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Everything posted by -martin-

  1. Well I'm glad that the files size is ok, to be honest I was a little bit worried about it. :o Well most of the stuff in the pack is quite low polly but so far I found use of the kiosk. But because right now I've been working on an urban environment I was just using my own models, although later when I get back to villages and the countryside I'm sure that I will find use for more of the stuff in the pack. Here is a screenie of the kiosk: Uploaded with ImageShack.us Ever thought about where all those tanks and vehicles that you blow up in your ArmA 2 missions go to when you finish playing? They go to this scrap yard on Taviana: Uploaded with ImageShack.us
  2. No idea, I never compressed it in 7zip. But in .rar format it has around 290MB. But I don't think that’s too much for a quality island like this, if people want features they can’t expect a 50MB file. Besides 300 Megs is nothing these days, I can download that in a few minutes. :smile: What do you think?
  3. Hmmm that's a hard question because it’s hard to choose from all the models. But I would say that the most detailed model at the moment has 12960 polygons (and 9302 vertices) in its first LOD. But since the model isn't finished yet I think I might have to split it up in to two models later.
  4. -martin-

    September 1939 Mod

    I saw the screenshots of this car on arma.at.ua, I have to say this: awsome model and texturing
  5. It doesn't take me very long to model the objects, the Kotva bar took me about 3 hours to get to how you see it in the screenshots and it will probably take another 4 hours to finish it with geometry and LODS. The main problem is finding the time. Well, I just hope that we don't accidentally go for a swim when the bar gets busy as Janitor90 said :biggrin:
  6. So hello again, I'm back with more screenshots: Over the course of my updates on this island I've shown you urban areas, country side, building interiors so I thought in this update I would take you guys to the water front. (Most of these screenshots are still W.I.P work and are not finished, I will post proper screenshots on the weekend because now I'm very busy with college work so I haven't made as much progress as I intended to, but hopefully on the weekend I will pass the 75% completed mile stone) Anyway... This is "Bar Kotva" - "Bar Anchor" which is on lake Umag (on Taviana). The building is based on this building sitting on one of the many beautiful lakes in Slovenija. A few romantic evening screenshots of the bar, (I'm goanna add lights to it as well). ---------- Post added at 02:06 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:04 AM ---------- And a couple of screenies from possibly the first ever multi story garage in ArmA 2. As always I'm looking forward to your thoughts and feedback!
  7. Hi guys, I got a quick but very serious question. Recently I had to re-install my operating system and all of my BIS tools. Everything works fine, but there is one problem: Problem: When I binairse my island and run it in game only my custom buildings appear on the map (Located in Taviana.pbo), all the other default ArmA 2 buildings, trees etc... from BIS do not show on the map as shaded rectangles, forest areas, bushes etc.... When I place my mouse pointer over the area where a BIS building stands I get a tool tip with the buildings name even though the shaded rectangle does not show the building on the map. When I preview the mission both my and BIS' buildings are there as they should be. I can also see these buildings in bulldozer and Visitor 3. Below is a screenshot of my problem: Additional Information: My BinPBO is set up like this: When I try to open the log file created by BinPBO I get an error that the file is too large for notepad. The file is 580MB o.O What can be causing this, something with BinPBO or the CA folder in my P:\ drive? :(
  8. -martin-

    Your thoughts on weed

    From personal experience: When I was younger and came to London I was introduced to weed by my friends, I occasionally smoked a spliff like most teens do but I never liked it. All it did was make me sleepy, paranoid and twitchy so I never got in to it and stopped shortly after I started. Over time I gradually saw how my friends smoked weed "unresponsibly" and slowly degraded to the point where all they did was smoke weed from the time they got out of bed and to the point where I could no longer have a normal conversation about anything unrelated to drugs with them, they began stealing to make money for drugs and so on... Those friends later moved on to harder drugs, one of them ended up in jail. I don't know what happened to the rest as I haven’t see them for years now and don't plan to ever again. So for me trying weed was an interesting experience but not something that I can recommend or something that I plan to experience again. I prefer my beer :cheers: My Opinion: I understand why some people want weed to be legalised because of the criminal side connected to it or because they smoke it responsibly etc... But like with alcohol the majority of people, especially kids abuse it and then move on to harder drugs and a range of new problems appear so the best thing to do in my opinion would be to keep weed illegal. But there is no use in just enforcing a ban on weed, the real thing which needs to be done is to educate people about it in such a way that they themselves will choose not to smoke it which will never happen in this society. Kind regards :smile:
  9. Hi BIS, I'd just like to ask a quick question. Will ArmA 3 still use the .wrp format for islands so that island from previous games such as ArmA 2 could still be imported? By the look of the new screenshots it seems to me that ArmA 3 is still using the .wrp format so I'm not too worried. Anyway, thanks for the new game, I'm looking forward to it
  10. -martin-

    ArmA 2 island compatibility?

