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Everything posted by -martin-

  1. Hi Guys, So I've reached the stage on my island were I need to focus on making my satellite map more better looking, because I'm making my island in stages for example I made a certain area like 3 villages and then fill the are up on the masks and import it and so on... I know that this isn't the best approach but it suits me the best, that's how I like to get it done. Anyway back to the topic. I would like some tips form you more experienced artists out there on creating a nice satellite map and I also have a little problem. 1) The problem The problem I have is that when I export the island in to an .EMF image at the same resolution as my masks which is 25600x25600 the .emf image has this blue kind of edge around it so when I place the image on top of the mask it doesn't fit exactly. I remember Bushlurker from the forums once told me how to calculate how much of the blue edge to cut off to make it fit but I deleted that message by accident so can someone explain again, possibly calculate it for me please? 2) Roads I noticed that on some island and the BIS island the roads are also drawn on the satellite map so that when you fly with an air plane to the point where the road segments disappear you could still see the roads, when I have the EMF and Mask aligned correctly it isn't such a problem to see where the roads are but is there any other more precise way to see for example turns or buildings like in the old WRPTool? 3) Finally any tips and tricks you might have learnt over time?
  2. Thank's for the help guys :smile: I finally got the emf to fit on my masks. As for the roads I copied them the the original Chernarus satellite map, it looks really nice nice now.
  3. Is it just me or are the forums getting slower every day? I remember last week the speed wasn't so great but it was OK it took me about 10 seconds to load the forums but over the last 3 days the forums have gotten so slow, I have to wait about 2 minutes for the page to load completely and sometimes it doest even load What's going on, is it just a lot of traffic because of the new ArmA 2 patch?
  4. -martin-

    BIS Forums Getting Slow?

    Its back to normal now :yay: thanks BIS!
  5. -martin-

    BIS Forums Getting Slow?

    We don't know the reason for the slowdown yet :biggrin: So far BIS has tried to calm us down by saying that they found the problem and will fix it in a "few" hours, so far 7 hours passed and nothing. I'm going to play OA now, I hope when I finish playing the campaign this will be posted :smile:
  6. -martin-

    BIS Forums Getting Slow?

    That's true, what was/is the problem? Anyway, good that I started this thread :laugh:
  7. -martin-

    BIS Forums Getting Slow?

    Its not Windows 7 that's causing this, its not like XP is the best operating system, at college we have a 10mb/s transfer speed, every page loads in an instant, you tube videos load in like 5 seconds completely but loading the BIS forums still takes around 30 seconds Its getting a bit boring now to read threads because I have to wait so long for it to load BIS should do something about this, they have enough money to be prepared for this even before the launch of the patch and OA... EDIT: I would understand if other companies don't really care about their forums but for BIS the forums are the main thing that sells their games and brings the community together which is almost as fun as playing the game it self. But then again lag has always been there with BIS :biggrin: I remember playing OFP when it came out @10 FPS, good old days :smile:
  8. -martin-

    BIS Forums Getting Slow?

    Or we are just getting used to it :biggrin:
  9. Damn guys it looks so much like the old OFP But if its possible Malden is a small island so you could use a much bigger satellite map to make it look even better. I could give you a hand with the satellite map if you want, maybe make a small piece for you so you can test it and judge by your selves, just send me a PM :smile: This is one of the mods that I'm waiting for the most, its kind of funny, in OFP tey are trying to make the game look like ArmA 2 and in ArmA 2 we are trying to make it look like OFP :biggrin:
  10. -martin-

    BIS Forums Getting Slow?

    It's getting a bit better now but yesterday it was unbearable especially around 23 my time :biggrin: I guess on mainland Europe its a bit faster but here in the UK it takes ages, anyway I'll go make a cup of tea now before I see that my post has been posted :cheers:
  11. -martin-

    BIS Forums Getting Slow?

    I hope it will resume to normal speed as soon as possible, first I thought someone is using my internet connection but when I loaded other websites they worked normally :laugh: BIS should really update its server or their internet speed, something is causing a bottleneck, I cant even download the patch my speed is around 10kb/s Yeah that's true, but BIS could have been a bit more prepared for this, 10kb/s is a bit too slow...
  12. -martin-

    cannt run on windows 7

    Try the windows XP compatibility, Right click Arma.exe > Properties > Compatibility > Windows XP (sp2)
  13. I don't know exactly what you mean but I assume you want to have black clouds to look like a storm and red clouds like morning/sunset. You can change the weather and time of the mission, if you make it very rainy the clouds will turn more black and if you make it early in the morning the clouds should be a little red.
  14. -martin-

    Save My Ax 0.9 released

    Oh damn :blush: I think I need to stop drinking that Russian vodka :laugh: well the saving when working thing inst a bad idea tough if think about it :smile: I guess if you want you could put that in there but the tool is already great as it is I wish more people would leave their thoughts about it too
  15. -martin-

