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Everything posted by OChristie
Area 51 - Proof of Concept Map - V0.97 This map is a very basic throw together thathas taken me about 1day ish so forgive me if it is not amazing, This map is majourly an ALPHA so it is not gonig to be any where close to done yet.... Great detail still needing to be done to it! Anyways this is what I have got, Source Folder Included. Links FileFront Mirror ArmedAssault.info Mirror Armaholic Mirror Basic Contents --v0.97 -New Layer -More Buildings -More Roads -Realistic Clutter -Correct Desert Textures ******************************* --OLD <V0.97 -Full Working Runway -Basic Building Placement -General Enviroment -Roads -ACCURATE Sat Data Thanks for the mirrors guys
Creating a Custom Satellite Map, How is it done?
OChristie posted a topic in ARMA 2 & OA : TERRAIN - (Visitor)
Hello all, I am looking at creating a custom Satellite Map, Please, could someone with experience share there techniques, This topic could also be used as a reference for others. -
--=TERRAIN STARTER PACK=-- --=Blackknight63 Terrain Starter Pack=-- <span style='color:#00FF00'>Download Link for Blackknight63 Terrain Starter Kit: </span> FILE FRONT LINK ARMEDASSAULT.INFO MIRROR ARMAHOLIC MIRROR ePrison.de Mirror -=Update=- -New Data and Layers.cfg Link http://www.2shared.com/file/4089275/ae70a959/Archive.html Installation -Replace all of the files in the 'data' folder with all of the files in your current 'data' folder, and then also replace the 'layers.cfg' aswell!! {WARNING} You will have to rename all the names again to your current terrain name! ***After replacing your new files, delete the 'Layers' folder inside the 'data' folder, and then import your Satellite and Mask again!!*** <span style='color:#FF0040'>This pack was made to help people who have never made a map before, Make a Map! It includes 5 Terrain Templates (terrain.png's) 5 Sat_LCO's and 5 Masks! For the DEM/SRTM Data I used the USGS Seamless Server,Or I Made the Heightmap in GeoControl, I then imported the data into VTBuilder and used the area tool to export that to .bt format which I imported into L3DT and generated the Sat_LCO's! I have left the masks a standard colour to simulate the area of which they are based etc!</span> 1. Hilly Area - Grass 2. Mountain Range (Valley's) - Rock/Grass 3. Plateau's (Nevada) - Rock/Desert 4. Large Hills/Mountains - Rocky/Snow 5. Gradule Mountains/Hills - Rocky/Desert The Sat Maps are very basic but they give you an idea and a starting point to develop them further! --=Instructions=-- Tools Needed: Visitor 3 1st - Rename your this folder to the name of your terrain! 2nd - Edit all of the RVMAT Files in the "Data" Folder and the "layers.cfg" in the "Source" Folder so that "YOURTERRAINNAME" is replaced with the name of your terrain - I suggest Ultra-Edit! ------------------ 1. Place the desired "terrain.png" in the "terrain" folder in side of the "source" folder! 2. Place the "Sat_LCO.png" and the "Mask_LCO" in the "source" folder! 3. Open up Visitor 3 4. Create a New Project 5. Set the "Terrain grid size" to "2048 x 2048" 6. Set the "Terrain cell size (meters)" to "10.0" 7. Click "Calculator..." 8. In the "Image size (pixels)" Field type "2048" 9. Click "Apply Proposed" the "Close" 10. Click "OK" You will now see a blank blue background which is just waiting for you to start importing...hehe! Wait!.... 11. Click "Tools" at the top 12. Select "Project Parameters..." from the drop down list 13. In the "Texture layers" box click "Base (active)" 14. Click "Edit" 15. In the "Texture size" drop down menu slect "40.0x40.0m" 16. Click "OK" Now it says (Invalid)..... 17. Click "Calculator..." 18. Do (8.) and (9.) 