    I'm certainly going to import my Taviana island and rest of my addons in to ArmA 3. Addons are easy to import, islands are also not that hard to import, if ArmA 3 still uses .wrp and Visitor .pew files then it’s a piece of cake. I think that it will still use these file formats because there is no real point in changing them for BIS, but I'd just like a developer to confirm it so we can be sure.
  11. Well I'll have a sniff around, look in some BIS models and hopefully I will be able to figure it out and write a short manual about it too. In Soviet Union blackboards write on themselves Nah I'm just kidding, I'll make the blackboards a bit smaller when I get to modelling again, right now I'm re-placing hundreds of trees to improve performance of the island. As for the big blocks, it’s no proportion issue, in my nursery we seriously had blocks that big, or maybe it just seemed like that to me back then, but anyway... at least the room doesn't seem empty with them. Hahaha P.s. More screenies comming in the next few days.
  12. I made that poster myself, we had one just like it in my nursery and I'm pretty sure it’s still there, but I'm too big to go there and check now Hmm I didn't notice this in OA, probably because I just played the campaign and nothing else. Could you make some screenies please? But anyway I think that this HDR effect might have something to do with the shadow LOD of the models or the engine itself. I haven’t made the paths LOD for any building yet, I'm planning to do this last because I haven't looked at it in enough detail yet. I would appreciate it if you could give me a link to some tutorial which would help me with this tough. :o
  13. Thanks for your offer, I really appreciate it and I won't miss this excellent opportunity. I will PM you later tonight when I get home. EDIT: Nah, only for photos :biggrin: If I had a clean table like that I wouldn't be able to find anything. o.O
  14. East of course, but I might also make them in the independent side too so mission makers wouldn't be locked down only to East. :smile:
  15. Actually the buildings only have 2 - 3 LODS at max, most of the far LODS are just plain textured boxes :biggrin: You see the more LODS you have the worst performance gets, because as you move around the computer has to keep loading hundreds of LODS, then your game starts to freeze and lag. But if you only have 1 detailed LOD and 1 or 2 very low detailed LODs your computer loads them all quickly and then its free to focus on the rest of the game. For all you unbelievers: In Chernogorsk I get freezes every couple of seconds and lag about 25fps on a 4 core CPU. On Taviana, in a city 5 times bigger than Chernogorsk I get 50fps and almost no freezes. Its “Tavianian†(Tavijanski Jazik), a new Slavic language that I invented myself :cool: by mixing Czech, Polish, Russian and Yugoslav (Yeah there is no langauge called Yugoslav, but you get the idea).
  16. Thanks for your comments guys Yep, but I won't have enough time to implement it in this BETA. I have to research how it works a bit and then start to implement it. I can't promise it but maybe in BETA 2 (coming out in the summer) it will be available. Right now I'm just trying to finish the South of the island and the capital city which has been torturing me for months so I can finally move to the country side again.
  17. The school gym. More screenshots comming soon, meanwhile, I'm looking forward to your comments! :smile: EDIT: This map does not have any land borders, its an island.
  18. Whats up guys, its time for the next Taviana update. One of the things that I've always missed in ArmA 2, and in fact most other FPS games are schools, so I decided to make one my self, after all, what is a country without schools? A nursery (kindergarten) with a teacher The level of detial. The school form outside.
  19. -martin-

    More races

    I'm sure that BIS doesn't dislike other races. The reason why there are more white soldiers then black and Asian soldiers is because the only army black and Asian soldiers can realistically be in, in the original ArmA 2 is the US army. I don't know how realistic seeing a Chedaki squad consisting of Asians and a Russian squad full of Africans would be, probably not too much. http://www.centrale3d.com/IMG/image/2009/Jeux/Arma_2___Razor_Team_by_thejohan.jpg Razor team seems pretty diverse to me :j:
  20. -martin-