    Save My Ax 0.9 released

    Visitor 3 backup works very well I'm very pleased with it, I think that there is not much that can be improved for this except you could add a feature which the user can turn on or off which would add a message box that asks "Your island will now be saved, do you want to continue or save later?" and then YES/NO buttons to save or to wait another X minutes before asking again (the user can set the X minutes to ask just like for the backup) because sometimes I edit terrain very much using Bulldozer so I don't save the island so if I f-it up I can close and open the .pew again, if the tool saved the island for me when the terrain is not how I want it it could damage the whole project :smile: Here is now the GUI could look: For Oxygen backup, there is not much to improve too but you could make it so the user can backup more projects like 3 or 4 simultaneously because it might become a pain to change the path to the project you are working on every time. Overall excellent tool, thanks for your hand work :cheers: I already know this will save my AX a lot of times in the future :laugh:
  16. -martin-

    how to binarize map ?

    It seems that the game can't find the models usually because of bad P:\ drive set-up. Did you extract all the correct .pbo's from the ArmA 2 Addons directory to the P:/CA Directory? For example: 1) navigate to X:/Program Files/..../ArmA 2/Addons (where "X" is the drive where the game is installed, usually C:\ and "..." is the path where the game is installed susually: C:\Program Files\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA 2\AddOns) 2) Find a .pbo called "buildings.pbo" and extract it using some tool like cpbo. 3) A folder called "buildings" will appear in the Addons folder, move the buildings folder to P:\CA Then do this for the rest of the folders. NOTE: When you extract a .pbo, inside each folder there is a file called "$PBOPREFIX$", if you open it with notepad it will tell you exactly where to put the folder in the P:\ drive. Hope this helps :smile: if it doesn't help just post here and we will get it to work in no time!
  17. -martin-

    Isla Duala

    For some reason it doesn't work, none of your islands work in my game :biggrin: I'll try once I get a new copy of ArmA 2
  18. -martin-

    Isla Duala

    Icebreakr, if its possible for the island to run on a lower game version could you change the required game version in the config to 1.0 please. I can't load the island because I don’t have the latest version and I don’t see a need to have the required game version so high if the island work on lover versions. Thanks I tried to unpbo the island my self and change the version but somehow it doesn’t load can't wait to buy a new arma 2 disk soon
  19. -martin-

    Epiphany moment

    Yeah it is, and the 0 on the number pad. To say the truth I prefer the old OFP controls more but I cant be bothered to change the controls in ArmA 2, there is so much of them lol :laugh:
  20. -martin-

    Save My Ax 0.9 released

    That's true :smile: the computer only does exactly what you tell it to do. Already today your tool saved me about 3 hours of work because I was placing lots of objects and forgot to save but your tool saved it for me. I don't know how I can thank you man, have a beer on me dude :cheers:
  21. -martin-

    Save My Ax 0.9 released

    That made me feel better Still tough I will sometimes make manual backups of the island for some time just to make sure everything work ok. I'm not saying the tool is bad because it's really good, I've been waiting for something like this since OFP and the interference is nice too but you can never be too careful especially with a file that takes so long to create, you never know what might happen, especially on Windows :smile: Don't worry and release it, its never bad to have a selection of more tools for the same job. Nice work guys!
  22. -martin-

    Road shadows

    Did you set up everything in O2? You must make sure that the whole road model has it properties set to "on surface" and that the correct named properties are present in the model, if there are bad named properties the engine will take the model as a different model instead of a road thus other models will not be able to cast their shadow on the road. Why don't you write the named properties that you are using in the model and the model properties? We would love to help but its just so hard trying to figure out what the problem is when there is not even a little clue to work with. Named properties for road are: Class: Road Map: Road or Map: Main Road Let us know how you get on :smile: EDIT: I know that this problem is not texture related but model related because I sometimes remove named properties from roads so that I can move them around with the mouse in Visitors Bulldozer, but their shadow disappears until I put the names properties back.
  23. -martin-

    Texture on wrong side

    By looking at the screen shot I see that your models faces have been reversed, to fix this select the whole model by pressing CTRL + A and then press the W button on your keyboard and preview in Bulldozer. Let us know how you get on, if it doesn't help I still have one trick up my sleeve But why are you making a stop sign, there is one in ArmA 1 sample models which is a MLOD so it can be edited and two in ArmA 2 which are not available in MLOD at the moment.
  24. -martin-

    The official football World Cup 2010 in SA thread

    Its not football any more, the players have so much money that they don't make an effort to even play, they don't care if they win the world cup or not they have so much money that it doesn't make a difference to them The South American teams are still quite good but the Europeans are just not bothered anymore... The Holland goal today was nice tough!
  25. -martin-

    Save My Ax 0.9 released

    Wwow dude! this is what I always wanted :notworthy: I just hope it doesn't delete or damage my original .pew file :laugh: you guys sure this wont happen? Anyway very nice tool, would be excellent if it could backup other files like .p3d and .paa for Oxygen 2 :smile: