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Everything posted by -martin-

  1. -martin-

    Real reasons for war in Lybia

    I'm not pointing fingers at anyone and I'm not defending regimes, in fact it’s the same thing that I'm trying to tell you, why are you pointing fingers at the imperfections of the Soviet Union when you your selves have had and still have imperfections in your system... Stop trying to be perfect when you know that you’re not, I openly admit that the Soviet Union had large violations of human rights, but I never saw anyone of you admit this about the West, instead all you do is judge. I don’t have anything to the West, I don’t hate the West and I don’t want to conquer the West as most of you probably think, all I want is for Westerners to lose their arrogance, that’s how simple it gets. You call kidnapping people, transporting them thousands of miles, enslaving them literally with chains, selling them and abusing them or forcing 12 year old kid to work in sub human conditions "a fractions of the of the Soviet Union’s"?... And you called me desperate. :smile:
  2. -martin-

    Economic Systems

    You mean the Turks who invaded Yugoslavia, forced their culture and religion on to the inhabitants while destroying ours and inserted bamboo sticks in to peoples anuses and left them to grow until their died? (This is a form of impalement) Sure I know them, and I'm quite glad that we got rid of them. If I understood you correctly, that your standing up for the Ottoman empire then I really doubt that you're from Eastern Europe, because there would be no way that you would stand up for this if you were, and if you are I really doubt that you’re a Slav, and if you are, you should be ashamed of yourself. What gives you the right to feel superior to said cultures or to judge other cultures? No man has this right because no man is perfect, including you. What gives you the right to loot countries? Bankers are thieves and I would send them all to the Gulag. Btw, How can you as a simple man loot countries, just because bankers do it doesn't mean you get any slice of the profit, you still pay taxes, you don't get invited to parties, you still work the same, I'm really interested in this point of view, maybe you can explain it in more detail? Ermmm and how is having my own flag and country exactly preventing me from travelling and respecting other cultures? And where exactly do you live that you feel that you have no country?
  3. -martin-

    Real reasons for war in Lybia

    Just gonna go off topic to reply to this: This doesn't mean much, besides 50% of it is not accurate. Besides I know that some people were sent to the Gulag unfairly but the rest of the people who were sent there, such as factory owners and all that rich scum (that tortured and ripped off people who worked their whole lives for nothing and then ended up sleeping on the street) I have no feelings for them, making them work is adequate punishment for their wrong doings, if they had no feeling why should we? Let them have a taste of their own poison. As for human rights: I have to agree that some human rights were violated such as freedom of travel and I'm not going to stand up for these violations in any way, but you also have to agree that some human rights were much better than in capitalist nations. What pisses me off about Westerners is that they keep on trying to show how perfect they are by saying today we have this and this la la la... (Why are you trying to be perfect, acknowledge your mistakes now and in history) maybe you really have some better rights today but then again Socialism might have had some better if it today too. But let’s take a little look at human rights in the history: Voting: Women, black men, native Americans and even the poor weren’t allowed to vote in the US and UK or had restrictions... One of the first things that Lenin’s revolution in 1917 did was to remove such restrictions on voting allowing anyone of any gender to vote. Gulag: What about capitalist sweatshops where young children were forced to work in inhumane conditions for unbearable hours with harsh treatment? What about Guantanamo bay where inmates were tortured and held for years without a trial? What about the Gaza strip? Racism: What about slavery and racial segregation which was abolished only in the mid 1960's... This comparison can go on forever, what I'm trying to say is that Westerners have no right to criticize any human rights when they themselves have severely violated them over them years themselves, stop being arrogant and trying to show yourselves as the saviours of the world, your history is just as dark as anyone else’s. If you wanna talk about this more, join us in this thread so we don't keep dragging this off topic.
  4. -martin-

    Real reasons for war in Lybia

    You guys keep saying that there were bad human rights in the Soviet Union, but you never give any examples, tell me how they were bad so we can compare to the West :)
  5. -martin-