19. Click "OK" Now lets set up where we want Visitor to look for our "Data" Folder! 20. Click "Tools" at the top 21. Select "Project Preferences..." from the drop down list 22. In the "Folder - Textures" textbox put in "YOURTERRAINNAME\data" 23. Click "OK" 24. Now "Save" the project into the "Source" folder - (MAKE SURE YOU PUT ".pew" AT THE END OF THE NAME - EXAMPLE "yourterrainname.pew") Right, now we can start to import all of the necersary data! 25. Click "Project" and then go to "Import Terrain from picture..." 26. Find your folder that is located in the "P:\" Drive then "YOURTERRAINNAME --> source --> terrain" and then select "terrain.pbl" - THEN SAVE YOUR PROJECT! The heightmap should have shown up in Visitor 3! Lets import the Sat_LCO and Mask_LCO 27. Click "Tools" at the top 28. Select "Import Satilite + Mask..." 29. Navigate to "layers.cfg" in the "source" folder 30. Select "Binary" and click "OK" 31 Selct the "Sat_LCO" and then select the "Mask_LCO" 32. Wait! 33. Open "Buldozer" by clicking the "Red Exclamation Mark" 34. Then, Without Closeing go to the Visitor 3 "Project Menu and select "Export World" 35. Save the .wrp file with the same name as your PBO, Make sure to save it in the PBO Folder, save it next to the "data" and "source" folders! 36. Now you can close "Buldozer" and "Visitor 3" - DO NOT FORGET TO SAVE IT!! 37. Open up the "config.cpp" and replace all of the "YOURTERRAINNAME" with the name of your PBO! and then you are ready to go, just PBO it and then go go go! You can experiment with different terrain sizes and other different maps etc! I have Included all of the L3DT Files so that you can edit it! Have Fun! <span style='color:#00FF00'>Download Link for Blackknight63 Terrain Starter Kit: </span> FILE FRONT LINK ARMEDASSAULT.INFO MIRROR ARMAHOLIC MIRROR ePrison.de Mirror -=Update=- -New Data and Layers.cfg Link http://www.2shared.com/file/4089275/ae70a959/Archive.html Installation -Replace all of the files in the 'data' folder with all of the files in your current 'data' folder, and then also replace the 'layers.cfg' aswell!! {WARNING} You will have to rename all the names again to your current terrain name! ***After replacing your new files, delete the 'Layers' folder inside the 'data' folder, and then import your Satellite and Mask again!!*** Cheers!!
VBS2/3 Discussion thread - the one and only
OChristie replied to Placebo's topic in ARMA 3 - GENERAL
And that is why I can really see the potential for VBS in every Defense Organisation around the world. -
VBS2/3 Discussion thread - the one and only
OChristie replied to Placebo's topic in ARMA 3 - GENERAL
I am THE BBE Simulation guy! As in its my business :) Thank you for your kind words! Im glad you like the terrain. It is a long video but the customer wanted a complete overview. -
VBS2/3 Discussion thread - the one and only
OChristie replied to Placebo's topic in ARMA 3 - GENERAL
VBS2/3 Discussion thread - the one and only
OChristie replied to Placebo's topic in ARMA 3 - GENERAL
Very true! -
32x32km Real Life Map Project: call for inspiration and aid
OChristie replied to ZeroG's topic in ARMA 3 - TERRAIN - (BUILDER)
Various problems with A3 terrain making
OChristie replied to egilsandfeld's topic in ARMA 3 - TERRAIN - (BUILDER)
Its really reassuring to also see a RL location not a fictional island! :D -
VBS2/3 Discussion thread - the one and only
OChristie replied to Placebo's topic in ARMA 3 - GENERAL
Happy New Year everyone! -
32x32km Real Life Map Project: call for inspiration and aid
OChristie replied to ZeroG's topic in ARMA 3 - TERRAIN - (BUILDER)
An island of the Hawaiian coast maybe a good one. Because this is for a game you need to think of playability and scenarios. -
Yes you can
Rules Clarification Please! - Are "Terrains" excluded from the contest?