    Socialism in Europe

    I believe in mermaids, dragons and magicians. A free market A free market is when labour, land, and capital are owned by private companies which compete with other companies giving the customer a vast choice of products at low prices. Sounds good so far on paper, now let's apply this to the real world which is run by human beings. The free market in real life Because the company supports itself from the profits that they made their number one goal is to make as much profit as they can. Hence, in order to make a lot of profit while producing lots of goods you need to cut down on quality and you need to cut down on employee wages and employee numbers thus flooding the market with cheap low quality products which break after a shot while and need to be replaced (this contributes to global warming more then you may think). This also lowers the social standard and quality of life for the employees which work in the company making them work for long hours and overloading them with work that should be done by more people but is instead done by less to save money. A socialist market In a socialist market companies are owned by the state, this means that they do not have to worry about profit, competition and everything else that they have to worry about in the "free market". In a socialist state everyone also has to be employed. This means: There are plenty of people working in the company, removing the need to overload a single person with work that should be done by three people, resulting in higher employee satisfaction and a greater social standard for everyone as a whole. Since the company does not have to worry about competition and flooding their market with goods there is no need to produce goods quickly and cut down on quality resulting in higher quality goods for everyone as a whole. Vast choice in a socialist market Who says that there cant/wasn't be choice in a socialist market? To being ask yourself this question, do you really need a vast choice of goods on the market? Do you really need 100 types of mobile phones, none of which really offer you everything that you want and the quality that you deserve but instead only copy each other? Or would you be more satisfied if there was a smaller choice to choose from but the products offered you the high quality that you deserve and all the functions that you want? I would personally be more satisfied if I come in to a shop and instead of finding 100 types of phones which I know don’t offer me everything that I want I would find 6 genuinely different phones which offer me the quality that I deserve for my money. A great example of this is Call of Duty, Operation Flashpoint: Dragon Rising, Medal of Honour and all the other similar titles, so I got choice, I got 20 cheaply made games to choose from that basically offer me the same thing, do I care that I have 20 games to choose from? NO! What do I do? I go and get myself a copy of ArmA 2 which offers me something genuinely different and the quality that I deserve. Do you see your employee as a slave that you can buy and own that you use the words "my personal employee"? In socialism "your" employee doesn't belong to "him", the employee belongs to himself. This means that: People like you cannot overload him People like you cannot enslave him People like you cannot rip him off People like you cannot bully him People like you cannot fire him when his last drop of sweat has been squeezed out and he can no longer work. If capitalism was so good, then communism would have never been thought of :smile:
  21. -martin-

    Socialism in Europe

    Your a angry man which has been persuaded to stand up for capitalism no matter what, because of people like you governments are able tog et away with the things that they do. I recommend that you educate your self before you post anymore hateful comments here. The purpose of this thread is to have an intelligent discussion with hopefully some kind of result not a flame war. I'll get back to this thread when I get home, its staring to look interesting. Actually there never was communism, only socialism and if you wanna compare this way then capitalism killed and missuses more people the Fashims and socialism combined. Communism is the first system which began to encourage multicultural unity and fairness for everyone.
  22. -martin-

    Socialism in Europe

    I agree with you, you took the words right out of my mouth. Socialism can't simply be installed, it needs to be specially tailored to the needs of the country and over time adjusted. Socialisms economy also needs to be re-designed if it is to meet to the new developments and standards that we have today in a way which will allow new development to prosper. I'm a big fan on science, new technology and stuff like that so I think that the most important thing that needs to be changed in socialism today is to allow anyone who has an idea or dream to be able to get the education that they need to fulfil this and then to get a job in which they could put this in to practise. I would also allow people (such as BIS for example) to be able to set up their own buerros with government funding to develop products which if successful would be able grow and progress (we saw something similar being implemented in the Soviet military which resulted in lots of new things that were never made before). If we removed the concurrence/greed and worrying about profits aspect out of scientific and technological development we would be left with a giant boom of new technology which would allow mankind to make faster progress then they are now together with being able to enjoy good social conditions for everyone making people richer materially and richer socially. The biggest mistake that socialists in the CSSR made is that they allowed prospectors in to the Communist Party who were not interested in the idea of communism but only their own benefits. They then only allowed their friends and family to get in to more educated jobs while pushing out everyone from poorer families thus reinstalling the capitalist way of thinking which is one of the factors that brought the CSSR down.
  23. -martin-

    Happy victory day! (9th of May)

    Hello everyone, I would like to wish a happy Victory Day (9th of May) to everyone who's family, friends and relatives fought in World War 2, their sacrifice and braveness will be forever remembered and celebrated troughout the generations to come. :smile:
  24. -martin-

    Happy victory day! (9th of May)