    Economic Systems

    Hmm it’s difficult to answer these kinds of questions to foreigners but I’ll try. You see in socialism everyone had to be employed that means that the job which 1 person does today, back then 5 people did so there was no stress at work, no boss up your ass everyday like now, no overloading in work because nobody cared about profit, in fact the boss was your friend at work and because the job was split between 5 people rather than 1 there was really nothing else to do at work then watch TV because everyone did something to get the job done and then there was lots of free time. So I want your opinion: What’s better, to work for minimum wage like a donkey, come how tired, depressed, pissed off and miserable or to work for minimum wage and go to work to do your bit to get the job done, relax, have a chat with your friends and then go home and still be able to do your hobbies or spend some time with the family rather than coming home and falling in to bed with no energy? (it’s hard to believe but it really was like that) From a capitalist point of view, as a normal person who doesn’t own a factory or make anymore profit when the company makes more profit, doesn’t get invited to fancy parties for managers, why should you work like a donkey for minimum wage and care about how society advances or the company advances if you get absolutely nothing out of it except for a few pennies that they have to give you by law? The most important thing for you as an average person to do is make money to pay for what you need to pay for while using up as least of your energy or health as you can, and spend as much time doing what you like and spend as much time with your family as you can, not to work your ass off for a few pennies while the big boss hangs around in Florida and doesn’t give a toss about you. Since tuition fees for universities went up to £9000 per year the VAT also went up to 20% so we are charged more for education and pay more taxes. In socialism there were no drugs like there are now, and if there were drug addicts then there was only a tiny hand full of them in the whole country who didn’t get treatment from hospitals anyway because they would get arrested as a result, alcoholism yes, there was alcoholism but we also have to keep in mind that we don’t know what brought the person in to it, alcoholism is usually a result of a very rough and sad life so the least we can do as a society is to give a few pennies to those in need so they can have another chance, you never know, it might happen to you at some point in your life after all. Altough I agree that paying for people who just drink and take drugs because they like to is a waste of money and they shouldn't be able tor ecieve free care over and over again, but rather recieve it once or twice and if they don't fix up then make them pay for it. But let me ask you this: How about when a person has a car crash or some kind of accident but doesn’t have the money to pay for treatment which isn’t their fault at all, of what if someone has a tooth ache but doesn’t have money to go to a private dentist, or a man that has young kids but needs an operation to save his life which he can’t afford, is it fair to let people in need suffer and kids stay without a dad because society is so greedy that they overlook suffering in favour of a pew pennies which they end up wasting later on anyway? I think that giving tax money for free health care is one of the best causes that it can go to and I’m very proud that in the UK there is a national health service, no matter how crap is has become from years of neglect it still gives the people who are least in society a chance to relieve themselves from pain. I would argue more that Western economies prospered more than Eastern ones because of the financial injection that they received from America where as Eastern Bloc countries were left to fend on their own, pointlessly spending money which they didn’t have enough of after ww2 on the military, Cuba and Vietnam because of the stupid cold war arms race depriving the hard working people of the “luxuries†that people in the West had. I will always defend our Socialist revolution and its cause but I won’t defend the actions of party leaders and members after world war 2 who instead of attempting to show the world that we don’t want to repeat history reacted by adding more fuel to the arms race and erecting the iron curtain, I can guarantee that if the iron curtain wasn’t put in place and people could freely travel to the West, socialism would still be here and would prosper more than ever before, because people wouldn’t dream of a illusion of paradise in the West but they would see how it really is and