OChristie replied to bushlurker's topic in Arma 3 - MAKE ARMA NOT WAR CONTEST - QUESTIONS & ANSWERS
If one was too release a terrain that was included in a 'Total Conversion' mod, lets say, for arguments sake, you made East Timor, followed by the TLDF (Timor-Leste Defence Force), their assets and vehicles etc etc, would that be an option? -
VBS2/3 Discussion thread - the one and only
OChristie replied to Placebo's topic in ARMA 3 - GENERAL
Im not arguing! Just saying its good! :D -
VBS2/3 Discussion thread - the one and only
OChristie replied to Placebo's topic in ARMA 3 - GENERAL
First off, ive owned VBS2 since its release and used it to its full potential. Edit: I never said it was better for gaming. Although there are elements within the VBS engine that, if applied in that environment, would be great! Yes I have actually, on many occasions, used it to run mission rehearsal and to simulate all levels of the Battle space. Training sections, platoons all the way up to company wide and even battle group level. It is used by all Tiers of the military for a good reason, its is applicable to many training needs. So not at all am I talking without experience. I have used it a lot and still do, right now. Its marketing talk because its true and it outlines the capabilities of the engine, which I am a massive fan off because I have seen its potential and its use in many different applications. :) -
VBS2/3 Discussion thread - the one and only
OChristie replied to Placebo's topic in ARMA 3 - GENERAL
It is bloody good though! A redesigned, cleaner, and simpler user interface Support for larger multi-map terrains (over 2000km by 2000km), including high-detail insets Improved network performance, allowing for increased number of clients and AI entities Improved procedural and multi-map terrain rendering Support for high-fidelity graphics Improved support for the maritime environment, including large and high-detail ships Improved physics via PhysX by Nvidia middleware Reworked animation system for increased realism Improved after-action review (AAR) capability, including AAR editing Robust and proven HLA and DIS interoperability Integrated digital chalkboard for military overlays in both 2D and 3D Not bad, eh? -
VBS2/3 Discussion thread - the one and only
OChristie replied to Placebo's topic in ARMA 3 - GENERAL
Come on DM!! I need a strand of high ground here! :( -
VBS2/3 Discussion thread - the one and only
OChristie replied to Placebo's topic in ARMA 3 - GENERAL
Im sticking by my guns, it is a great product, it may lack an online community but so what? Its a professional tool with many applications, coupled with the fact that technology wise its far more advanced than what you all have ;) -
32x32km Real Life Map Project: call for inspiration and aid
OChristie replied to ZeroG's topic in ARMA 3 - TERRAIN - (BUILDER)
Thats the one! :) I must confess I have created Wake Island before for VBS2 but im going to redo it now because its lovely! Edit: I miss making terrains for the ArmA community! I used to love the feedback. Not until the new tools come out! :D -
32x32km Real Life Map Project: call for inspiration and aid
OChristie replied to ZeroG's topic in ARMA 3 - TERRAIN - (BUILDER)
The best data would be a DTM (Digital Terrain Model) they are usually around 5 meter post spacing which means that every data point gathered is 5m apart, giving a very accurate representation of the land mass in question. With all data the newer the better depending on what the purpose of the project is. USGS is the United States Geographical Service or something similar they manage data for organisations and 3rd parties they also manage the National Map, which is really one of the best sources out there. Find it here: http://nationalmap.gov/ When it comes to the 'best data' you would be looking for the better quality. Example: Elevation of 5mps and Imagery of 0.25cm per pixel. From this source data, albeit massive and very resource heavy, would be ideal for any base project that requires a non-ai infantry presence. The reason I suggested a US territory is because 99.98% of the US is Digitally available and the usage restrictions are very sparse. -
VBS2/3 Discussion thread - the one and only
OChristie replied to Placebo's topic in ARMA 3 - GENERAL
Not necessarily my friend. Having owned VBS2 from its release I agree with him because I see the potential for a small community, the capability is there and server hosting is free under a certain license. If they were to do a different PE version with a better price tag, then more people would pick it up, even if it was only for V4. -
Soon. Be patient.
Question about Installing BIS Tools 2.5
OChristie replied to irishpride's topic in ARMA 3 - TERRAIN - (BUILDER)
Theoretically yes, as long as the drive letter for the portable drive remained the same, but the Virtual drive would need to be remapped every time you plugged it in. It isn't recommended to do that for data consistency reasons. -
32x32km Real Life Map Project: call for inspiration and aid
OChristie replied to ZeroG's topic in ARMA 3 - TERRAIN - (BUILDER)
A good shout will be an island because developing terrains with multi-purpose rolls is what it is all about. I would recommend the Pacific because of the data available for them. The closer to the US the better as they have Ultra High Resolution Datasets for the entirety of the continental US and its outlying islands. For example, a pacific Island is a good choice because the US NOAA has hydrographic 5m elevation data for most of the US territories in the pacific. That also means there will be some 0.25cm Imagery available most probably. Obviously from that you can trace your shapefiles etc! :) Edit: Hydrographic DEM means that there is elevation data for the sea bed, which comes in handy when you are making an Island with a pesky coast. -
Various problems with A3 terrain making
OChristie replied to egilsandfeld's topic in ARMA 3 - TERRAIN - (BUILDER)
I love seeing people picking up and getting violently infected with the terrain development bug! That is brilliant! If you need any advice feel free to ask and ill pitch in! But that is down to some values in your config either being overwritten or replaced. I cant find the values exactly but it basically dictates to the game at what point the density of trees and width of roads start to become visible. :)