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Everything posted by lucifer(ados)

  1. lucifer(ados)


    test score 1 18.5239 2 16.8784 3 11.6226 4 13.2392 5 10.0559 TOTAL 1406 SPECS: AMD x2 3800+ 2.1 Ghz 4 Gb RAM DDR2 (800) nvidia Gforce 9600GT 512mb vista 64 The game do not run well in my pc just waiting for new patchs to see if the performance increases or i need to upgrade grafic card and processor.
  2. Maybe, but the problem is more complex, i put all on very high and the game runs on 20 fps, the i put it on very slow and runs on 20 fps too... its strange, and the game look pretty good but it´s not the 7th wonder. I think this game is so good in graphics, in IA, in simulation of sounds, lanscapes, environement... all you want yes its great. But for me it has to be optimised for a more stable framerate, to run at least at 25 fps in any case(normal spec pc). In my case arma 2 runs worst than arma 1 at the same configuration, its a fact. Runs 1/3 slowler than arma 1. The case is that its is probably because the IA drains so much CPU power and my cores are only at 2GHz. I noticed taht when the combat beggins the drop of frames are of -10fps or more. I will be waiting for a new patch to see if the performance increases making it playable. Regards from spain.:bounce3:
  3. My computer: AMD x2 3800+ 2ghz 4 GB ram DDR2 (800) nvidia 9600GT 512Mb The game in my opinion is a computer killer, I got -30 fps all time, when a combat begins it falls under 20. Settings all on normal, very low, except postprocesing that is in very high. DV 1200m 100% Bohemia has to increase the performance at any cost, its imposible that the game runs as bad as it does... I think is a problem of the game itself. I´ve seen some statistics of a intel I7 with a 285GTX runin only at 40 fps... So bad customization of the software is the problem with this game for me, not our pc´s. Or they (bohemia) think that we should play arma 2 with Deep blue, hall 9000 or some nice nasa computers?? And pay 50 € for the game plus 1000€ more to make a new computer to play 25-40 fps in medium settings??? :mad:
  4. lucifer(ados)

    ArmA Editing Guide - English Version

    Hi mr-murray i´ve been trying to comunicate with you by private methods, e-mail and PM, it would be great if you could tell me something about. I just want to know whats your opinion about the document i sed to you, to start working or to leave it. My mates ar asking me and i dont know what to say. my e-mail account is: [email protected] you can contact me here too: http://www.armados.info/ Thanks in advance see you soon!!!