continue, but it does NOT. Edit: I even asked a very popular game-mag for the specs of their systems. They were very very open and told me that they NEVER had any "receiving..." bug on any of their test systems, but the smallest Nvidia was a 9800er. One tester mentioned that GF8/9 drivers are known to react like that in case of memory shortage. Question is now: Is it a problem of ArmA 2 "overloading" the GPU or is it Nvidia handling it wrong? Should we spoon-feed both BIS and Nvidia with the root-cause analysis backed up with PC-internal bus-traces and the necessary changes to ArmA2/Nvidia driver ready-to-implement? Just to be accepted as "helpful customer"? I am such a useless customer......
  19. Hmmmm, my point was that "sometimes the best is not good enough". And if one want to be the #1 it makes no sense to look at the bad examples. It is like "Stop farting! ...........Huhhhh, but Harry does it tooo!" Rather look at DCS:BS if you want an example how good PR looks like IMHO. remark: I do NOT compare the games ArmA 2 & DCS:BS, just the way the dev behaving.
  20. S!fkaIaC

    AI is realistic. It does not see everything.

    :D :D :D Grandpa telling stories how I snipes out the eye of an fly over 100 miles?
  21. Placebo, maybe the effort made by BIS to solve the massive amount of bugs currently existing in ArmA 2 is not THAT poor as it looks from outside, but the communication BIS<->customer is poor IMHO. And then saying "if you do not like the meatless bone we let you, write a mail to your publisher" is not a way to improve this. Take me as an example for many others: I suffer from the "Receiving..." bug (I would be happy to have ONLY FPS issues), first Suma says it is solved with the updated 1.02 patch (which is not really true), then Maruk suggested in general it is rather a NVIDIA problem AND THAT'S IT. And you seriously wonder why people (paying your salary in the end) getting ballistic when you enjoy them with your (not funny) statements? And stop pointing to local publisher support, YOU KNOW that they are a dead end for most issues.
  22. S!fkaIaC

    Engagement range - 1800 m max ???

    I guess ACE mod members can answer this properly. They did a lot to tune that to realistic behavior. 1st AI way of VD and attack distance and lock/track distance handling is much different then your / human perception. As far as I remember you can make any AI attacking an 10km away target with a pistol if you want, even if the bullet will drop the earth before. Of course the AI VD treatment must enable the AI to spot and track the target before AI can attack. In WGL they managed to simulate a kind of "suppressing fire" by letting AI with 7.62 MG opening the fire on long distance and by attaching to the weapon an ammo type with huge bullet spread. Many people playing the first time WGL were moaning about this "unusual (for OFP)" behavior, but it was reflecting the RL in a nice way: attacking AI of one side was immediatly pinned down before they could come that close that they could use their assault rifles in a efficient way. While pinned down, the snipers had a good target and could do the rest :) All that happend in a distance of 500m+ from the first MG fire position. Also static AT weapons were tuned by WGL/ACE in a way that AI could use them at least in some situations as in RL. Of course those weapons HAD to be used at 1800+ if you want to avoid suizide missions.
  23. S!fkaIaC

    AI is realistic. It does not see everything.

    "realistically smart? - Simply WRONG. Under some conditions AI is reacting somehow "realistic", but in general not at all, because AI is not learning at all. You get them always with the same lame tactics. Just cannon fodder. AI contains plenty of bugs, design oddities making AI sometime God-like: http://dev-heaven.net/issues/show/2067 and sometimes idiot-like: http://dev-heaven.net/issues/show/1750 So be careful when you describe/rate BIS-AI routines, be very specific when describing the environment/setp before you come to a conclusion. And after the next patch, AI behavior will obviously change - fortunately
  24. OK, then send me your rig so that I can play, I will send you mine to fix it :cool: :D