appreciate what they have in socialism. With the erection of the iron curtain and all the money that went in to the arms race socialism was bound to self destruct because as they say “the forbidden apple tastes the best†but people never think of the consequences of the forbidden apple. Stalin was a disaster for us and for the world, as were most of the post ww2 leaders who did not serve the country but served only themselves and their friends and still do now, in the clothes of democrats. The leaders after ww2 were a disgrace and because of them the CIA was able to lie to us while they wasted money promoting socialism in other nations instead of worrying about our own problems. The real socialists were in Lenin’s time and died with him. This is not true, but I can’t blame you for getting it wrong because you’re not from Eastern Europe. It’s true that in recent history people in some parts of Eastern Europe were poor, for example Russia because of the capitalist Tsarist system which starved and tortured people to the point when they made a revolution to overthrow the Tsar which lead to Socialism. So you see, it’s capitalism that brought socialism in to Eastern Europe, and if capitalism didn’t work for us before it’s not going to work today and it’s not going to work tomorrow. Eastern Europeans are just different people with different beliefs and different social values so even if capitalism works for Americans because they have different values then us, it doesn’t mean that it’s going to work for us. Eastern Europe is one of the most developed areas on the planet, just like Western Europe and America, although now in decay thanks to years of abuse and neglect by a system of free enterprise and trade (i.e., capitalism). However that still doesn’t mean that housing can’t be built, with some financial help factories could be restarted, workers hired and everything that needs to be done would get done if people are in charge that actually want to get it done. As for developing nations with poverty and food shortages with proper financial help from developed countries like the West and former Eastern bock curtail things like water sterilisation plants and wells could be built. Some kind of very cheap housing from recycled containers or materials could be built and transported there for people to live in (it’s not the best but at least its better then a hut made form sticks) after that factories could be built there to continue mass producing this cheap housing and producing other things to fully electrify the country for example, schools could be built and soon you would have an emerging nation. (I’m not saying that this is the best solution, it’s just a rough example of my thoughts but if we were to look deeply in to it we could find a feasible and sustainable answer to most of these problems). Too bad this will never happen and nobody will provide such a giant amount of financial help, instead the money will be used on making bombs and guns I would do so much to improve the living standard in the world if I was to run it that you guys wouldn’t recognise it after a few years. Heh I wish I could, I go there every summer for holiday and it just keeps getting worse and worse, only a few thieves prosper while the majority just keep getting more miserable, food and energy prices sky rocket while wages stay frozen, as a matter of fact, this year prices in the Czech Republic have increased by 100% :butbut: Its imposable to live there while being able to afford a car or holiday like I can in the UK, only a few people who got property back after the revolution and sold it or made their own shops can live a bit better than the rest, but even so big supermarket chains force small shops to close while they stay empty themselves because nobody has the money to do shopping like they can here. You have to buy the cheapest food you can find to afford anything else. Just because the economy is growing doesn’t mean anything to anyone, now the government even wants to make people pay more for healthcare and even for dentists. Look at this CPI, look at the prices in socialist times and how they jumped after 1989, the CPI today is now probably 50x that of what it was in 1992 because back then even with the sharp rise food was still cheap, now food is a luxury: Year CPI 1980 2.9 1981 0.8 1982 5.1 1983 0.9 1984 0.5 1985 2.7 1986 0.5 1987 0.1 1988 0.2 1989 1.4 1990 10.0 1991 57.9 1992 11.0 You got money man, you prosper in America so why don’t you buy a ticket and fly down to Eastern Europe to check it out for yourself, you’re more than welcome, the iron wall doesn’t exist anymore, you can make a nice holiday for you self and see how reality is compared to the stats :smile:
  6. -martin-

    Economic Systems

    Can you show me even one letter that I ever wrote which says that I'm a communist, or caretaker of humanity (whatever that is)? I'm no communist, nor was I ever in the communist party nor was I ever in any political party. I'm a simple man who has been dragged through the troubles of life and because I'm not an idiot and I can see how much of these troubles could have been prevented, how many of these troubles were willingly and knowingly caused by human greed, lust, stupidly and arrogance and how much people who have done nothing wrong suffer as a result of this. But your right that I’m a humanist, any human being with a heart is a humanist. No matter how much you try to slam me down in to the ground with your arrogance I will never let that stop me from standing up for people who are in weak and in need, because everyone deserves the right to prosper and to be respected, not only a few people who have caused others to suffer in order to achieve this. First of all I’m a Slav and I’m quarter Czech, Polish, Ukrainian and Yugoslav so suggesting that I’m a nationalist as if I only love one nation above all other nations (I guess you mean the Czech Republic because I happened to be born there) just doesn’t make any sense to me what so ever, nor is it true in anyway way. And yes I do love Eastern Europe because that’s my country (notice I said that all of Eastern Europe is my county, not one nation), that’s the place I was born in and where my roots have been for generations, that’s where my friends are and no place is more dear to me then Eastern Europe. This doesn’t mean that I hate anyone who doesn’t live in Eastern Europe, because I’ve been living in various countries the West for a long time now and I’ve met people from different races, countries and I understood myself with them, I’ve been friends with them and never has it come to my mind that I’m somehow better than them. But guess what all the people that I’ve ever met told me? They told me that although they did find a slightly better life in the West they still miss their old countries where they have families and friends and that eventually they will go back there if they can. Do you actually think that someone wants to leave everything behind and emigrate? The answer to lowering racism and the worlds emigration problem is to develop every nation to the point where people who are native to it will be able to prosper there and not have to emigrate anywhere and be taken as “low-valued†people as you yourself said. How is this related to racism? Look at it this way: Asian people for example immigrate to the UK from Asia but are unable to find decent jobs because they don’t have qualification, this leads to them being classified as “low-value†resulting in them being underpaid meaning that they have to live in harsh conditions , white people see the way Asian people live and further more classify them as “low-value†so even if a Asian man who has been educate din the UK goes to look for a job he will be looked at as a person of “low-value†because that’s the opinion in white people’s minds (the early form of racism) which results in the Asian community thinking “Those whites won’t let us do anything they always put themselves above us to let’s do the same to them†resulting in the Asians isolating themselves from whites and discriminating whites and the whites reacting to this in the same way, then arguments break out and fighting (the final form of racism). If people didn’t have to emigrate but were allowed to prosper in their own countries this low value aspect would be gone, not as many people would emigrate and take up jobs in other countries and the world would be a happier place overall. But when millions of people flood your country naturally there will be resistance which ends up in racism because race is the first thing anyone uses to see that a person is foreign/different them himself. I agree with Topas said about this. Even suggesting that the Soviets should wipe out a people with so much history, culture, creativity and bonds as us, or any other nation in fact is an idea so immensely barbarian and sick that I’m ashamed that you used the term “our nationsâ€... You do have christian fundementalism in the US, this does not exist in the UK or Czech Republic. If you come to London I guarantee you that you will be more likely to find a person of darker skin then a native English person. But once again stats, if we add Eastern Europe to Western Europe then Europe as a whole is 95% white, including London... Utter nonsense.
  7. -martin-

    Economic Systems

    I will fully reply to your post later today Hans, I don't have enough time now. :) Well yeah... Europe is 90% white, guess why... because white people are native here, if you go to Africa you will find that most people are black while if you go to China you will find most people are Asian. What's your point? You think that the only way to show that you’re not racist is to fill the country up with people of other races and create such a mix that you don't know what country you're in? If you like that then that's fine, do it in America but don't force others to do it, and I don't say this because I'm racist or whatever you think, I say this because I'm not blind and I see how multiculturalism has failed in Europe, how the integration of travellers (gypsies) has failed in Czechoslovakia, how the unity of Muslims and Christians failed in Kosovo and Bosnia and Egypt, how much racism there is towards people in London. If people wanted to live together there wouldn't be any countries in the world. I however like to feel at home in my own country, not to go on the street and feel like I'm in Asia or Africa, not from a racist or nationalist point of view but because these people have completely different cultures that have nothing to do with my country and most of them don't even want to learn anything about my country, they simply don’t belong there. Multiculturalism creates so many problems, for example in London I worked in a supermarket, first the manager was proper British and white and there was a fair mix of employees, but then an Indian manager came and within months 90% of the workforce were Indian, there was just no way that you could get a job there if you weren’t Indian. I had a friend who wanted to work there but when a space became available within days a new Indian woman was working there. Multiculturalism is not the answer to anti racism, it just creates more racism. Not being racist means you don't care about a person’s colour or race, not that you fill your country up with all the nationalities of the world to show that you’re not racist.... completely ridicules.
  8. -martin-

