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Everything posted by -martin-

  1. -martin-

    radio sounds

    I'm not sure what exactely you want to do but I assume that you want to add the radio voices from the Firework mission to your mission. To do this you have to: 1) Unpbo the Firework.pbo mission 2) Find the sounds you need in the "sound" folder 3) Copy them to the sound folder in your mission 4) Add the sounds to the mission "Description.ext" 5) Play the sounds using a trigger or script etc... in your mission :) Hope this helps
  2. hehe not a bad idea, ArmA 3 out now! :o)
  3. They are, that’s why Codemasters could only use the name for the game "Operation Flashpoint: Dragon Rising" but couldn’t use any bits of the old OFP. But I don’t think BIS would do it because then people would download Operation Flashpoint and they would look for Operation Flashpoint 2 rather then ArmA, and as a Czech man I will stand on the side of BIS because they are the ones that deserve the credit for the game and not Codemaster somewhere in America or England who have almost nothing to do with the game :)
  4. If BIS changes the name then Codemasters can't do anything I think, besides Codemsters didnt develop the game they just published it and are now taking credit from it -.-
  5. That would be cool as more people would start playing and get to know about BIS but then again lots of kids and fools would download it and start cheating and that could kill the game... But its up to BIS :)
  6. -martin-

    Red Dawn - OFP Mod

    Looks good, will it be using Nogova textures or some other ones? :)
  7. -martin-

    Red Dawn - OFP Mod

    Can we see the island aperance please? :o)
  8. -martin-

    RTM files - creating.

    Download .NET frame work from here: http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyID=0856EACB-4362-4B0D-8EDD-AAB15C5E04F5&displaylang=en
  9. Hi everyone, I'm trying to import a satellite+mask on to my island so I select the layers.cfg and the satellite.png and the mask.png, but then Vistor starts to Import the Satellite Data I get an error "Eorror Loading P:\", any way to solve this problem?
  10. BIS should learn from this, while they are trying to get the most fancy graphics in to their games that overheat your computer chips people just want good playability. But still I find OFP has the best graphics becaouse all the over done postprocessing especially in ArmA2 just makes the game look like a game while OFP looks more like you see the real world :) Is it legal or not? :confused:
  11. What is the point to port everything from ArmA to OFP is you can just play ArmA? :D
  12. -martin-

    How the hell do i download oxygen?

    Hi, Here are the download links for Oxygen and Oxygen Viewer from ofpr.info (took me like 2 minutes to find this :p) Oxygen Light ftp://ftp.ofpr.info/ofpd/breathe/o2light.zip Oxygen Viewer (Bulldozer) ftp://ftp.ofpr.info/ofpd/breathe/o2_viewer_upd.zip Here is the link to were I got these links from, make sure that the site is switched to the English language for the link to work correctly. http://ofp.gamepark.cz/index.php?showthis=1640
  13. This is how my mask looks: EDIT: I just found out that this problem occours if all the .png's in the Layers folder are not converted to .paa's Thanks to The__f for helping me solve this problem
  14. Hi, I've got my elevations, objects and everything ready, now I import my satelite_lco and mask_lco and all the textures show up in Bulldozer BUT they dont overlap smoothly like they do in other islands, I've tried everything and I still cant get it to work right now I'm just pissed off :mad: Bellow is a picture of what it looks like in my Bulldozer: And here is a picture of how it should look: Info about my island: Terrain Grid Size 512x512 Terrain Cell size 50x50 (I'm importing the island from ofp) Mask_lco = 12800x12800 pixels Satellite_lco = 12800x12800 pixels Does anyone know how to solve this problem?
  15. Hi, I'm trying to export an island in to arma, I read some tutorials but I cant understand them properly. At the moment I'm trying to export the Desert island from OFP to arma but every time I load it the game crashes (I use arma 1.05) Can someone please explain to me how to export an island from OFP to ArmA :rolleyes:
  16. -martin-

    Exporting OFP island to ArmA

    @KJU Well I tryed exporting the island with the program and it works good but still arma crashes when I try to load it, do you have any kind of IM so that we could talk quicker please? Becaouse I dont know how to explain eveyting on the forums.
  17. -martin-

    Exporting OFP island to ArmA

    Well when I select the island and it begins to load it just crashes to the desktop, I use windows vista so it just shows a window saying "This program has stopped working" and then gives me an option to close it. Maybe I'm doing something wrong in the config?
  18. -martin-

    Exporting OFP island to ArmA

    Many Tutorials, PCM tutorial, I even downloaded the SLX desert island but it crashes too. One of the tutorials I read, cant remember which one says that ArmA version 1.05 and higher can read OFP .wrp's wthout any modifications. Anyway I also have the CWC Everon in ArmA and it works perfectly fine with my verison 1,05 yet desert island crashes. I wa sowndering how they exported everon to ArmA so that I can do the same for my island when I finish the OFP version.
  19. -martin-

    New Taviana Screen Shots!

    Noup, I will finish the OFP version but so that more people can enjoy the island I also want to bring it in to ArmA and then ArmA2, also becaouse ArmA 2 is able to create that eastern block look and feel much better then ofp.
  20. -martin-

    New Taviana Screen Shots!

    Hi Guys (sry for the double post) I just got an idea to export Taviana island in to ArmA, I read on the PMC Tactical website that this is possible, but I've never done this and I dont really get the instructions on how to do it eather :crazy_o: Anyway, I would like to ask for your help to get this island in to arma if anyone knows how to do it. Please reply :rolleyes:
  21. -martin-

    M4's for weapon Individualism

    Looking good :) But the soldiers hands dont hold it rifle properly, dosent matter too much but would be good if you could fix it :)
  22. -martin-

    Roads not apearing on the map

    Oh it works :) Thx a lot guys :) But it only works when making the named properties in the older version of Oxygen (the one for OFP) if you use the new oxygen for ArmA even when you export the model to old .p3d it still dosent work :rolleyes:
  23. -martin-

    Roads not apearing on the map

    Ok, so I did as you said, I deleted the named properties and made them again and still nothing :( The model is just the retextured "sil25.p3d" from O.pbo, It has 3 LOD's: LOD Named Properties 0.500 Memory lb, le, pb, pe RoadWay silnice As for the texture program, it can't read binarized .p3d's :o Maybe somone could describe the process for creating a road please or I missed out some named selections?
  24. -martin-

    my campaign

    Hi, yes people still pay OFP :) It is up tp you to decide the addons that you like the most, you can find a lot of addons on this site: www.ofp.gamepark.cz
  25. -martin-

    Roads not apearing on the map

    Yes it is, I can make a proper road with it using the road tool just like with the BIS roads, but even if I add a road form another addon and dont define it in wrptool it still shows up on the map in OFP :o