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Everything posted by -martin-

  1. -martin-

    OFPR for download ;|

    Ask BIS for a new copy or use other methods to download it ;)
  2. I had the full version or Universal Sat Downloader but for some reason my IP is blocked on the google server and the rest of the servers like Yahoo and Microsoft don't provide enough zoom for use with the game :( I'll try that USDA Datagateway :)
  3. That Kolgujev looks too cool, it looks like it was made by a profesional dude from BIS :459:
  4. -martin-

    1930's Mafia (Mod concept)

    It would be cool if the mod had the pistol lean animations, I'm not sure if they work in MP even if the server and everyone has the mod installed :)
  5. -martin-

    Superb players

    I totaly agree, what is the point in this thred anyway? :391:
  6. -martin-


    Basically you can make a soldier carry a flag on his back if you do this: 1. Insert a soldier from the west side (it dosent matter if he is west or east but for now use a western soldier) that will be the player (you) and name him "s1" 2. Insert a flag pole, name it "flag1" and give it a texture e.g. "this setflagtexture "usa_Vlajka.pac" 3. Create a trigger that will be activated by the west and in the "on activation" box write: flag1 setflagowner s1 4. Now insert a car next to the solder and preview the mission, you will see that the soldier has the flag on his back and the flag pole dosent have a flag, now if you get in to the car the flag will be on a pole somewere on the car (note that some vehicles can't carry a flag) :)
  7. -martin-

    Ofp in notebook

    If you just answered his question why couldent you explain it to him personally and had to post his question of the forums from your account and then answer it again from your own account? :391: Your just like those other guys, GWA and the other one always posting topics that they played some mission in OFP and that they compleated it in 5 minutes. :j:
  8. -martin-

    1930's Mafia (Mod concept)

    Those crates look awsome, makes me want to drink some :D
  9. -martin-


    The flag texture can be in .paa or .pac format too ;-)
  10. -martin-

    1930's Mafia (Mod concept)

    Well if they haven't played OFP for 5 years they propably dont care anymore so I think they wouldent mind, I sure wouldent:) That addon is cool, you could make the gramophone disk spin :)
  11. -martin-

    New Taviana Screen Shots!

    Hey dudes, I'm still working on Taviana and here are the last screenshots that I will release before I release the Taviana BETA some time between the 1st and 10th of September 2009 First are the new rock textures that Marcomio made for the island, very big thanks to him and be sure to check out his work, retextured kolgujev, everon and malden :-) Taviana will have a fully realistic power grid with wires, wind turbines, transformer stations basically something that BIS should have done on Nogova a long time ago. This is my louzy attempt on creating a coal mine, it will look better once it's finished :rolleyes: And finally a shopping mall with fully accessible stores that are full of goods, this shopping center is based on a real one located in the town of Cesky Krumlov, Czech Rep. Tell me what you think -Martin
  12. -martin-

    1930's Mafia (Mod concept)

    I love the convict's, they are awsome for ww2 missions, mybe I'll make a mission where a convict has to get off the island or a MP mission like seriall killer where a convict starts killing people and the police have to catch him :) They will sure look great on my island were I'm making a big jail that is on a small island just on the coast of the main island. When are you planing to release this?:pet5:
  13. -martin-

    1930's Mafia (Mod concept)

    This mod is gonna be so cool I can't wait to give those guys Ak47's and make them Easern Europen. They also look cool as civilians or as goverment workers :blues: Make sure you finish this man :)
  14. -martin-

    1930's Mafia (Mod concept)

    The textures look great, I think they are more suitable then the original BIS police officers but the guys look like they just came out of a swiming pool :)
  15. -martin-

    Creating a Campaign?

    Here is the campaign maker program: http://www.ofpec.com/ed_depot/index.php?action=details&id=589 ;)
  16. -martin-

    1930's Mafia (Mod concept)

    Looks nice but I think even Mafia 1 had better graphics:D But it would sure be a cool mod, especially now OFP needs some new breth of life, I hope you will finish it :) BTW Popka, is there still a link to your vending machines addon somewre?
  17. -martin-

    Strange Temperature difference

    I also have a big temperature on my gpu and cpu, up to 60 celcius, something is wrong with this game for sure because this never happened to me when playing any other games.
  18. It dosen't look too bad, still needs some work :) I like the idea of the bridge going on top of the city, last time I saw something like that in real life was in Crikvenica, Croatia. EDIT: Here is a picture of the Crikvenica bridge http://mw2.google.com/mw-panoramio/photos/medium/584705.jpg
  19. Where are the pictures? :icon_wink:
  20. -martin-

    New Sci-Fi Mod

    That looks very cool :) keep it up
  21. -martin-

    New Taviana Screen Shots!

    Hey everyone, I just got back from holiday and I'm continuing to work on Taviana, just now I made some paper money bills for this island that I intend to use in commercials, in the OFP block that contains the mission briefing, in a separate money addon that can be used in missions and just images that can be used in missions that involve money e.g. Nogoville, Serial Killer etc... so that they can be displayed on screen etc... Bellow is a screenshot of the bills (Tavianian Crowns): I'm planning to make something similar for all the BIS island but I haven’t got much time now as I'm focusing on developing a realistic electrical grid on Taviana and also making some pretty big buildings for the island. I'll release some screen shots later and hopefully a working demo version around September but I can't say for sure that the demo version will be released around this time for sure at this stage, hopefully it will so wish me luck :bounce3:
  22. Ok heres the problem, I opened the default BIS road from Nogova located in "O.pbo" in ODOL Explorer and saved it to a folder. Then I opened it in Oxygen and changed the texture path to my own texture and saved it. In Wrptool I made a road using this new model and saved the island. BUT when I run the island I cant see the road on the map but I can see it on the island when I preview the mission and AI dosent follow the road. First I thought the road might need a config but when I opened other addons the roads have no config but they work. Any ideas guys? :(
  23. -martin-

    Is it possible to EDIT an Island?

    Make a folder called "OFP" in your C:\ drive then unpbo the O.pbo and Data3D files in OFP and your mod files and move their folders to the OFP folder on your C drive, then configure the paths correctly in WRPTool and it should work :)
  24. -martin-

    Is it possible to EDIT an Island?

    Mate it took me 6 months to learn map editing well and your getting pissed off after 3 hours :D But the tutorial does cover how to export pieces of the map ;-)
  25. And these Western Europeans were laughing at communism and now their trying to ban video games, ban sex while you’re at it as well and make a tax for berating air. Then they can give us special chips to see what we eat and where we go and say that it will protect us against terrorism that that government actually plans it self. :(