    Economic Systems

    First of all I agree with everything that Vilas said, and I respect you for trying to understand our point of view unlike most Americans. I guess I have contradicted myself a bit but the point that I’m trying to make is that education was and still is (for now) free to anyone that wishes to use it, so even if a young person from a disadvantaged family has no money the door is open to him, unlike in the UK where he is presented with the price of £9000 per year or the option of taking out a loan which he will be paying back for 30 years. How will he even get married afterwards if he has no flat and a loan on his neck... Think about it, you pay tax but education is free. In the UK you pay tax and you pay for education, so let’s say I live in a socialist country and in my whole life (50 years) I paid £7000 of tax, let’s use it as an example. And my two sons successfully finished university. Now you live in the UK and you also pay £7000 of tax in your life time, but now you want to educate your two sons too, so you have to pay them each £35 000 for university plus those £7000 in tax money, meaning you pay £77000 for what I paid £7000. Your ripping yourself off and very badly. Why in the world not? :butbut: Isn't that a bit selfish, that only you can get educated because you were lucky enough to have the money while someone that’s been dreaming about it their whole life cant because he wasn't as lucky as you? I would gladly pay my tax money knowing that people can use it to go to the dentist or hospital and relive themselves from pain or that even the weakest and most venerable people in society are able to get a chance to get a better life. Well this can be explained by several factors 1) The reason why Poles and Czech emigrated to the UK originally when the EU opened is because back then the British Pound was the strongest currency in the world, I remember the exchange rate was £1 to 48 Czech Crowns, so when you made some money here you would have quite a bit to cash to buy a car or whatever you wanted in Poland or CZ. 2) The reason why Poles and Czech started to leave the UK is because soon after coming here they found out that they are unwanted, the level of racism against Eastern Europeans in those days was unbelievable and it still it, and ironically it comes from black people who aren’t native to the UK themselves. (No racism intended, just stating a fact). 3) The second reason why Poles and Czechs started to leave the UK is because they aren’t idiots, I know engineers that cleaned the streets because the UK wouldn’t accept their diplomas and they said to themselves “I’m working here as a cleaner, paying my whole wage for rent and what do I actually get out of this, I might as well go back home†4) The third reason why people are leaving the UK now is because of the fall of the British pound and the rising prices in Eastern Europe, so quite frankly it no longer makes any sense to work in the UK because it’s not worth it. 5) The fifth main reason why people are leaving is because they never intended to stay, as Vilas said, they got families, girlfriends, houses back at home, here they have absolutely nothing they just came here to make some cash to buy stuff at home. That is not an accurate figure because although 4.4% may be registered as unemployed people, another 4 – 6% of the population is claiming various medical benefits such as claiming to be mentally ill (this is very popular in CZ), because nobody wants to work their ass off basically for free, people rather pretend to be ill and stay at home, what’s the difference you get paid the same either way. But the point is that in a modern civilised society people shouldn’t worry about if they will be able to afford basic needs such as medical expenses, food and shelter, especially in this day and age when these things can be easily provided. It is a basic human right for every human being to be able to receive medical treatment for free, to have shelter where he can sleep, wash himself, cook his meal and be safe. What kind of a society lets its members sleep on the street like animals, especially in this day and age when shelter can be easily constructed. It is also a basic human right to be able to afford food without having to beg for it like somewhere in the 15th century. To have compassion, to care and administer to those who are weak or in need is a basic human property and duty which sets us apart from animals. If the government isn’t able to provide these basic things for its citizens and allows its citizens to start families and prosper in their own land then I don’t see a reason why we need a government. When I lived in Canada and America I felt very detached from the rest of the world, in that kind of environments it’s easy to give in to the media and the political agenda of the rich because they are basically your only source to the outside world where as in Europe you can just take your car and go to see other countries for yourself. I think that Americans are just used to doing things the way they’ve always been doing them and can’t imagine the country working in any other way, they somehow have a successful image of democracy embedded in to them even though they know they don’t live in one, and I also think that because America is so far from Europe and because it has never really been affected by wars like Europe has Americans have totally different opinions then Europeans and I think that because Americans live in their own kind of classes they don’t really come in to contact with poorer people where as Europe is an old continent, devastated by wars may times, witnessed death and suffering Europeans have different opinions based on what they experienced. Western Europeans have been spoiled by Americans after World War 2 but people in the Eastern Bloc weren’t spoilt and still understand the suffering they have been put through and are going trough now as a result of more broken promises by the West. People still understand that social values are the most important thing unlike their Western neighbours who have become materialists. Yeah, it is difficult and I appreciate your sympathy but my answer for this is the same as Vilas.
  9. -martin-


