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Saint Warrior

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Everything posted by Saint Warrior

  1. Hello, I have seen a hint that I can use SUVs as weapon crates in PMC and store there weapons found during a mission as far as I understand. As far as I figured out I have to drop the stock XM8 to collect the other weapon. So I have no XM8 available for the next mission. Can anybody explain me how to bring found weapons to SUVs saving stock XM8s at the same time? Thanks.
  2. There is always something wrong with your products I am paying my hard earned cash for. I just installed ArmA II from Sprocket and want to patch it. Your patch says me that installation is corrupted. I try the earlier 1.07 patch and again it says me that installation is corrupted. Your thread about combining Arma II and OA says to check the registry keys for ArmA II. Look is it so difficult to make an installer that creates those registry keys normally without any problems? You are very strict punishing people on the forums here but not strict at all to yourselves when it comes to quality of your products and services. Why should I install and reinstall your games multiple times just because your Sprocket installer makes CORRUPT installations?????!!!!!!!! P. S. And Combined Operations as you sell the bundle via Sprocket should be comfortable to combine during installation not requiring the customer to dance around his PC waiting for multiple reinstalls!!!!!
  3. Look assume I am the new customer who bought the Combined Ops for the first time. Do I have to search through these forums to install the simple patch? What if I am even not registered here? I mean each patch on updates page should have a clear description what it does and to what versions of the game it is applied. http://www.arma2.com/index.php?Itemid=20&option=com_rokdownloads&view=folder〈=en I don't see here any notice that this patch contains ArmA II 1.08 patch. A little below in ArmA II 1.08 section there is not a single word about that it is not necessary to install the patch if you have CO and patching it to 1.57. That result people bumping into errors and not understanding what to do. I mean there should be clear and easy to understand information on BIS updates page.
  4. Yeah I figured that out. But please tell me is there any notification stating that Arma II 1.08 patch is not necessary for the users who install OA 1.57 patch over their CO copy? Is it too difficult to inform people about this in Updates or News area of your website? Why users should bump into errors first? Regarding combining ArmA II and OA into CO there is an entire thread with high math teories little people will understand. Instead there could be just three lines: 1. Install Arma 2 first and run it. 2. Point your OA installation to ArmA II folder (yeah nothing is detected automatically as you say over the forums) and install it. 3. Tick "Create desktop shortcut" and you will get Combined Operations. Do I have to spend the whole night to figure that out? Or it is your as staff duty to explain those details in short and clear manner? Seriously BIS, you are making absolutely great games but you are quite deaf mute when it comes to explaining people how to use your products. Not all people are playing OFP/ArmA since 2001, not all people are addon-makers and other specialists there are usual customers also over there. Thanks for understanding.
  5. Saint Warrior

    ARMA 2, version 1.08 - Patch Released.

    Do you know that it's impossible to install this patch over Combined Operations installation????? It's reports that my "Arma 2 is corrupted or not installed". So what should I do in this case??? Install OA patch 1.57 only?
  6. I am saying what I am thinking. If I own Sprocket Combined Operations I don't have to get on my own nerves trying to install them as a bundle without success for the third time in a row - I won't say "Amazing, great. etc..." Installation process is just horrible. At least on Sprocket. I don't know what I have to do in order to get this "Combined Operations" shortcut on my desktop dance rumba around my PC during install perhaps????
  7. Saint Warrior

