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About Louden

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  1. Will this game be able to run at 2560 x 1600 res? I have a Dell 3007WFP 30" monitor. Will this require more GPU power?
  2. Does CTI count as PvP? Because I remember that being very popular on OFP, and obviously couldn't have been further away from arcade style fps? I'm new to this debate so forgive me. But I played OFP and skipped ARMA and now I want in again on ARMA 2. I'd be sad and confused if there were no CTI style matches going on in ARMA 2, of course making small little maps and CTF like Hexenkessel holds not alot of appeal to me, it's like using an F-22 to settle a bar dispute, but do people believe there wont be large scale PvP like CTI on arma 2? :confused:
  3. When I checked this site yesterday, it said TBA, that means this release date went up today!!!