    I wish Red Orchesta: Heroes of Stalingrad would come out sooner :/
  10. -martin-

    Real reasons for war in Lybia

    Good idea, I just hope the moderators don't close it :) Join you there when I finish my work
  11. -martin-

    Real reasons for war in Lybia

    Who would punish them, their Western friends?
  12. -martin-

    Real reasons for war in Lybia

    Exactly, and this is exactly what will happen in Libya, those who are poor now will stay poor or they will get even poorer but only a few thieves on the top will have success and live the American dream. I don't trust Western media or governments anymore, too many broken promises and false hope... I’m not going to fall for this hype of false hope that the media is creating, NATO has done it before, USSR, Warsaw Pact, Yugoslavia, Bosnia and Kosovo... After a few years everyone will forget about Libya because NATO will be involved in another conflict and nothing will really change.
  13. -martin-

    Real reasons for war in Lybia

    Even now universities are free in the Czech Republic so don't say that they weren’t free before... And yes it does cost money, why the heck do you think we paid the state tax? You mean the success of 1 000 000 Polish and Czech immigrants (including me) that moved to London after the EU opened? Yeah I’m very pleased with leaving everything behind in my country and paying someone my whole wage for 2 rooms, I’m so happy that I’m jumping from joy every day, and all the Poles and Czech that came with me are also very happy. Why don't you move there and then tell me how satisfied you are with your relatively high salary of 300 Euros per month... Why do you think people run away by the thousands? In Socialist times unemployment was well below 7.1% in any country... So that's how I can say it was better and now it’s worse. Stop your capitalist propaganda man, why are you trying to argue with us, what the hell do you know more than us who lived there and seen it with our own eyes? The closest you ever got to socialism is when you Goggled for it on the internet. All you know are statistics, GDP and average salaries which are absolutely meaningless in reality to average people like you and me. I can count the salary of cleaners, managers and the president and say that on average people make £50 000 per month in Poland... absolutely ridiculous. Can I ask you a question, why do you Westerners bullshit so much about subjects that you have absolutely no clue about? Is it because you think you know everything, is it because you’re bored, is it because you want to look important or clever? I really don't understand :j: Maybe if you’re so good at explaining how life was for me in my own country you could explain this to me too?
  14. -martin-

    Brothers in Arms: Franchise Down

    No problem, I've never held any kind of hate towards Polish people because of it, infact most of my friends are Polish But Katyń just goes to show how politicians such as Stalin (who wasn’t even Russian) can turn people who are meant to be brothers against each other so quickly. All Slavs are of the same blood after all, which is another reason not to hold hate for each other because of what our ancestors did. As for BIA: Franchise Down I see that people are so disappointed with it that they don't even rant about it anymore. :butbut:
  15. -martin-