    FPS opinion

    Guys, is it just me or Operation Arrowhead is really much faster game than original Arma II in terms of FPS? I don't play original Arma II but I remember it to be very laggy while OA is giving me 35-80 FPS on all normal settings and 1680 x 1050 resolution with Vsycn disabled and standard 1600 meter visibility. I also noticed that OA does much better job in texture rendering. My system: AMD Phenom II X4 940 3.0 Ghz Black Edition 4 GB DDR2 800 Mhz XFX ATI Radeon HD 4870 X2 2GB GDDR5 2x256 Bit Catalyst 11.2 Windows XP 32 Bit
  8. Hello, I have got a strange problem here - the "Next target" designation function does not work when being mapped to any button of my Saitek ST290 Pro joystick. In the same time it works perfectly on a default "Tab" key of the keyboard. I am trying to assign this function in game controls. --------------------------------------------------------------- ArmA II Operation Arrowhead 1.57 with BAF 1.02 and PMC 1.01 Saitek ST290 Pro joystick with latest drivers --------------------------------------------------------------- Any help would be greatly appreciated. I just want to map this button for helicopter and aircraft controls.
  9. I have found that button. Everything is working fine. Many thanks. :)
  10. Do you mean "Lock or Zoom" and "Reveal target" keys? They don't work either. I mean they are not doing what the Tab key did since the times of the old Operation Flashpoint - they are not switching targets in helicopter or aircraft. One just zooms the HUD and other just does nothing. Is there any other key that can substitute the "Tab" button on the joystick and scroll the targets?
  11. Hello, I have bought ArmA II:Combined Operations as well as BAF and PMC add-ons from Sprocket. Each time I try to install the game I get separate Arma II and OA installations. I have tried installing Arma II first but with no success. Can somebody explain me how can I get Combined Operations installation via Sprocket? Thanks.
  12. Hello, Is it possible to pass BAF second mission without ENDMISSION cheat? It seems that this IED explodes as soon as any soldier hits the trigger. Is it possible to approach this IED in any way? Any tips would be appreciated.
  13. Saint Warrior

    British Troops DLC released & Official 1.01 Update

    I also had the aforementioned problems during installation and now found that my vanilla ArmA is still 1.05. Will patching it to 1.07 solve those OA and BAF .pbo bugs?
  14. Saint Warrior

    ArmA2:Oa Patch 1.54 released!

    Is it normal to ignore those errors during installation of the patch? Everything works fine as far as I see.
  15. Saint Warrior

    British Troops DLC released & Official 1.01 Update

    Got it working after the installation of 1.54 patch. Nice work BIS but am I missing Challenger 2 MBT or it was not supposed to be in the package? I get only Warrior under BAF armoured vehicles in the editor.
  16. Saint Warrior