    Exactly, communism can only happen if there is socialism all over the world. The socialism created in the Eastern block was crap in a lot of ways because it was half fascism, closed borders, secret police up your ass if you said anything etc... It did not represent the true idea. But just because socialism failed in the Eastern bloc (mostly because of America and their Allies) doesn’t mean that its over for good. Mankind will evolve in to socialism at one point anyway. Working in socialist Czechoslovakia BUT working in Czechoslovakia in socialist times is something that you need to experience yourself to believe. I'm not saying that everyone was happy with their job, but 99% of people were satisfied. Let me explain: Plenty of work for everyone - Ever needed a job and just couldn't find one until you found a crappy job that you left anyway because your boss was an idiot? Sounds like the kind of situation most people get in to in London on a daily basis. In socialist times "looking for a job" was something unheard of, you just left your current job and after 2 days you were working in a new job. No boss up your ass - Because every company was state owned plenty of products where produced and managers did not have to worry about profits hence nobody got shouted at by their boss plus the job that 3 people did in socialist times is being done by 1 overloaded person in capitalist times. Let me put it this way. An average person made around the 2000CSK mark, since everyone had an apartment from the state nobody had to pay high rent, on an average living in an apartment cost you 200 - 400CSK at Maximum. Food and other consumable products where so cheap that there is no point in counting them, a bottle of Pilsner beer used to cost 2CSK for example.Today in capitalism A single man makes around 10 000 CZK at most doing the same job as in socialist times. He doesn’t own an apartment because it was privatised after the revolution so he has to pay rent which costs around 9 000CZK per month in my city. So the man has 1000CZK (just $58) left over which is enough to buy you basic food for 1 week, (I mean, 1000CZK is what I paid for ArmA 2). So in essence a couple (man + woman) struggle if they both put their salaries together and have to make off with buying the cheapest things and saving money were they can. And then the government wonders why nobody wants to have kids in Czech Republic these days... Maybe because most young people don't have enough money to buy them dippers if their parents didn't save up money in socialism. If everyone is working for a bureaucracy, nothing was being produced Wrong, in socialist times Czechoslovakia didn’t import as much as it does today because almost everything that we needed was manufactured at home, from food to everyday items, just look at the public transport of other Eastern European cities, most of their vehicles were manufactured in Czechoslovakia. Today if you go to the supermarket you will see that we have to import apples from Holland, eggs from Moldova and Potatoes from Belgium. :( Conclusion Socialism in Eastern Europe was crap in some ways but in provigin jobs, food and a place to live in, it was much better then what people live in now. I'm not trying to force the idea of Socialism on to anyone here or trying to say that its the best, I just want to open your eyes a little so you can be better informed about how it was, so you wouldn't believe everything that capitalists tell you and so that in the future we can make educated decisions based on what we have learned to create a better life for ourselves and out kids.
  25. -martin-

    Happy victory day! (9th of May)

    Well I don't want to start any political argument here but I'm sure that any intelligent person can see that the democracy installed by the USA and capitalism is an evil on the scale of the Third Reich. Its like a present nicely wrapped in fancy paper but when you open it its full of lies and bullshit. I'm not saying that the Soviet Union was the best place to live in but I can tell you that life in communism was much better for people as a whole then capitalism is. Supporters of democracy + capitalist 1. There is no such thing as democracy and there will never will be- Yes, its true, there is no such thing as democracy and there will never be because a system in which every everything has to be voted for wouldn't allow a society to function and would cause conflict due to the nature of human beings, therefore we have governments which make the decisions for us as a whole. The closest that we are to democracy is that we can vote from a number of political parties which ultimately have the same goal which is to pursue the their own goals and goals of their allies and to make themselves rich while pouring out propaganda about "capitalism" being the best system and every other system being "evil" while stripping poorer developing nations of all their natural resources for a cheap price which the nations cannot refuse as they desperately need money to keep their economies going and making sure that the poor nations always stay poor so that their resources can continue to be exploited for a small price. If there is true democracy how come- I live in the United Kingdom, recently the new coalition government has lifted the tuition fees cap on universities up to £9000 even though there were large protest from colleges and students, if we live in a true democracy why did the UKs government not see these protests as a vote from the public that it doesn’t not want the fee cap to be lifted to £9000 but instead sent police on to the streets to break up the protests while the government continued to pursue its own goal? Sound familiar? Sounds the same as something the Soviets would do... Libya Recently the UK has begun playing a major role in operations in Libya which cost an estimated £4 000 000 every day without holding a vote for the general public to decide if they want their country to be involved in this matter or not. On the other hand the UKs government had to raise the cap on university fees as it does not have enough money to fund them anymore yet they have £4 000 000 to spend on military operations in Libya every day. Why? Because of oil, once again the government is perusing its own goals. Sound familiar? Sounds exactly like something the Soviet Union would do to me. Religious persons You mean this? On the right, a religious person wrapped in gold preaching about the lord. One the left, kids in Africa that don't even have food, why doesn't the religious person use his gold to buy them food? This picture pretty much summed up capitalism, I think that no further comments are needed. Charities In the UK I pay 20% VAT, yet when I go to my local train station I see volunteers from charities asking me to donate money for homeless people, for blind children and so on... I wonder why I'm paying 20% VAT if my government isn't even able to provide people with basic needs such as a flat but relies on the good will of the public to donate money for this cause. In communism everyone had a job, a place to live in and food, and healthcare was free. If I were you I would remember these wise words "Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother's eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye? First take out the plank from your own eye so that you may see clearly to remove the speck from your brothers eye." Anyway back on topic.