    Real reasons for war in Lybia

    I can't confirm or deny that because I never lived in Poland in Socialist times but one also has to keep in mind the difference between nations in the Warsaw pact and Soviet Union, for example take a look at Poland’s history and what happened to it during ww2 and then compare this to Czechoslovakia which was pretty much untouched by ww2 in terms of destruction, so naturally the countries affected the most by ww2 had more problems after ww2 then Czechoslovakia. As for Western countries affected by ww2, the story would have been a lot different if it wasn’t for Americas injection of money and the exploitation of cheap labour from poorer countries. I can however speak on Czechoslovakia’s behalf: poor home quality - Not true, the new block houses that were built after ww2 offered and still offer today a very good and decent standard of living which is un-comparable to the conditions of some council housing that most people in London live in today. The shortage economies of the Eastern bloc produced more homelessness and a significantly lower average standard of living than the economies in the West - Once again there were no homeless in Czechoslovakia, even the biggest most lazy alcoholic looser was given shleter or a flat and basic education, as for a low standart of living, well there wern't petty cheap things form China or fancy cars like there were in the West but there was pleanty of food and when I say plenty I mean pleanty. the average wait time for housing in Poland prior to 1989 was 20 years - In some cases true in Czechoslovakia because there was a large baby boom and couples with children were given priority over single men/women, but then again waiting for a council house in London isn’t that short too. Another factor that influenced this in the Czech part of Czechoslovakia is that gypsies from Slovakia were brought there to be “Integrated†and the Communists built brand new districts for them while putting Czechs in old housing or prolonging the waiting period for them, the gypsies of then devastated the districts and now most of them have been knocked down because the level of damage was irreparable. (No racism involved in this, just a stating a fact) Once such surviving district is Chanov which is going to be knocked down or has already been half knocked down if I'm not mistaken: http://blogs.valpo.edu/gjones/files/2009/03/chanov2.jpg http://www.websters-online-dictionary.org/images/wiki/wikipedia/en/thumb/e/eb/Chanov.jpg/260px-Chanov.jpg I wouldn't agree with this completely because after ww2 my city doubled in size, while new districts were built but there was a shortage of workers because so much had to be built fast and also not enough material could be produced for all these projects that fast. But that’s because the Communists wouldn’t import if from other countries to help so I won’t defend that part of it.
  16. -martin-

    Brothers in Arms: Franchise Down

    I couldn't agree with you more Topas
  17. -martin-

    Brothers in Arms: Franchise Down

    Shit happens, the Poles did some pretty nasty things too such as the Pawłokoma massacre, Polish occupation of Western Ukraine or operation Wisła in which my grandfather was shot in front of his grandchildren while his village was locked in to a church and burned alive but then again the Ukrainians are just as guilty of genocide against the Poles, probably even more. So there is no point in discussing this, nobody on this planet is innocent. But I think that taking video games that seriously is just wrong, it’s like if didn’t play ArmA 2 because in the campaign you play as an American. I don't see any point. In Operation Flashpoint I enjoyed playing as an American, Russian and resistance fighter equally. And thats also true :smile:
  18. -martin-

    Brothers in Arms: Franchise Down

    Well every country did a bit of good and bad, for example Russia liberated Poland but you can say that the Socialist system harmed it; that depends solely on everyone’s opinion just as you can say that democracy is harming it/improving it now while Poland also did some bad stuff like killing Ukrainians and so on... But still there is no reason to hate anyone for this, in my opinion these times are long gone and none of our generation’s business. Where as in gaming I don't hate the Nazis or Americans/Russians that I virtually shoot, I just see it as a game that lets me experience a bit of the past while entertaining me, so frankly I don't care which side I'm on, it’s just a game :smile: EDIT: Some people take video games way too seriously :butbut:
  19. -martin-

    Brothers in Arms: Franchise Down

    If the trailer wasn't so violent I would say that its aimed at 6 year old kids, it’s like a cartoon. :crazy: Besides where did they get a hot cow stamp thing they put on the guys forehead. Shame, BIA series is one of my favourite series of ww2 games
  20. -martin-