    British Troops DLC released & Official 1.01 Update

    What's happening? I have downloaded and installed Sprocket BAF over Sprocket Arma 2 OA install and: 1. Get a notification that version 1.54 is needed for running addons. 2. Don't have any other campaign besides original AO campaign. 3. Don't have any BAF units in Mission Editor. I have tried switching to BAF through expansion menu and nothing helps. Please sort this situation out. In game interface is BAF though :(
  17. Hello everybody, I would like somebody (from BIS preferrably) to answer this question for me, as I am totally confused by the discussion in ATI cards thread. What is the proper way to control Anti Aliasing and Antisotrophing Filtering in ArmA II? Should I set them to "Application controlled" in GPU driver controls (Catalyst Control Center) and adjust the values (High-Very High ingame) or maybe I could move their sliders in CCC to appropriate corresponding values (High-8X), (Very High-16X) as well as setting those values along in video options? Thanks for clearing this situation out.
  18. I think this is one of the weak spots. New quad-cores all have 6MB level 2 caches. And their stock clocks are higher (3.0 Ghz and over). Your CPU reduces approximately 30 percent of your game performance and you will not get maximum out from any Crossfire cards using this CPU either. I think you have two options - to buy a powerful GPU which would not realize all it's potential or build up a new budget gaming system. New 4870X2 now can be purchased for something around 400 $. New Phenoms II X4 go around 300 $. Motherboards around 200 $.Basically, for 900$ you can build up a brand new quad-core/Crossfire system now. And Arma II does not use more then 1.6-1.7 gigs of RAM, so I think it is not worth investing.
  19. Well, my only suggestion would be to pair an either 4870 1GB, 4870 X2 2GB or 4890 1GB card with one of Phenom II X4 processors. Those CPUs are rather cheap, but in conjunction with 4800 series card you get what AMD calls a "Dragon gaming platform". They optimize Catalyst software for such hardware combinations. My system is: AMD Phenom II X4 3.0 Ghz 940 Black Edition Gigabyte Ultra Durable 3 MA-790GP Motherboard 4GB DDR2 800 Mhz XFX ATI Radeon 4870 X2 2GB GDDR5 2x256 Bit Seagate 1.5 TB HDD Cooler Master 850W (1000W Peak) PSU Pioneer BlueRay 2 moths ago I paid something about 2000 USD for the total set. It must be much cheaper now, as newer Phenom models came out. So, the basic advice for you would be to grab the fastest Phenom II X4 you can afford and pair it with the most powerful Radeon card you can afford. And you will have an AMD gaming system. I don't see any sense in purchasing latest ATI cards without the latest AMD processors. As for Crossfire cards, 4870X2 is dropping it's price much faster then lonely 4890 one. So, a Crossfire set of 4890s will be at least 40 percent more expensive then 4870X2. But 2GB of video memory is definately a worthy investment as it is a 2010-2011 gaming standard. If there is no AA and AF options inside those games you will not have any of these effects. In this case, you should force AA and AF manually in Catalyst and reset them back to "Application Controlled" when starting Arma II.
  20. Surprisingly, there is no visible FPS drop. Still the same average 25 FPS in campaign. Up to 45 in Mission Editor in Chernagorsk. I think those maxed settings make Crossfire spin the card all the way, that is why I have the same performance with or without working AA and AF. Does Catalyst 9.8 have any built-in ArmA II profile? No clear info on this matter in Google so far. :confused:
  21. OK, I will do the screenshot with "Application Controlled" CCC settings when I get back home from work. Last time I tried ticking those boxes in CCC gave me terribly spreaded horrible picture. :( Let's hope there were just the old drivers, which are latest 9.8 now... Update: Ok, that is what I get with AA and AF "Application Controlled" set in CCC and all settings in game maxed out (except view distance, which is 2580 metres). Is that the correct picture now?
  22. It is getting more and more like deaf's with mute one conversation. Where are those jaggies? Do I have to use a scientific microscope in order to see them? http://www.extremetech.com/article2/0,2845,2327874,00.asp You have to force AA in CCC and match it with game controls to push maximum performance out of your card.
  23. "Lots of jaggies" is a very brief description. Where are the jaggies exactly, point them to me please? M4A1 carbine surfaces are smooth, soldier clothes also. You persuade me to turn on "Application controlled" AA and AF, what I did multiple times and can say surely - picture is damn terrible, spreaded, not sharp at all. ArmA 2 cannot control AA and AF properly without the help of CCC. In my screenshot, there is a 8X AA and 16X AF in CCC, High AA and Very high AF in game settings. What are those sliders in Catalyst for then? AMD would leave just a tick box, if they are not completely necessary.
  24. Have a look at this screeshot. Does it look like the one with both AA and AF not working? As concerning HD 4870 X2 cards and other of this generation, their AA and AF values in CCC correspond to those supported by one or other games. For example, if game supports 8X AA (High) you can set this value in Catalyst and the corresponding one (High) in game. Thereafter, if game supports Very high value of AF, you can set one for 16X in CCC. By the way, it is easily seen when AF and AA are not working - you get very spreaded edges on every object, spreaded menu symbols etc. My point is to setup ArmA II the way it is actually supported by Catalyst software, because for this performance those graphics cards are optimized for.
  25. I did some play with FRAPS in the editor yesterday aiming to find out what gives major performance increases. Reducing Anti-Aliaizing and Antisotroping filtering in GPU controls does. For example, reducing AF and AA from 16X to 8X settings nearly doubles FPS in main menu (Aircraft Carrier) and allows to gain 41 FPS in maxed out (Very High, 2580 m view distance) in Editor in the center of Chernagorsk. However, it is very strange but campaign FPS still drops down to 20-25 FPS.