    Real reasons for war in Lybia

    NATO didn't invade Libya by land but they have certainly invaded them by air, I remember at the beginning of this conflict NATO said that they are only planning to impose a no-fly zone to make sure that Gadafi can't use his superior air power against the rebels, this also happened in Bosnia but it was fair to this point, and I agree that NATO had the right to impose the no fly zone to protect civilians from airstrikes if this was their genuine plan. But this soon changed in to the approval of bombing Gadafis army with airplanes. At this stage NATO had publicly shown that they are in full support of the rebels and their only aim at this point is not to discuss how to stop the violence but to overthrow Gadafii, at whatever cost. Now NATO extended its time in Libya because they underestimated Gadaffi and thought that he would get scared and step down. In my opinion Gadafii won't step down until they kill him or destroy his whole army which will be very hard to do with no ground troops. NATO just wants to divide Libya in to two parts which will be dependent on the West, NATO are the best at doing this, they divided Yugoslavia the Soviet Union, the Warsaw pact and now they are aiming to divide Libya, China and Iran. Prior to 1951, America, Italy, France, and Britain all had agreements amongst themselves to divide Libya into spheres of influence and stop Libya from becoming a united and independent country. Unsurprisingly these three countries are the ones that are playing the biggest roles in the war right now. This just shows that no matter what political party you vote for, they all have the same goal. You can't say "the Libyan people" as if Libya is one country now, it stands divided in to three parts now, pro Gadafii, pro NATO and the people who didn't ask for any trouble and are suffering as a result. So it depends on who’s side you stand, you can say that NATO is committing crimes against the people who back Gadaffi or that Gadafii is committing crimes by protecting himself and his people from NATO by killing rebels. This wasn't meant as some kind of bash post to you ProfTournesol, just wanted to get some ideas out here. Kind regards :smile: I have never ever ever ever seen anyone live in poverty in Czechoslovakia, there was so much food that you could eat form one end and and sh** from the other end at the same time. When I came to Canada we went to the downtown and as we walked through those streets filled with sky scrapers we saw beggars living in shelters made from cardboard boxes or sleeping on top subway vents from were warm air comes out and I thought "so this is what we wanted?" It was quite ironic and sad at the same time to see a 100 story glass bank and to see a person sleeping on the street beside it. But leave it Vilas, what does equality and social values say to Westerners? They even managed to sell people as slaves not that long ago and there wasn't even a national health service in the US a few years ago... No point to explain it to them, the only thing that will teach them is when it happens to them...
  21. -martin-


    I hope so, I would be very let down if they didn’t release it for the PC :k: But I think they won’t because on the Konami website it says that it will be released only for Xbox and PS3. Damn consoles. What :butbut: Nooooo!
  22. -martin-


    I can't wait for Silent Hill: Downpour, I love these kinds of games
  23. -martin-

    September 1939 Mod

    Yeah that's true, sometimes I expect too much from Blender. I can't say because I never used it, but from what I've seen it looks pretty nice and straight forward, I'll give it a shot when I got some time myself.
  24. -martin-

    September 1939 Mod

    Nice pictures Topas, the building looks very Eastern European. :) Regarding blender... It's a good application but not something I recommend for beginners because of the conversion you got to undertake to get the model in to ArmA 2, and I don’t like the Blender UI, 3DS is much better in my opinion regarding that. I would recommend o2 instead, although not nearly as sophisticated as Blender or 3DS (There is a P3D plug-in for 3DS max tough) it will help you understand the main concepts of 3D modelling (although you are probably familiar with that already) and you will be able to crate, texture and get a preview of what you’re doing in Bulldozer, so how your model shows in Bulldozer that’s how it will look in game, no converting and stuff needed. Then when you’re familiar with it you can move to more complex applications like 3DS. I use o2 for all of my ArmA buildings, I find it nice and simple, all the functions that I need are there, it gets the job done fast and the models are game ready straight out of the app. But if Abs makes that tutorial for you as he said you should give 3DS a shot first because it has a P3D plug-in and better UI, you can always go to o2 if you find it too hard. Good luck :) That's ok, me too :D I guess we will understand each other well then.
  25. -martin-

    Real reasons for war in Lybia

    That wasn’t aimed at you because you never said anything like that so please don't take it the wrong way. It was aimed at everyone who wants to prove me wrong. As for the factories they weren’t privately owned before, they were built by the state long after capitalism was gone. As for the homeless man, it’s just a reminder for those who keep saying that "capitalism works". Anyway I'm not going to post anymore about Eastern Europe, I siad everything I had to say about it :smile: EDIT: On Lybia, how long do you guys think is left to the end of this conflict and how will it end, will Gadafii stay or will NATO "win"? I think that if NATO fails to bring Gadafii down they will resort to arming the rebels which will probably bring them some nice benefits which is why the UK was in such a hurry to propose this.